Summer Love

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Demi Pov

"Y/n where are we going?" I smiled at her. We are jammimg to some tunes on the radio in the car and she still hasn't told me where we were going

"It's a surprise" she said then continued to sing

I met y/n in the beggining of the summer. I was at the beach with some friends and their volleyball accidently rolled over to where I was. Ever since then we began to talk then we got closer, then we started to date.

"Ok Demi we are here" she jumped out of her jeep and took my hand to follow her.

"Aww y/n this is amazing" she set up a picnic for us. There was a blanket, pillows and fairy lights around the mini gazebo. I couldnt stop smiling

We sat there and ate some food, we talked for hours, watched the sunset until we were both lying down looking up at the stars all cuddled up with her arm around me.

"Demi this summer has been one of the best summers I've ever had" She said keeping her gaze at the stars. "I'm gonna remember you, I'll never forget you"

I could tell she was tearing up "hey, dont cry, I'm here, I'm right here next to you" I said wiping the tears off her face

She smiled hiding her pain "You know that this isn't gonna last right?" I knew what she was talking about "I leave L.A. tomorrow morning, summer is almost over and I need to get back home and you need to focus on your music." She had a point. Why does she have to be at the other side of the country

I hugged her tight not wanting to let her go. She makes me so happy but I know that this is not gonna work.

"Don't think about tomorrow lets make this last as long as possible" I gave her a kiss and cuddled into her as close as possible.

It has been over a year and I still can't get y/n out of my mind. I miss her kisses, her touch, her dumb jokes, her cuddles, her everything.

So I flew to her hometown and tried to track her down.

"Hi can I get a medium coffee and a bagel please" I ordered

"Ok coming right up" the boy behind the counter said.

I waited a few minutes for my order while checking any messages I recieved

"Order for... Demetria!" That voice sounds familliar. I turned around and there she was with her cute smile that I never forgot.

She looked surprise to see me "Demi?" She smiled

"Hi" I smiled back

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you"

"I'll be done my shift in 10 minutes" she said handing me my coffee and bagel

"I'll wait for you"

After she finished her work, we went and walked around town catching up with each other.

"So how you've been?" Y/n asked while holding my hand just like old times

"I've been good, working on new music and touring, I'm even going back into acting" I said excitedly

"That's amazing Dems" she smiled at me. "Well, for me, just in a few months I'll be graduating college! I will be finally done school" she said exhaustedly making me laugh. I could see that she had matured a bit, she dressed a little bit differently but she still has the same charm I fell in love with.

"I miss this y/n...I miss us" I said making her look at me. I wrapped my hands around her neck looking at her.

"I miss you too dems" y/n leaned in and kiss me with full of passion and I'll never get tired of her kisses, they are unforgetable.

"Woah" I said making her laugh. "Damn you are adorable"

She took me around town, showing me her favourite places like the book store, the smoothie shack, the park where she plays soccer and go on for runs.

Throughout the day she told me stories about everything that had happened. I was so mesmerized by her, seeing her again made me so happy.

"Oh my gosh! Fuck!" I screamed.  Y/n laid down putting her arms around me trying to bring me down from my high. Fuck! has she always been this good

"Are you alright?" She asked while I was still trying to catch my breath sweat dripping off me.

"Yes, I'm fine" I assured her. "Just saying, you are the best I've ever had" I said making her smirk. "Now...its your turn." I straddled her waist and began leaving marks all over her body.

Knock knock knock

"Fuck!!" I said frustratedly

"I'll get that" y/n got out of bed putting on a robe and went to get the door

I wonder who it could be.

Whats taking her so long?

I want her to come back to bed

I heard the door closed and she went back in the room laughing. "Y/n what's so funny?"

"Well... my neighbour, Mrs. Lance told us to keep it down" I blushed out of embarrasement making her laugh more. "Aww baby you are so cute." She said while jumping back into bed placing herself right between my legs giving me a hug.

"Y/n thats so embarrassing" I said covering my face

"You are pretty loud" she giggled

"You are pretty good" We both laughed and we stayed in bed for the rest of the day.

It was a Sunday meaning it was time to go back to L.A. She drove me to the airport and now we are saying our goodbyes.

I was tearing up, I want to be with her so bad but I know it just can't work "Aww Dems don't cry" y/n said giving me a warm hug

"I'm not crying I just have something in my eye" I lied.

"Yeah...tears" she said making me grin and smile leaning my head to her chest. "Aww there's the smile I love"

"You are something else y/n" I said to her. She looked at me and hugged me

Flight 17 to Los Angeles, California boarding in 15 minutes

We both looked around listening to the announcement. "I guess it's time for me to go" my voice broke starting to tear up again

"Demi, remember, we will always have summer" she looked down and gave me a peck. "You'll always have me in the summer"

"Yeah in the summer"

I boarded my flight giving y/n a last smile and wave. Even though we said that we will always have each other during the summer. We both knew that our first summer is our last. Maybe one day, I will see her again but right now I need to move on to stop the pain from hurting me more.

A/n Haven't posted in a while. Whoops! I've been busy with school and stuff. Hope this was a good one.  Kind of a fun way to end the summer time :)

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