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Y/n and Demi were at a house party talking with a few group of friends outside by the pool. The music was blaring, and there were over 100 people at the party shouting, dancing, drinking and doing whatever.

They were all talking and catching up and then they began having a conversation about how innocent y/n is.

"Guys, I'm not that innocent, I've done some very bad stuff" she said trying to convince them.

"Aww you are so cute" Miley cooed pinching her cheeks. Which made Demi pull y/n arm moving her closer

"Y/n I've known you for so long now, and its a fact that you've never broken a rule in your life" Nick explained

"No, I have broken some rules"

"Ok tell us a story" Joe spoke up

"Well...I once took a cookie from a bakery and not pay for it" she tried acting all cool

"That doesnt count" Ariana pointed out

"Yes it does that was shop lifting. I basically broke a law" y/n defended

"No I mean didn't your uncle own the shop?" Ariana said


Joe cuts her off "didnt you help bake those cookies?" Making everybody laugh and y/n turned red but also giggle too.

"Baby its fine, dont worry about it" Demi kissed her cheek making her feel better.

Its been a few hours and y/n was by the pool while Demi and her friends went elsewhere to socialize or grab a drink. She was just drinking a redbull enjoying the music and watching the game of pool volleyball.

A girl came up to her "Hey youre y/n right?" She said acting like she owned the place. This girl has a really cocky and dislikable vibe around her.

"Yes thats me" y/n just gave her a forced smile

"Well I'm Lucy...Demi's ex girlfriend" she smirked making y/n clenched her jaw

"Ya her and I use to date, we cuddled, and kiss and fuck" Lucy listed she smiled evily taking a drink from her beer

"Hey! You better watch what your are gonna say next!" Y/n warned

"We would fuck every single day!"

"Shut the fuck up!" She getting angrier her fist closed tightly fighting the urge to not punch this girl

"Demi would scream my name all night long." Lucy intimidated "She would be like 'Oh oh d-dont s-stop' "

y/n pushed her by the shoulders making Lucy fall back a step. "You better stop!! What the hell is your problem?!!"

Lucy ignored what y/n had to say "Demi might be a singer but all she is gonna be is dumb cunt that became another junkie to get more attention"

And that was the last straw for y/n. She punched Lucy that made her fall then both of them started to fight. A few people tried to pull them apart but they just could not do it.

Lucy punched y/n in the eye and body multiple times giving her black eye and a bruised stomach.

Y/n punched Lucy in the nose and cheek and kicked her in the stomach beating the shit out of her giving her a bloody broken nose and bruised torso.

Lucy fell on the ground again and y/n got on top of her and hitted her anywhere she can.

Demi and Nick saw the commotion and instantly ran to the scene. Nick pulled   y/n away while two other people did the same to Lucy.

"Never fucking talk about her like that you bitch!!" Y/n yelled at Lucy while Nick tried to hold her back.

Demi was all in shock never seeing her girlfriend this violent before, she had always thought that y/n was the kind to always walk away and take the high road.

"You can't tell me shit and just remember I did your girlfriend!"

This made y/n want to go punch her again and Nick couldn't hold her back so Demi stepped in front of her.

"Y/n calm down, breath for me" Demi said looking into her eyes trying to relax y/n. Demi walked over not breaking the eye contact to her and gently put her arms on either side of y/ns torso.

Y/n calmed down and Nick let her go. Demi held y/n hand and led her inside the house.

Joe, Nick, Ariana and Miley ended up leaving the party with Demi and y/n and head to Demi's place.

Miley gave her an icepack "So tell us what the fuck happen?" Everyone was sat in the living room eager to hear the story of the fight.

"Yeah that was insane!" Ariana exclaimed

"Please dont tell me you did this to prove youre not innocent" Joe said "we were just teasing you"

"If it went any further you would have ended with more than a black eye" nick said conerneed

"No it was not about the whole innocent thing, she was just came up to me out of nowhere acting all douchey," y/n explained "then she started talking about her and Demi about certain things which pissed me off so I pushed her then she pushed me then we ended up fighting"

"Damn... just to let you know I never liked her... just saying" miley commented

"She's always been messed up" Joe agreed with miley.

When it got super late everyone left leaving Demi and y/n alone.

"So you fought because of me?" Demi questioned cuddly at y/n side

"Yes, I would've walked away but she just pushed all my buttons"

"Thanks for defending me and by the way I was really in shock since I never imagine you getting in a fight" she admitted

"Same here, I was pretty surprise myself" she snickered a laugh

"No seriously, I dont like seeing you get hurt" Demi confessed "But in the upside,  that black eye makes you like hot as hell."


"It makes you look tough and when you were being all angry back at the party it turned me on not gonna lie" She said seductively giving her a kiss.

"I love you Dems"

"I love you too y/n"

A/n hope you guys enjoyed this one dont forget to vote or leave a comment if you want to

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