Take Care

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I am on my bed with my back against the headboard reading a book for english. The book is not bad, its because I hate reading. But you gotta do what you gotta do.

I got a knock on my door amd Demi came in. I insantly forgot about the book and got up to give her a hug and a quick kiss. I love her so much, even though we just started a few months ago.

At first Demi could be very intimidating, but omce you get to know her shes actually really funny and insanely romantic. I do disaprove with the smoking though.

I got back to the same spot I was on the bed and Demi laid down between my legs facing me.

"I've missed you" Demi said giving me puppy do eyes. Omg, how can she be cute then change so quick and become hot and sexy.

"Aww babe I literally saw you yesterday"

"Yeah I know but, I want to be with you  the whole day." I laughed at her reason cuz I found it so adorable. "Anyways, we were at school so it kinda doesnt really count."

"Okay, I guess." We just layed there cuddling and enjoying each others  company. Until she got a phone call.

"Hello...oh yeah, I lost track of time....I will be there soon." I looked at her with a confuse look. "Yeah I know...shut the fuck up, I'm literally driving right now...okay bye" I laughed at her lie.

"That was Sirah, I forgot we were gonna do our project today at her house. And youre coming with me"

"Ok let me just change first" She smirked at me. I just shook my head and pushed her out of my room.

"So whats this project about?" I ask her while trying to pick my outfit.

"Its a group project about WW2" Demi said through the door. "I'm in a group with Sirah, Lauren, Bella and...Dani" She mumbled the last part.

"Dani's gonna be there? You know she hates me right?" She laughs and says, "Youre not jealous, are you?"

"Not one bit" I lied, I walked out of my room and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

We arrived at Sirah's house.
"Wait!" Demi looked at me with a confused expression. "Dani's gonna be here...and youre wearing that" Demi's wearing a black crop top that showed her chest a little too much for my liking.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing, babe?" Demi gave her breast a squeeze with her arms and ask innocently trying to act like she doesn't know what I am talking about. What a tease.

Before I could say anything. Demi got out leaving me in the car. I just shook my head and followed her inside the house.

"Hey Dems, youre finally here." Lauren announced from the couch. Sirah and Dani said their hellos and I saw Dani move beside Demi on the couch. Which I automatically cough so they could acknowledge my existence.

"What are you doing?" Dani said with a disgusted look. "Last time I checked you were not even in the class."

"Actually I brought her here?" My girlfriend spoke up.

"Oh...ok why?" She said

"Cuz I like her being with me." She says to Dani. "Y/n come sit" Demi patted the spot next to hers.

They all worked on the project, discussing, talking, working blah blah blah. All of them were on their laptops.

One couch was with me, Demi and Dani. And on the other was Sirah and Lauren. While Bella was on the floor with her laptop on the coffee table.

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