Out Of Love

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Y/n pov

Ever since Demi and I began dating I have been the happiest person alive. It has been 6 whole months since we started.

We met when she was doing an interview for vogue and I was the assistant for them that day. My job was to make sure all guests get what they needed. So I spent a lot of time with her. We ended up exchanging numbers and then fastforward we are dating.

It was hard for me to accept that she and her long time boyfriend are still very close. I trust her and all but, in the back of my head I know that there are still feelings that lingers.

Then when she did that interview where she talks about wilmer it made me nervous. "I've never loved anybody like I loved Wilmer. And like I still love Wilmer." She continues "We connected through a level that I haven't had with anybody before"

That hurt to hear her say these things but I knew that she was just being honest to her fans. They continued the interview as I sat in the room next door but I could still hear their conversation.

"Why do you think you guys broke up?" Her manager asked

"It had nothing to do with falling out of love, we just decided that it was best we stayed as friends."

The funny thing is, is that it was true that they never fell out of love. Because her and I did.

Two weeks after that interview we went to a party where she saw Wilmer for the first time in a while. I didn't hold her back. I believed in us that we will be together. I never thought that our relationship would ever be in danger. I also met Wilmer, he was really nice and he and I even became friends...I guess. So there was nothing to be worried about.

All those times, I have been shrugging it off. Thinking that I'm just getting inside my head too much and that I should continue to believe that Demi loves me.

But I guess I was wrong. Because right now, we are standing outside of a coffee shop where she just told me that she wanted to break up.

"Y/n I don't know how else to say this, but I don't think this...us...is working out" Demi explained giving me a sad look.

I sighed tears already filling my eyes. "But you make me happy and I know that I do the same to you...right?"

"I'm sorry I just don't feel the same way anymore" I noticed this is not affecting her as much as it is me

"You already have someone else. Youre leaving me for Wilmer" she looked surprised after saying that. "I'm right, am I?" She stayed silent making me laugh in disbelief. "I thought you guys were over"

"I thought the same but we patched things up and he wants to give us another try."

"Did you ever cheat on me?" I asked almost breaking down

"Y/n don't be like that" she said trying to comfort me by touching me.

I stepped away from her and yelled "Stop! Answer the question Demi!"

"Yes and I'm sorry I really am" she stepped forward.

"How long? How long has it been?" I said trying to hold back tears

"A month" she responded amd it broke my heart.

By then it started to rain hard. Her phone got a notification and she checked it while I stood there motionless with my head down staring at the concrete.

A car pulled up right in front of the coffee shop where we were standing. "I gotta go, I really am sorry y/n" I knew that it was Wilmer at the driver's seat and it hurt even more that she chose him. I still couldn't believe it. I became friends with wilmer believing that there is no bad blood between us. But all this time he has been seeing my girlfriend. And that Demi didnt even care that she was hurting me. "Y/n I hope we can still be friends"

It was pouring rain and I was beggining to get soaked but I dint really care anymore. "No...I d-don't think so," I trembled tears already falling down. "Please...don't talk to me, don't even call me. I'm done with you"

"Fine..if thats what you want" she snapped then she got in the car and kissed wilmer right in front of me. It hurted a lot. This whole break up didnt even affect her. She was glad that we are over.

I ended up walking home in the rain back to my apartment and just cried all night long.

It has been over a year since the break up and I've been really focused on my work. Ever since then, I've never been in a relationship and I am fine with that.

Throughout the year I got promoted and now I'm one of the main photographers for vougue.

"Y/n what are you doing here?" Amy said enthusiastically

"I'm here to just steal some food from your set" making both of us laugh "...and see you, of course"

"Anyways I heard that youre going to work with Zayn Malik on Friday" she said.

"I know he is gorgoues! I can't wait. I already have a few ideas."

"Oh! I think my clients are here." She ran towards the big group of people that were making a few retouches, while I stayed at the snack station, picking the mms and pretzels out of the trail mix.

I heard footsteps coming from behind "So, Amy who are your taking photos for today?" I said turning around but instead saw someone else. "Demi?"

"Hi y/n" I just smiled at her. But like a forced smile and I think she knew

"Hi" I said

There was an awkward silence just her and standing there looking at each other.

"Soo...I heard your new song" I spat out of nowhere "It is really good"

"Thanks, I apreciate it"

"Demi!" I man's voice calls her We both look at his direction "It's time to take some photos" And that guy was Wilmer

She turns back around to look at me giving me a thin smile. She might be thinking how it might hurt me seeing that she is still together with the guy she left me for.

So I said "Dont worry, I'm happy for you...both of you" she got surprise like I have the ability to read her mind. "Anyways its time for you to do your photoshoot" I laughed trying to break the tension. She walked towards the set, walking away from but she waved a goodbye and a smile before she left.

I was lying the whole entire time, it did hurt that she is happy with someone else, but I guess we just did not work. She broke my heart but that's over now. She fell out of love with me. And its time to move on.

A/n this one is a sad one sorry to be a downer but hopefully you guys still like it. And OMG!! Thank you for 1k💕

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