Secret Relationship

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Y/n and Demi have been secretly dating for a little over a month now. No one knows not even their closes friends.

They found it fun and felt that the sneaking around was adventurous. It was like a game.

Lastnight y/n came over to demi's for a movie night and one thing led to another and y/n ended up sleeping over at her house.

Y/n woke up to demi kissing her neck "good morning dems" smiling at demi "what a perfect way to wake up"

"Lastnight was fun" demi said looking at the clothes scattered on the floor then out of nowhere she kissed y/n.

Demi ended up straddling y/n making the kiss deaper and they ended up having a makeout session. Demi was kissing y/n neck.

"Babe no marks" y/n said making demi look up

"Why not I think you look good with hickies on your neck" She said feeling the marks on her neck. Y/n shook her head not wanting the marks. "Ok fine no marks" moving up to kiss her on the lips.

When they started to get into it they were interrupted with a phone ringing.

Ring ring ring

"What the hell?!" Demi said annoyingly "Don't answer it"

"Its matthew tho" y/n answered the phone but demi continued to kiss her at her shoulders and neck.

"Oh...ok...ya...we will be there no I said me," y/n face palmed her self causing demi to stop and look at her weirdly "I said me will be there soon...hahaaha I'm still half asleep" she said nervously "ok see you there"

"What was that all about?" Demi said wrapping her arms around her neck since she still wants to stay in bed.

"We are having lunch with matthew and other people today."

Afterwards they got ready to go to lunch and arrived at the restaurant just in time. The people that were there was Matthew, Joe, Ariana and Miley.

Y/n sat between Miley and Joe. Demi sat across from y/n with Ariana on one side and Matthew on the other.

Everyone was cathing up with each other and having a great time. Y/n was mainly talking to Joe since he was like her big brother.

Then Ariana noticed something "hey Y/n what are those things on your neck" Ariana asked curiously making her freeze and glared at demi. Demi just winked at her.

"Are those hickies!?" Miley said trying to touch the marks.

"No they are just bruises" y/n said slapping miley's hand away

"Ya guys their just bruises" demi said trying to get the attention off of her

"Bruises?! Really demi?" Joe said "those are definetly hickies"

"Ya I fell...on my neck...5 times" y/n sheepishly said trying to lie. Everyone just stared at her giving her a look that say 'do you really think we are that dumb'

"Ok fine yess they are hickies" y/n confessed which got everyone to start asking

"Oh my gosh little y/n is growing up" Miley commented making her cover her face "no more innocent little y/n/n" she cooed.

"Do we know who it is?" Joe questioned looking at y/n but he knew she wouldn't tell him who it was.

"Umm you guys may...know her?" Y/n hinted nervously

"So whats she like?" Ariana asked

"Well she is really sweet, adorable, insanely funny and super romantic" y/n listed smiling at demi the whole time.

"Wow sounds like a keeper" Matt said

"I know right" Ariana said

"As long as she's treating you right" Joe said directly to y/n

"She is Joe no worries"

"But wait... is she hot?" Miley questioned making everyone stare at her "what? Im just curious?"

"Yes Miles she is super hot" After all the compliments y/n made secretly about her girlfriend, demi began to give y/n seductive looks, biting her lips and even playing footsies which surprised y/n

"Huh I wonder who could this be" everyone else was too distracting figuring out who it could be that they dont notice what was happening between demi and y/n

They went back to their original conversations after finishing talking about Y/n's new mystery girlfriend.
2 days later

Ever since that lunch demi has been more possesive of y/n like she cannot get her hands off of that girl. But y/n was not annoyed by it she was living the dream.

"" demi said between breathes. They both lied down on the bed together all cuddled up.

"What can I say I'm just that good" y/n bragged as she got up to put her jeans back on while demi was still lying down.

"Ooh nice underwear... little small hearts" demi commented making y/n look at the pattern.

"Hey dont laugh at me I think theyre pretty cute."

"Yes they are, its charming" demi said slapping her girlfriend's butt

"Oww that hurt" she said in pain while buttoning her jeans and putting on her bra"

"You want me to make it feel better?" Demi said already having her hands within reach.

Before y/n responded someone rang the doorbell.

"Saved by the bell, but dont think you are getting away so quickly" she said sexily. "Also can you get that I'm still really naked"

Y/n just shook her head and went to go open the door. Y/n was in complete shock her eyes widen after she saw the two girls at the front door.

"Y/n?" Ariana said shockingly

"What are you doing at Demi's house...without a shirt on?!" Miley questioned.

"I-um-I...came here t-to work out" y/n stuttered trying to come up with a lie on the spot.

But just in perfect timing (sarcasm by the way) Demi happens to yell "Babe come back to bed!!"

And at that moment both Ariana and Miley mouths dropped and quickly stormed inside the house.

"I knew it! I told you I was right!!" Miley said outloud.

Demi heard the commotion that was happening in the livingroom and she cursed at herself. She got dressed and went out of the bedroom.

"Ok ok yess we are dating she is the same girl I was talking about in the restaurant" y/n confessed to them.

"Y/n, I think you should put a shirt on" Demi said giving her a shirt.

"Well someone's protective" Ariana said

"Anyways, yes we are dating for over a month already" Demi explained "And before you ask we are not friends with benefits" she said wrapping her hands around y/n waist.

"Woah, how can you guys keep a secret for that long, you guys a pretty bad liars." Miley said "especially you y/n"

"I don't lie...its not good" she explained like a kid

"Ohhh you are adorable" demi said pinching y/n cheeks and giving her a peck.

"Ok stop that now no PDA" Ariana said like a mom.

All four of them stayed at Demi's place and watch movies, ate sweets, and talked about tour, new songs, things that made them laugh and especially the new relationship.

A/n sorry for any mistakes again

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