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"Hey, Mason, got a second?" Tyler asks as he and Arizona enters the room where mason is.

"No, guys barbecue at Jenna Sommers' house," Mason replies.

"Come in man; give us two minutes, Alright?" Tyler boasts. "You can't keep dodging us. We're freaking out here."

"Tyler, Ari, What dontou want me to say, guys?" Mason asks. "Yes, I turned into a wolf. No, it's not going to happen to you guys."

"How do you know that?" Arizona asks

"Because you're not going to trigger the curse," Mason says. "You're dad didn't know anything about any of this, neither did I Until it happened to me."

"How does it get triggered?" The twins ask together.

"Guys, don't talk at the same time please, it's creepy," Mason says. "Ignorance is bliss, trust me."

"You blow back into town with some supernatural family secret and you expect us not to ask questions?" Arizona scoffs.

"I can't anything more, Arizon," Mason says to her. "It's just better for you both if I don't."

"You ever find that moonstone?" Tyler asks.

"Do you know where it is?" Mason asks.

"What's so special about it?" Arizona questions.

"I told you, it was my mom's," Mason says. "It's sentimental. Look... Just don't worry about it. Forget I even brought it up, alright? See you guys later." And he leaves.

Arizona watches as Tyler takes the moonstone from his pocket, then the twins share a look.

Tyler is online doing research about the moonstone while Arizona does her daily cardio to the radio in some dark green training leggings and a black training bra as Mason walks on. Mason and Arizona share a smile.

"How was that barbecue?" Arizona asks as she gets down and does some one-arm burpees, an advanced cardio workout she found out the could do right after her and Tyler's dad died. Working out helps Arizona control her rage.

"Not great," Mason replies, he isn't even bothered by Arizona's working out - he's used to it, he does it, too. "Are you guys still pissed?"

Arizona sits up after she does twenty burpees, and she grabs her canteen of water. "are you keep secrets?" She asks before she down a few swallows of water.


"Then we're still pissed," Tyler replies as Arizona ends up draining her canteen empty. "Hey man you know I was thinking about that stone you were looking for. I might know a couple places it might be."

Arizona goes to Tyler's gym bag and grabs a white towel and she squeezes water from one of Tyler's bottles onto it. She wraps it around her neck.

"Do you think this is a joke?" Mason asks. "If you know where it is, them tell me."

"Tell us how the curse's triggered," Tyler negotiates.

"If I tell you, you won't be able to think about anything else," mason says. "I don't want thsg for you."

"I think we can handle it," Tyler says as Arizona turns the stereo off.

"You think you can handle it?" Mason challenges. "You guys have no idea."

"You want your stupid rock or not?" Tyler says.

Mason traps both twins against the wall, unsure how he is able to manage both at once. "Tell me where it is!"

"Tell us what triggers the curse!" Tyler yells right back.

"You have to kill somebody!" Mason yells. "Human blood! You take another person's life from them and then the curse is yours forever. Can you two handle that?"

"Oh screw this," Arizona grumbles. "Ty, if you need me, text me. I'm going back home."

"Arizona..." Mason starts but she's already gone.

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