Where Were You In The Morning

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Demi pov

Last night was such a fun night. Me and my friends went out to the club and I came home with someone else. She is so  pretty, her name is y/n. BEST. NIGHT. OF. MY. FUCKING. LIFE.

I turned over in the bed, looking at the other side and noticed she was gone. Her side of the bed was really cold meaning she has been gone for a while.

Which made me upset, because I really like her. She is insanely funny and I dont think I can forget her.


I am sitting at a booth eating my fries while all my other friends gets wasted or getting freaky on the dance floor or both. I just wanted some fries cuz i've been craving them all week.

Well, anyways, a man sat down at the seat across from me. He is pretty drunk. "Hey babygirl, why are you all alone" he says confidently.

"I'm just enjoying myself and eating my fries" I respond

"Why don't you enjoy yourself with me back at my place" He grabs my hand aggressively making me very uncomforable.

"Hi honey, there you are! I've been looking for you everywhere." A really cute girl came up to the booth and sat down right on my lap and wrapping her arm around my shoulder. Wow! How bold! I am speechless.

The man stood up shockingly "Wait?! You are..."

"With someone already, yes she is" the girl cuts him off and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I am still breathless. Then she wave him a goodbye then he left the table.

"Thanks for that," I thank her. "I really needed it"

"Don't mention it, I hate guys who are douchebags" she says getting off my lap "I'm y/n by the way" she takes a seat across from me.

"I'm Demi"

"So, Demi...why are you here alone?!" She says catching me off guard. "I mean like wouldn't you rather be dancing with your friends over there" she glance at the dance floor where both Matt and Sirah are dancing crazy

"Are you a stalker?"

"No, of course not," she laughs amusingly. "I just couldn't help but notice that you are here, at one of the best clubs in L.A. and all you are doing is eating some fries" she has a point

"These fries are really fucking good though" I try to defend myself but it just makes her laugh even more.

Y/n gets up from then puts her hand out "Come on babe, lets dance" I've been called babe before but when it came from her lips it made feel special and it made my heart beat a little faster.

She looks me in the eyes. Giving a charming smile. How can I say no to that. "Ok fine just a few"

"Perfect" I took her hand and she pulls me to the dance floor.

It starts up all fun, with jumping and screaming the lyrics at the top of our lungs. And Damn she is so pretty and I can't stop laughing and smiling.

After a few songs, I'm thinking it's time to go for it. I need her to know I want to take her home. Show her my sexy side. As my fans like to call it, my alter ego Devonne.

I began to pull her closer, bringing our bodies and faces together. Making things more intimate. I dance more seductively giving her sexy looks. And  can tell it is working since she is biting her lip trying to supress a moan coming out.

She is behind me while I'm dancing my back pressed up against her front. I pulled her head down and gave a kiss on her neck which made her lowly groan.

Then I turn around wrap both my hands on her neck. Y/n places hers on my waist kissing her in the middle of the dance floor.

She kisses back then she pulls away making me whine. "Demi lets get out of here" which made me smile

"Lets go to my place" we both left the club hand in hand ready for the rest of our night

----End Of Flashback----

I can't believe she just left, just like that. And by the way best sex I've ever had. And then now she's just gone without a goodbye she didn't even leave me her number.

I got out of bed then prepare myself a cup of tea. I'm so confuse though. When we left the club that night we were talking about how we were going to have pancakes for breakfast the next day.

She made a joke how we were gonna work up an appetite since we were gonna be up all night doing cardio. Y/n should be here with me right now, I already miss her kisses and hugs. And I want a round 2.

Then I heard the front door open and I saw y/n. "Y/n!!" I got up from my seat and ran to her giving her a hug.

"Demi, good morning to you too" she laughs hugging me back

"Where were you?"

"I got us pancakes for breakfast" she said holding up the bag.

"You are a keeper" I said then she gave me a kiss.

We ate the pancakes, cuddled all day, talked for hours, watched movies and did many rounds afterwards.

A/n Wow!!!thank you guys for making this #1 in #demi!! Thats crazy love you guys for that!!

Hope this is a good one. Been pretty busy with school, my classes are insane this year. But anyways thank you again and hope you like it.

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