PR Stunt Part 3

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Demi pov

It has been a month and y/n and I had gotten closer AND there is more kissing, cuddling, hand holding and definetly flirting. It started to feel so natural that I sometimes forget it is a stunt.

We are currently at my apartment in L.A. "Y/n, what do you think looks better? Red? or black?" I said holding out the dresses for her too see. I was picking out and outfit for an event.

She looked up from her phone and smiled " bout in nothing" she winks

"Nooo" I whine "seriously red or black?"

"The black one, I think you'll look hot" she said. I turned around to look at the mirror and from the reflection I could see she was checking out my ass. I was wearing really short shorts and a t shirt.

"Hey eyes up babe" I looked at her through the mirror.

Y/n smirked then got up from the couch and wraps both her arms around my waist. "I can't help myself"

I turned around facing her "I can't blame you, like look at me" I said making her playfully roll her eyes. We both began to lean in for a kiss.

"AHEM!" Shawn interrupted from the couch. Yes shawn came to L.A. with us. He said he need his best friend at all times. "Don't forget about me. I'm still here guys" he smiled at us and waved like a child. Making us both laugh

Ring ring ring

"I got to take this" I said to y/n giving her a quick peck on the lips. I left the room to answer the call. It really feels like we are dating.

Y/n pov

"L.A. is different from Toronto eh?" shawn said.

"I know I can't find any Timmies around" I replied as I sat back down and he nodded in agreement.

"New topic! When are you going to tell her how you really feel" Shawn asked. Yup he knows it is a stunt.

I told him after explaining that I'm really falling for Demi. He joked being hurt that I lied to him and he dramatically stated canadians shouldn't lie to other canadians which just made me burst out in laughter.

"I don't know, soon hopefully" I replied unsurely.

"Y/n I could tell she likes you, no one can fake those types of things like the kissing and the flirting, it is so obvious she has feelimg for you too"

"Maybe she is just a really good actor on and off set"

"Well you never know unless you try right?" Shawn reasoned.

He does have a point. I'm going to tell her maybe tonight.

"Hey, guys I'm just going to head out for a bit" Demi was already changed into some normal clothes and she was just getting her bag.

"Do you want me to come with you babe?" I asked looking at her

"No I'll be fine" Demi said. She was about to leave. "Oh! I forgot something."

"What is it?"

She came towards me on the couch cupping my face "This" she said and kissed me on the lips. We pulled apart and we were botb smiling. Woah! I want her so bad, why can't this be real.

"I'll be back soon, bye"

"Bye" she then left leaving me and shawn.

Shawn is giving me a goofy look on his face. "See, you can't fake that much passion, you need to tell her"

"Flowers, check! Chocolates, check! Dinner, check!" I listed. "Ok everything is all set shawn."

"Ok good luck, I hope it goes well," he said "if you need anything I will be in the living room while you two will eat at the table" He pulled me into excited. Wow Shawn may be our number 1 shipper.

Then Shawn heard the door being unlock so he went to open to it while I stayed in the kitchen making sure everything is in place. I had candles all lit and everything. This is the night.

"Shawn where is y/n" I heard demi from the livingroom.

"I will get her stay here" Shawn responded but he sounded so weird.

He came in the kitchen "y/n I got to tell you someth-"

"Not now shawn I wanna see her" I cut him off making my way to see demi

"Wait!" He whispered yelled but I ignored him and walked to the livingroom "Hi demi" I said smiling at her but it soon faltered when she was holding hands with a guy. Which I recognize as her ex. Wilmer.

"Hi y/n" she gives me a hug "this is Wilmer"

"Hi" Wilmer introduces himeself giving me a handshake.

"Nice to meet you" I said. "Why don't you a movie and I'll get dinner ready for us" I tried my best keeping a smile on my face.

I walked over to the kitchen and began cleaning everything up. I was blowing out the candles, picking up the rose petals scattered on the table and I put the chocolates back in the bag.

Shawn came in the kitchen "Hey are you okay"

"I don't want to talk about it right now" I said as I prepared the plates while shawn help slice the lasagna and put salad on the side. He just gave me a sad smile.

For the rest of the night, Demi and wilmer were together and having their own conversations the whole time. Shawn tried to engage to have a whole group conversation so I wont feel excluded but it just didn't work. I apreciated his effort though.

Demi got up to use the washroom while Shawn refilled everyone's drink leaving me and Wilmer alone in the livingroom.

"So wilmer, I am a huge fan of the 70s show" I tried to be friendly and start a conversation. "It's so good, my favourite episode was when jackie and-"

"Cut the crap, y/n" he said harshly which took me by surprise. "I knew it from the beginning that you and demi's relationship was fake. I'm here to get her back and I practically already have." He evily smirked. "After I called her earlier she didn't hesistate to visit me"

"Hey what are you guys talking about?" Demi entered the room sitting beside this time.

"Just sports, right y/n?" He said and I nodded in agreement. Leaving me speechless.

Wilmer has gone home but before he left he had to give Demi a kiss on the cheek. She looked at him smiling the entire time.

Demi is taking a shower right now while me and shawn are out in the terrace sharing a drink.

"I can't believe this happened!" I said "Tonight was suppose to be the night, Shawn, and then wilmer shows up and ruined everything." I exclaimed "Demi doesn't feel the same does she" I looked at Shawn

He gave me a sympathetic smile "You know what y/n, we don't need to be in a relationship" Shawn turned to me. "Just you and me, best friends for life" he cheered clinking our bottles of beer together making both of us laugh.

"Yup best friends for life" I smiled and we both took a drink.

Shawn is so amazing, he does anything to make me happy and I really do appreciate it. But my heart is still aching after seeing Demi and Wilmer being all close together. She doesn't want me, she wants him. I bet Demi is still in love with him, but the problem is that I'm in love with her.

A/n Wow!!! 3k!! That awesome thanks guys. Also part 3, how is it? Good or bad? Excited for part 4?? Anyways hope you guys enjoy😊

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