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Demi pov

I was having a conversation with Matthew outside his apartment building while walking out to the car until we saw someone running towards us.

"Matt...hey Matthew, you got my keys" she called handing him his keys

"Oh my bad" Matt smiled guiltily giving her the keys. "Demi this is y/n and y/n this is my friend Demi"

"Nice to meet you" she said as she offered her hand for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you too" I replied as we shook hands. She is really pretty, she is wearing something simple but like not too simple. She is wearing a buttoned up shirt with a sweater over it with jeans and some vans.

"Well I got to head to work," she said as I just smiled and nod. Too distracted looking at her. "I'll see you later" she waved goodbye as she went to her car and left.

"Matt! I didn't you had such a hot roomate" I slapped his arm

"Hey, I know youre in to girls but look, I dont need you fuking my roomate" He said laughing

"Ok ok I get it" I said

"And also I thought she wasn't your type. You go for like athletes and stuff and y/n is more like...the softer kind."

That is true though, he's right. But there's something about her that intrigues me.

It's a sunday so I am going to Matt's place to have a movie night and just hang out with friends.

I knocked on the door and y/n opened it. And damn she was gorgeous. She was wearing hoddie and sweats and she is wearing glasses.

"Hey, Demi right?" She guessed

"Yes, thats me" I smiled

"Come in, make yourself at home" she welcomed me in. "Matt went out to get some food he will be back soon"

"So what are you working on" I said gesturing to her laptop and papers on the table

"Well I'm just editing some photos for a new project at work"

"Are you a photographer?" I asked curiously

"Yes I am, I work for a magazine company downtown and I also do some tech stuff there too"

"Interesting. Maybe we can have a mini photoshoot"

"Ya that would be great. I wouldn't mind taking pictures of you since you are just so pretty" she smiled softly fixing up her glasses.

"And are just so darn cute" I said walking closer to her. I put my hands on her shoulders and leaned in kissing her.

Y/n was surprised by the kiss, she just stood there eyes wide open. "I'm sorry y/ was too soon, I didnt-"

She cut me off, kissing me on the lips and damn she was such a good kisser. Her kiss was soft and gentle and wasnt sloppy at all.

We began moving to the couch without breaking the kiss, which I then pushed her down making me go on top of her. Her hands squeezed my ass which made me smile in to the kiss.

Things started to get heated, and I could't wait any longer since she already put me on edge. I began to reach for the waistband of her pants and her hands dissappeared underneath my shirt.

"Oh fuck!" I said as she dropped down next to me putting her arm around me. "Y/n that was so fucking good" I said out of breath." Covering myself with the blanket on the couch.

"My pleasure" she winked at me

"Round 2 is on me" I straddled her began to kiss her again but then I heard the door being unlocked.

"Shit!" Y/n swore trying to put her clothes back on while I did the same

"Y/n I cant find my underwear!" She just smirked at me holding it up and putting it in her pocket leaving me stunned turning me on again.

I put the rest of my clothes back on. Just in time Matt came inside with the rest of our friends behind him"

"Hey guys" y/n greeted "sorry about the mess" she said gathering all her papers, folders and laptop.

"Hey Dems youre here early" matt said in surprise.

"Ya but y/n kept me company." I smirked

"Well thats good, let me just get ready with the food then we can start the night" He cheered as he went to the kitchen

I went up to y/n who was still fixing her things at the dining table "so y/n are you having dinner with us?"

"No I kinda promoise Matt that he can have the apartment for the night so I'll be just staying in my room" she smiled softly walking to the hall to go to her room

We finished eating dinner, played some games and now we're into our second movie of the night.

"Matt can I use the washroom?" I asked him

"Yup down that hall to the left"

I didnt really have to go it was just an excuse to see y/n. I walked down the hall and and opened one of the doors and it was her room. I walked inside and she was watching Back To The Futire on her laptop. She was so into it that she didnt see me until I was right beside her bed.

"Oh hi Demi" she said "If your are looking for the restroom its just one door over" y/n smiled

"No I came here to see you"

"To get your undies? or round 2? or both?" She raised her eyebrows

"No I just want to be with you" damn I hope she doesn't think thats lame

"Ya for sure" she said to my surprise "people say I give really good cuddles"

"Well I'll be the judge of that"

She moved over to give me room on her bed and we shared her earphones. I layed my head on her chest with my arm draped over her as we watched the movie on her laptop. I was so comfortable with her, she makes me feel safe and wanted.

I ended up staying there for almost an hour which made Matt come looking for me.

The door to her room opened "Demi?" He noticed me right away "why are you in y/n's bed?"

We both stayed silent "Are you guys together?" He asked in shock

"Sorry" I said sheepishly and y/n just smiled apologeticaly which was so fucking adorable

"But why?" He asked confused

"Come on matt she is insanely cute, I couldnt help myself" I said hugging her tightly "and she is amazing in be-"

"OK! The point is we really like each other" y/n sat up and yelled cutting me off making me giggle

Matt gave us a confuse, surprise and gross out by our pda look. "Fine, just please dont make me a third wheel"

"Deal" both y/n and I said at the same time.

Matt said firmly "Also you guys better not have your intimate moments anywhere else but this room" y/n and I looked at each other suspiciously.

"You already did it, didnt you?!" Matt said grossed out "I was just sitting there!! While everyone else sat on the other two couches, I sat on the one you guys did it on" He rambled

"I will pay someone to clean it by tomorrow Matt, dont worry" y/n quickly responded

Matt then left still shook by the new news he just found out while me and y/n just laughed and continued watching the movie.

A/n sorry for any mistakes, hope this was good it was kinda rushed tho.... and also dont forget to vote if you want to

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