Too young

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Demi pov

I've been dating this girl named y/n for 3 months. She is very sweet, funny, thoughtful and cute. She is an amazing person but theres only one thing... shes 18 years old and in university.

The age gap is quite large almost a decade but I really really like her. She might act imature at times but its like part of her charm.

My friends and family disagrees to the fact that we are dating since she is way younger than me.

Right now we are at a family bbq at my parents house and I thought it would be a good a idea for my family and friends to get to know her.

Y/n talking to maddie while i was speaking with my mom.

"Honey don't you think she is a little young for you" my mom said. At that moment y/n screamed "Hah in your face loser" like a 7 year old to maddie since she won at basketball.

Both Matt and Sirah laughed at her reaction. Omg thats so embarrassing.

Wow great timing I thought. "She seems like a nice girl... but" mom continued.

"But what?"

"But... I've always pictured you with a more mature and experienced person like Lauren or like...Wilmer."

"Mom we broke up it best for us to stay friends" I explained

Afterwards my mom went left the table with me, matt and sirah. Y/n soon came over and sat down with us.

"So...y/n how's school?" Sirah asked with a smirk.

"Ya how are your classes do you need any supplies like crayons or any glue?" Matt added trying not to laugh

I know what they were doing and I glared at them telling them to stop. But y/n didnt get their joke so she just answered their questions oblivioulsy.

Throughout the afternoon there were times where she was being too charasmatic that she looked like a child. It is quite embarrassing cuz my friends would tease me every chance they get and my mom would stare at me that says I told you so.

It was night time now and she and I were sat on the table while everyone was starting to head inside.

"Hey dems is there something wrong?" She asked

"No I'm fine"

"Come on turn that frown upside down" she laughed

"Jesus Y/n is eveything a joke to you?!" I snapped at her. "Like honestly grow up"

She took a step back. "im sorry" she said quietly.

"Today has been such an embarrassment and its all because of you. Start acting your age!!" I continued "I shouldve gotten back together with Wilmer"

"Umm...I think its time for me to go. I'll just say my goodbyes to your parents then I'll leave"

I stayed silent and she went inside the house while I stayed out here.

I could here her thanking my parents for the dinner and saying her goodbyes to maddie and dallas.

I saw Y/n giving them quick smiles and hugs but this wasnt the y/n during the beginning of the day or the one I know. Its like her whole body shut down leaving her with barely emotions.

Afterward I was walking her out on the driveway towards her car.

"Why are you so quiet" I ask "I've never seen this side of you"

She ignored me

"I'm sorry for what I said I was just in the heat of the moment." I apologized "I didnt mean it I swear"

She stayed quiet

"Y/n can you atleast look at me? What do I have to do to fix this"

She continued to walk to her car

"Y/n say something please. I said Im sorry"

She sighed "You think I dont know that I am way younger than you?" she finally said with teary eyes. "I know trust me...because thats all I hear coming from your fans, friends and your parents!"

That caught me off gaurd since I never thought she ever noticed all those things.

"Demi for the past 3 months we have been together your fans say that we are not gonna last and your just wasting your time, your friends make fun of our relationship calling our dates your part time babysitting job and your mom wants you to be with anyone other than me." I could see the pain in her eyes.

"And I tried to brush it off because I thought you never felt like that. But I guess you do and it hurt. It hurt a lot" It broke my heart to see her cry like this. With no warning I hugged her wrapping my arms around her body.

It took y/n by surprise but she eventually hugged back calming her down.

"Demi I'm sorry if I was too much to handle today. And sorry that you have to see me breakdown like this I-"

"Hey hey dont say sorry. Its my fault I should have never said what I did"

We continued to hug feeling safe in each others arms. It was nice and calming and I felt secured. Later on she said goodnight and gave me a kiss before driving to her home.

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