Just Friends

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Y/n has had a crush on Demi for the longest time. Y/n would get her flowers and would do anything for her, she even aked her out but Demi just never felt the same way.

Right now they were at a Ariana's house having a mini get together dinner with Nick, Joe, Selena, Miley, Frankie and a few others people.

"Hey Demi I got you these chocolate" y/n said handing her the box

"Thanks...but you gotta stop doing this" Demi said "You got to get over this crush thing"

"I am over it, I'm just being nice" She lied but not convincingly

"Ok good" Demi said leaving to get a drink "So you don't mind meeting my boyfriend"

"Boyfriend?" Y/n said in surprise

"Yup. Oh here he is" Demi said while a tall, muscular looking guy came over to them "y/n this is bomba my boyfriend and babe this is y/n a friend of mine"

"Hi nice to meet you" He said shaking her hand

"Nice to meet you too" she smiled shaking his hand "you guys look great together" she complimented the couple faking a smile

"Thanks y/n" Demi replied earning a kiss on the forehead from bomba

Y/n later walked away leaving the coulple and took a seat at one of the stools by the island.

The sight of them together really killed y/n, but she knew that Demi didnt feel the same way. It made her sad because she couldn't compete with Bomba.

They seem happy together but she wished that was her but she is nothing more than a friend. Just friends. Y/n and Demi just friends. Being friendzoned really does suck.

"Woah there y/n, what are you thinking about?" Joe shouted taking a seat beside her

"whats with the sad look?" Nick came over and quiestioned then he found your gaze looking at demi and her boyfriend being all cozy at the couch.

"Hey dont worry about that you'll find someone"

"This friends thing sucks ass" y/n groaned making them laugh "come on Nick look at them"

Joe put his arm around her comforting her "ok I will set you up with someone, theres this cute girl that works at-"

Y/n cuts him off "I dont do blind dates joe, I'll just take some liquid courage" she said while chugging a bottle of beer.

"Ok I'm cool with that" Joe said also chugging a beer. He's not jealous or anything he just wants to party.

Throughout the night everytime she sees demi and bomba getting too intimate for her liking she downs a beer.

Nick knew that she has drank too much after seeing her rant about being single and friendzoned to selena and Ariana and her karaoke cover of year 3000 with Joe. Joe was drunk too. It was amusing and everyone had a good time.

"Ok y/n I think thats eneough for tonight" nick said taking the bottle away from her

"Nooooo" she whined "I want to sing Mandy next"

"Next time ok buddy" Nick said while trying to hold her up

"Was I good though?" Y/n questioned giving him a funny drunk look

"Yess you were buddy, yes you were" Nick assured her

It was time for them to leave and Demi and Bomba walked out and saw Nick chasing y/n around in the middle of the road trying to get her in the car

"Oh ma gosh" she said laughing at what she is seeing "HA A A A A A A A!!"

"Babe she is so drunk!" Bomba said

"Can you guys help me?!"

After a while they finally got y/n in the car and decided that demi and nick will drive her home. Demi said bye to her boyfriend and Nick began to drive away.

"You guys are so good to me! I love you nick! I love you Demi!" Y/n slurred

"We love you too y/n" Demi replied back to her

"Your new boyfriend Boombox, Bonnie or whatever his name is," She said sitting up "to be honest with you, I wish you were dating me instead" she pouted "but as long as you are happy I am too"

"Aww y/n thank you I appreciate it"

They got to her apartment and carried her up to her room and tucked her in.

"Before I go, so are we good now?" Demi asked

"Yes Demi we are good, just friends"

"Just friends"

A/n hope you enjoy if not then sorry

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