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Demi pov

"Y/n, I miss you so much," I said as I continued to kiss her. "Its been so long"

"I know, but I'm with you for the rest of the tour" she nonchalantly said keeping her hands around my waist as we makeout in my dressing room

I pulled away "wait! For the rest of the tour?!" I asked her excitedly.

"Yes honey" she nodded her head

I then jumped on top of her making her fall back on the couch. We continued to kiss harder with me on her lap straddling her waist.

"You are going get it so good tonight" I said sexily as I started to unbutton her shirt.

She pulled away from my lips and began to kiss my neck. "Or we can do it now" she whispered in my ear. Fuck that made me even more frustrated. Her hands went underneath my shirt and I really couldn't take it anymore. I needed her now.

Knock knock knock

"Im busy right now!" I said angrily

Knock knock knock

"I cant talk at the moment"

Knock knock knock

I groaned and got up from the couch opening the door seeing dallas.

"What do you want" I said impatiently.

"I heard y/n is here" dallas stated. She has always had a crush on her.

"Hi Dallas" y/n says from behind me making dallas come running pass me to hug my girlfriend

Y/n's hands were around her waist while dallas had her hands touching her neck. I'm starting to get heated

"Damn y/n have you been going to the gym" Dallas said touching her

"Yea I have" y/n laughed then looks at me noticing that I was starting to get jealous so she removed her hands off of Dallas.

"Oooh let me see" dallas was about to lift up my girlfriends shirt but good thing y/n held it down.

"No no no" y/n said keeping her shirt down.

"Back off Dallas!!" I said bittery closing the door of the dressing room

"Someone's possesive" she commented.

I pulled y/n to the couch with me, laying my hands on her stomach. Damn she has been working out.

"Demi, what are you doing" she smiled looking at me

"Feeling your abs" I responded then slipping them underneath her shirt. She didnt stop me so I felt her stomach and it took me by surprise. "Damn baby"

"Can I feel them?!" Dallas whined

"No!" I responded so quick that y/n had to put an arm around me to calm me down.

"76....77....78..." y/n says out loud as she does her push ups at the side of the bed in the hotel room.

"You're really into working out huh"

"Yup it kinda became a hobby now" she continues. "98...99..100!" She then stands up then yelled "yay Im done" she was only in her bra and shorts with her hand on her waist. I took a quick picture for my instagram.

"No don't post that, I dont have a shirt on!" She said to me

"But you look so hot, and... I already posted it" I said making her hands cover her face then she dropped herself between my legs on the bed hugging me.

I cupped her face making her look up at me "you are so adorable" I said between kisses.

We continue to kiss then she slip in her tongue which took me by surprise. "Woah"

"Oh, I'm sorry I didnt mean to-" I kiss her even more cutting her off.  Her lips taste so good. I've been craving it for so long. She has gotten more confident but at the same time she is still humble, and cute. I flip us around without breaking the kiss. I want her so bad.

"Oh my gosh!!" My mom screamed in surprise

"Mrs. De la garza!!" Y/n said in shock pushing me off of her and anxiously trying to put her shirt back on

"Hi mom" I greeted

"Hi demi," I gave her a little wave and she looks up at y/n who is still trying to put her shirt on. "Y/n is that you!" Making my girlfriend turn around shirtless. "Honey you look great!!" Mom said enthusiastically. My mom also has a crush on my girlfriend.

"Thank you mrs D" y/n responded with her shirt on her neck but not all the way through.

"Come give me a hug" she opened up her arms to y/n

"Let me just put this on"

"No dont worry I dont mind" before y/n could respond my mom already went in for the hug.

As they were hugging my mom mouthed to me "Oh my gosh" and i mouthed to her back "I know" my mom then gave me a goofy face as she pointed at y/n and gave me a thumbs up and a nod. I just started to laugh.

"Ok mom I think you've hugged her long enough"

"No just a few more seconds" my mom hugged her longer

"Ok thats good now" making her pull away where y/n could put on some clothing.

We finally had the room all to ourselves and we were just cuddling underneath the blankets catching up and talking about our day.

"Ya so this old lady and I ended up watching 3 whole movies together!" My girlfriend explained "it was crazy"

"Haahaha! So you've been going to the gym a lot, how did that start"

"Well, I kind of just did it to distract myself from crying since I wasn't going to see you for 8 months" she smiled shyly

"Aww baby!" I cooed

"But i got really into it so I just went everyday. Did it pay off?" She said jokingly gesturing to herself

"Are you kidding me, you look freaking hot. Even my mom and dallas noticed" I said making her laugh "You know they both have a giant crush on you"

"Yeah I could tell" she smiles "does it bother you?"

"Just a tiny bit"

"Aww honey no need to be jealous" she says "It's a harmless crush...and anyways I have you" she kisses me.

"I love you" she says

"I Love you too"

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