PR Stunt

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Demi pov

"We are thinking that you should date a girl as a pr stunt. It will get people to ask questions and get attention which will be good to promote your new single." My publicist explained

"You want me to date a random person and be seen holding hands, kissing and being flirty?" I questioned why she had to do all this

"Well you don't have to kiss and it would be with Y/n Y/l/n, the new upcoming actress from that netflix rom-com."

Huh not bad, but she's probably a stuck up bitch cuz thats how most people are in this industry. I thought

"Demi it wouldn't do any harm, its just until you release your new single and announce your upcoming tour."

"Ok ok fine I'll do it. When will I meet her?" I asked gave in

"You have a few radio shows to do in Toronto to promote your new single and Y/n is in Toronto filming a show." The publicist said "We will book you a flight and you will leave tomorrow morning"

I packed my things good enough for a week or two. And went to my flight. When I got to the airport I was surrounded with papparazzi like how did they even know I'm gonna be in Canada.

We drove to the hotel which I am sharing a room with my sister dallas because she wants to meet y/n and maddie because I promised to spend time with her before she starts school.

We got settled in the room we were both wearing sweats and a hoodie since it was really chilli outside. It was raining and its windy.

We just chilled in there and talked and watch y/n's movie on netflix.

"See Dems isn't she cute" maddie said pointing at the screen. "I think you guys would look good together"

"Ya hopefully she won't be a bitch." I said half jokingly

"Did you know shes canadian? She grew up at a city outside of toronto-" Dallas said

"Holy shit, are you a stalker?" I said sarcasticly cutting her off

" I just love this movie a lot. It has a bit of everything, the drama, the romance and comedy. Its-"

There was a knock on the door and I went up to open it and it was y/n. She was wearing jeans and just a shirt. How could she not be cold. Oh right shes canadian.

"Hi I'm y/n" she introduced herself

"Hi I'm demi" I let her in the room closing the door. I could tell she was holding some stuff.

"Omg the y/n y/l/n is here... in our hotel room!!" Dallas said excitedly "I'm dallas the prettiest of all sisters" she said confidently. Y/n just smiled amused by the fangirl.

"Ok y/n thats dallas my oldest sister and thats maddie my younger sister."

"Nice to meet you guys...I like the movie your watching" she said pointing to herslef on the screen. Which made dallas embarrased and me and maddie laughing.

"oh I got you guys hot chocolate and donuts from tim hortons" she handed each of us a cup and brought the box of donuts on the table.

Wow that is really sweet of her to do. I guess I was wrong but in my defence you rarely see anyone who is nice in hollywood.

We just hung out in the room talking. She was asking how our flight was and telling us things about herself and vice versa.

He headed out to go talk just the two of us. We decided to have a walk at the park and discuss about this fake relationship.

It was cloudy today at the park, the ground was filled with puddles but the breeze felt amazing.

"Ok so we can hold hands but no kissing or hugging" I said strictly

"What? I think people are gonna be suspicious if Im not aloud to touch you."

"Ok fine we can hug and kiss but kisses on the cheek only."

We continued to talk about the boundaries and rules. Then we walk around the park where we new we would get some exposure.

I got to know about her family, her love for basketball and that she likes to listen to Green Day and Avril Lavigne. I never thought that she would listen to punk rock I find that interesting since she has such an innocent persona. She is also so sweet and really funny.

I didnt really tell her much, all I told is a bit about myself that I dont drink, I like bjj and about my new album.

Demi Lovato seen with new actor
Y/n Y/l/n

Demi Lovato and Y/n Y/l/n getting cozy at the park

Demi Lovato seen going back to Y/n Y/l/n apartment.

We were back at her apartment with dallas and maddie looking through social media and it already got attention which is amazing.

"Aww dems look I think we make such a cute couple" y/n smiled widely showing me her phone.

I nodded and smiled at the pic of us walking at the park with my hand wrapped around her arm.

I was shivering since it was so cold at the apartment. How does she live with the temp so low?!

"Hey are you cold?" She ask concerned and I nodded my head. She giggled "Ok let me get some blankets"

She got came back with the blankets. "Sorry I only got three"

"No its ok we can share." I said looking at her taking in her features. She blushed when both Dallas and maddie said "ooooohh" teasing us and I just ignored them.

Y/n and I got cozy with me resting my head on her arm which made me get a closer look at her. She is so warm and her y/e/c eyes are insanely pretty like they just sparkle.

Y/n looked up from her phone. "What are you staring at?"

"" I said smoothly making her turn red.

"you guys are so cute!" Dallas gushed "

Knock knock

Y/n got up and opened the door. I couldn't see who it was since she was blocking the way so I said "who is it babe?" Which made my sisters laughed so loud like dying of laughter

"Demi I think youre starting to have a massive crush on this girl" maddie said "you just met her and youre already cuddling with her and calling her babe"

"Oh shut up" I said trying not to turn red because I know that what she is saying is true.

"Cmon dems I've never seen you like this for such a long time." Dallas added

I tried to tell them otherwise but they knew that I was lying.

Y/n finally closed the door. "Ok I got us some taco bell!" She said excitedly which made all laughed. She is so adorable and she doesnt even have to try. She notice me staring again and she just gave me a cute smile and sat down beside me after giving everyone their tacos.

"Come on dems eat up you dont want your food getting cold." She said as she rubbed my back with her one hand.

I nodded at her as I took a bite of my taco and smiled to myself. This relationship might go somewhere. I know that it is just a stunt but overtime I can try to make her feel the same way. It has only been one day and she already took my mind off my ex. This is gonna be an interesting next few months.

A/n sorry for any mistakes Im too lazy to proof read whoops

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