PR Stunt Part 2

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Demi Pov

It has been a week since I have met y/n and it has been great. We are becoming such good friends. We had gotten closer throughout the week and I think I might be fallin for her despite that its just for publicity.

"So are you a pancake or waffle person?" She asked out of nowhere

"I like pancakes better"

"Really? I like waffles cuz their more crunchier" she giggled "And they are esier to make" which made me laugh

"Ok heres one, pickles or cucumbers"

"Cucumbers" she answered which made me gasped "what? I dont really like pickles" she confessed

"I dont think this relationship is gonna work" I joked

"We'll make it work honey" y/n played along. Making us both laugh

"Y/n" I said softly


"I just need to say that I've known you for only a week and you have made me so happy that I almost forgot about my ex"

"Aww dems thats so sweet, Im glad to hear that. I love having you around and also forget about your ex its his lost"

Lastnight I slept over her apartment so we can have time just the two of us. We would continue to talk about serious things and also the most weirdest things. She is insanely funny and cute like damn. Im surprise she is not taken.

We slept on the same bed and right now she looks so peaceful sleeping. Y/n has her arm draped over my stomache while my arm was wrapped around underneath her shoulder.

I don't know how we got in this position it was just all an instinct I guess. It wasn't awkward at all it was very comforting. She offered me to have the bed all to myself while she slept on the couch but I insisted for her to just sleep next to me.

I heard the main door open. "Hey Y/n!! Are you up?" I heard a dude's voice and footsteps walking around the livingroom. Who could that be? hopefully not a secret boyfriend.

The guy knocked on the bedroom door so I sat up and made the bed move which woke her up "Good morning Demi" she smiled rubbing her eyes.

Then the guy burst in to the room "Y/n wake up its time to hit the gym!!" He yelled excitedly which scared both her and I

"Shawn get out!!" Y/n yelled throwing a pillow at him

His eyes widen when he saw me "Oh sorry I didn't know you" He apologized and instantly ran out of the room

"Demi are you okay? Sorry about him"

"Yes Im good I just thought some stranger broke into your apartment." I laughed

"No its just my neighbour Shawn"

"Oh I didn't know Shawn Mendes lives right next door, that must be awesome."

"Ya I guess, but sometimes he needs to cool it with the gym buddy commitment."

She got out of bed and stretched out her arms then she got her gym bag and began to get ready while I just sat there mesmerized by her.

Shawn knockd then peaked his head inside like a child "hey I just wanted to say Im really sorry about that Demi, I had no idea that y-"

"Its okay shawn" I accepted his apology.

"Ok Demi I'm gonna go to the gym now just call me when you need anything" she smiled and waved goodbye

Y/n pov

"So you and demi huh?" Shawn smirked while lifting weights

"Yes, she is very sweet"

"Really? Sweet? Thats all you have to say to your best friend?" He said pretended to be hurt

"Ok fine she... is... so funny, adorable, talented and so pretty" I listed all blushed reminding me of her. "And she says I take her mind off of her ex"

"Wow! Sounds great y/n" shawn replied
"Do you know who her ex is?"

"No" I said making him pull out his phone and showing me a picture of him. "How am I gonna compete with that"

"Y/n you already have her"

"Yes I guess so" Shawn doesnt know its a PR stunt and for all I know Demi and this guy dated for 6 years, thats a long time while I've only known her for a week.

"Hey dont worry about it they broke up" shawn reassured me

Demi pov

While she was gone I spent time with my sisters. She came back 2 and a half hours later with sweat on her foreheads. She was wearing tank tops and shorts.

"Hey dems I am back" she called out I was about to stand up from the couch to give her a hug but she stepped back "I'm really sweaty and gross so I don't think you would want to hug me right now."

I laughed "ok so whats the plan for today?"

"Well, you can come with me to set and I will show you around and stuff, but first let me take a shower" she giggled 

Y/n made her way to her room drinking her water while lifting up her shirt to wipe her face. Which I got a peak of her abs. I bit my lip and I guess she notice since she just laughed it off.

Holy crap how can a person be so cute and so hot at the same time. That is completley impossible. This girl is something alright. Her personality is amazing, her body is sexy and all I need is for her to like me for real.

When she finished showering and both of us were done getting ready it was time for us to go.

I changed into a lowcut shirt with some jeans "Okay lets go" I announced

"Wow" she whispered to herself "You look...great" y/n complemented

"Y/n my eyes are up here" I smirked and she blushed so red.

We got to the front of her apartment and waited for an uber to come pick us up. While we were waiting we made sure that we were being like a couple.

She wrapped her arms over my shoulders from behind me

"Demi is this okay?" She whispered innocently

"Yup its totally fine" I said giving her a quick peck on the lips making her eyes sparkle.

"I thought it was a no to the whole kissing thing?" She asked in surprise

"Well I changed my mind" I happily shrugged making her smile wider. Does she really like me for real or is she just doing it for show

Then out of nowhere she kissed me like a full on kiss then I kissed back it almost lasted 5 seconds.

Y/n eventually pulled away "How was that?" She askes

"That was great" I responded. Maybe there is a chance that this could be real.

A/n hope this was good more parts of this to come and dont forget to vote and srry for any mistakes

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