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"Arizona," Tyler Lockwood grumbles tiredly as he nudges his twin sister's shoulder. "Wake up. First day of school."

When Arizona Lockwood emanates to blink her eyes open, her brother has already left the room. The girl sighs as she drags herself out of bed, and dressed herself before going downstairs. Her parents, Richard and Carol Lockwood, are chatting quietly.

"Oh, hello, dear," Carol greets calmly as she notices her presence. "Tyler is gone already."

"I figured," Arizona replies as she pours herself some tea, it's laced with vervain - she already knows. "I'll drive my car. You do remember I have one, right?"

"Of course your mother remembers," Richard says after giving Carol a look. "Have a good day, Drew."

Arizona finishes off her tea before leaving the mansion. Her father is the mayor of Mystic Falls, and her mother will be interim chief if he was to die. Which Arizona hopes and prays never happens. She loves her father deeply, she's always been closer to him that her mom. Tyler, he is his own guy. He isn't close to either one. Can't stand his father, but Arizona doesn't care. Richard treats her greatly.

"Arizona!" Elena gasps.

"Elena," Arizona coos as she hugs the girl. "How was your summer? Oh crap, forget I asked that."

"It was okay," Elena replies as they walk into the school.

"Major lack of male real estate," Bonnie comments. "Look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beech. She looks like a hot... can I still tranny mess?"

"No, that's over," Arizona replies.

"Ah, find a man, coin a phrase," Bonnie comments. "It's a busy year."

Elena notices her ex boyfriend, Matt, at his locker, he is looking her way. Elena waves at him, but he ignores her.

Elena sighs. "He hates me."

"That's not hate," Bonnie says. "That's you dumped me, but I'm too cool to show it, but secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's  greatest hits."

"Elena!" Caroline Forbes exclaims as she approaches the girls. "Oh, my god." the blonde hangs her friends. "How are you?" She pulls away. "Oh, it's so good to see you." Caroline faces her other friends. "How is she? Is she good?"

"Caroline, I'm right here," Elena says, waving her hand slightly. "And I'm fine, thank you."

"Really?" Caroline coos.

"Yes," Elena replies. "Much better."

"Oh, you poor thing!" Caroline hugs her once again.

"Okay, Caroline," Elena says stiffly, making Arizona smirk wickedly.

"Oh!" Caroline chips as she pulls away. "Okay, see you guys later?"

"Ok!" Bonnie says with amusement. "Bye!"

"No comment," Elena says as Caroline bounds away.

"I'm not going to say anything," Bonnie claims.

The girls all continue down the hall.

"Hold up," Bonnie says as she stops outside the school office. "Who's this?"

"All I See is back," Elena replies.

"It's a hot back," Bonnie says. "I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays the guitar."

"You're really going to run this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh?" Elena teases.

"Pretty much," Bonnie replies.

"Jeremy, good batch man."

"I'll be right back," Elena says as she follows her little brother to the bathroom.

"Please be hot," Bonnie and Arizona say at the same time.

They watch for a while and Stefan passes by them, he sends Arizona a smile as he passes.

"Whoa, totally hot," Arizona mutters.

"I know, right?" Bonnie chuckles as the two walk down the hall.

Mr. Tanner is giving his lesson to his history class, Arizona is seated in the far back corner away from everyone else. Tanned had to give her this seat because of her anger problems, her hellish temper. He has to seclude her from others, lower the risk of her getting angry and snapping like the did the year before.

"Once our home stage of Virginia joined the confederacy in 1861, it created a tememndous amount of tension within the people. People in Virginia's region had different ideals than those from the traditional dddp south. The Virginia divided in 1863 with the northwest region joining the union..."

Arizona actually takes notes, history is her favorite subject after all. That's he one reason Tanner does lime Arizona and doesn't kick her out due to her horrendous temper. He loves how focused she gets during his lessons, how well the pays attention when no one's pestering her. That's another reason he's placed her away from the other students in the class.

"Tyler," Arizona sings as she sits with him and Matt at the Grill.

"Arizona," Tyler groans. "What do you want?"

"A drink," Vicki Donovan replies as she hands Arizona her usual, a sweet tea, and she refills Matt.

"Thanks, Vick," Matt says to his sister.

Vicki looks at Tyler, "do you need another refill?

"I'd love one," Tyler says in a flirtatious tone.

Vicki refills his cup amd she leaves the table.

"Please tell me you're not hooking up with my sister," Matt grumbles.

"I'm not hooking up with your sister."

"You're a dick," Matt comments.

"He's not lying, Ty," Arizona ,uses as she sips on her tea.

"Ari, shut up," Tyler growls, and his sister only smirks at him.

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