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Y/n went back to her hometown to visit her family for a few weeks. She wanted her girlfriend Demi to come with her but she was too busy with work.

It has been over a week since y/n left and Demi has already been missing her. For the pass days y/n has been catching up with her parents and telling them stories about her life back in the city.

Both of y/n parents are at work at the moment and her brother is at school so she has been going through her childhood stuff in her rooms reminising at the memories.

Ring ring ring

"Hello y/l/n residents, y/n speaking"

"Aww honey that is so adorable" Demi cooed through the phone

"Its called manners dems" y/n smiled "So anyways...I miss you so much and why did you call my home phone"

"I miss you too babe and its cuz you werent picking up your cell"

"I wish you were here, I miss seeing you, hugging you, kissing you-"

"Fucking you," Demi spoke for her "I know babe, I know" she said cockily

"Oh my gosh" y/n said surprise of what her girlfriend said

"So I have no work related stuff going on for the next 7 days," Demi said making y/n jump up from her bed.

"Maybe you can stay with me and my folks, they will be more than happy to finally meet you"

"I was hoping you would say that since I'm boarding my flight now" she said excitedly

Demi arrived later that evening with her suitcase wearing her leggings and cropped hoodie.

Dingdong dingdong

Y/n's brother answered the door

"Hi, I'm Demi" She introduced herself

"I-I'm Greg," He introduced himself "Damn you are smoking h-- Ouch!" He rubbed the back of his head in pain after y/n smacked him

"Hey dems you made it" She kissed her and welcomed her inside. "Mom, Dad this is Demi my girlfriend"

"Nice to meet you Demi" y/n's dad said friendly giving her a hand shake

"Hi, nice to finally meet you hun" y/n mom hugged her "I've seen pictures of you and y/n but you are even more prettier in real life"

"Aww thats so sweet" Demi smiled and giggled.

"You should get some rest and dinner will be ready at 6" y/n mom suggested

"Ok thank you mrs. Y/l/n"

Y/n helped demi carry her bags up to her childhood room.

"So what do you think?" Y/n smiled gesturing around her room "look dems these are some of the books I've enjoyed when I was back in high scho--"

Demi cut her off by kissing her on the mouth starting a full on makout session. She led y/n to the bed straddling her without breaking the kiss. Demi started reaching for y/n waisteband but before it went any further y/n pulled away making demi whine

"Baby, not right now, my parents are downstairs and my brother is right across the hall"

"Ughhh fine" demi surrendered wrapping her arms around y/n giving her a bear hug.

Demi got up from the bed and looked around the room. "Woah are these all your medals?" She said holding one of them to get a closing look.

"Yes they are" y/n stated proudly "Most of them are track and soccer"

"Damn babe, I didnt know you were this athletic" she commented

"No I was a full on nerd too" Demi grinned at y/n comment

"Anyways...did you miss me?"

"No" y/n deadpanned

Demi gasped faking to be shock "well I'm just gonna go and leave then now"

"I'm just kidding" y/n hugged demi and picked her up and gave her a quick peck.

They were both sat in the livingroom, cuddled up beneath the blankets watching some crime show.

"What are you guy's watching?" Greg walked in sitting on the other couch.

"We are watching the ID channel" Demi responded, like who doesn't watch this channel

"Oh cool, but the playoffs for the stanley cup is on....so....I'm just gonna switch the channel" He took the remote switching to espn making y/n groan of annoyance

"Greg! We were watching"

"Now I'm watching" Both of them began to bicker and Demi just watch them saying the most ridicolous things to each other which was quite hilarious.

"Baby it's ok lets watch hockey" she said looking at the tv

"You don't even like hockey" she defended

"It's fine" she reassured while Greg just snickered making y/n glare at him

"Demi do you even know who's playing right now?" Y/n looks at demi

"Yess...yellow vs green" she tries but it just made both y/n and greg laugh

Y/n explains to her "no babe its the pittsburg vs dallas"

"Yay! Go Dallas!!" Demi cheered but she was the only one which made her look at both y/n and Greg "whats the problem with Dallas?"

"Nothing its...just...we are more of a pittsburg family" y/n explained

"Well I dont care! Go Texas!" She stood up cheering looking all cute and pretty

"I have a question, why are you dating my sister?" Greg asked "I mean like you are way out of her leaugue, you are up here while she is like down here" He said making his sister gasped

"Well, Greg I don't know either" Demi said candidly

"Demi" y/n said gasping even more making both Greg and Demi laugh at y/n

"I'm just joking" Demi pinched y/n's cheeks

"Demi, I like you" Greg complimented "you are way better than y/n's other girlfriends"

"Aww" Demi cooed

"Thanks bud, she is the best"

"Ok dont get all too sappy, anyways, demi do you have any friends that I can get with" y/n just threw a pillow at him

"Whatever, I'm gonna go see what mom is cooking"

"Hey Greg" Demi yelled "we'll talk later" demi said and greg smiled wildy and gave her a thumbs up before he left

"Y/n I love your family, we should visit here more often."

"I know I cant believe we didnt do this sooner"

They both continued to watch the game, all buddled up with blankegs and enjoying their time at y/n's hometown.

A/n Wow its been a while sorry about that. School is just insane at the moment. Well...anyways hopefully this was good kind of rushed it tho

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