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Alaric and Arizona are in the boxing ring in the basement of the Salvatore home,and Arizona's home now. Addictive is still training her. He's training her speed, strength, and her logic. Her logic will help her anticipate the next move of the opponent, even though her opponents will be vampires.

Alaric swings amd Arizona easily dodges amd strikes, hitting Alaric in the face. His head snaps back and he looks up.

"Good," Alaric compliments as they have some upbeat pop music playing. "Quick thinking." He strikes again, and Arizona dodges amd swipes Alaric's legs from underneath him. "Oh!" He groans. "Good one. You're getting better."

Arizona removes her gloves when he does, and she helps him stand. They hug it out before Alaric leaves and Arizona uses Damon's shower.

"Hey, baby," Richard greets as he hugs his daughter. "Glad you're apart of the council now."

"Of course, dad," Arizona says.

sheriff Forbes stands up at the podium. "The coroner's office has officially ruled Vicki Donovan's death a drug overdose. Her family has been notified, the truth will stay in this room and we can out this behind us."

Richard Lockwood had to tell Arizona about vampires, even though she already knows.

Mayor Lockwood smiles, "Thank you, sheriff." He steps up to the podium. "And in to a more pressing issue, John Gilbert has asked to say a few words."

The mayor steps back and he has his daughter beside him near the podium as a man steps up, he has forty blonde hair and hazel eyes.

"Welcome back John," Richard says, "it's good to see you."

"Hello everyone, it's wonderful to see you, I wish it were under better circumstances," John Gilbert says into the mic. "As a founding family member, I find it as my duty to report some distressing news." John has a look around. "A hospital blood bank in the neighboring county of Amherst has reported several break ins over the last two weeks. Seven hunters, four campers, and two state employees have been reported missing as well. All within a 75-mile radius of Mystic Falls."

"Okay, okay," mayor Lockwood interrupts John. "No need to get alarmed right at this moment."

John continues regardless, "You think all of your problems are over but I'm here to tell you, nothing's been solved."

Damon and Arizona eye one another, Damon's uncomfortable.

Arizona is hanging around the Founder's hall in her black and white band suit with a strapless top, and some skin tone pumps. She watches as Damon amd Stefan arrive.

"Hey, gorgeous," Damon greets as he approaches Arizona when Stefan goes to find Elena. "You look amazing."

"So do you, Damon," Arizona replies as she looks around. "I'm eighteen soon." She walks away and she finds her dad and brother with Matt and Kelly Donovan. "Hi, dad, Tyler."

Tyler drapes an arm over Arizona's shoulder.

"I'm so glad you could join us tonight," mayor Lockwood says as he stands with both of his kids.

"It was nice if you to reach out to us," Kelly replies, Arizona can't get the image of her and Damon out of her head.

"This town is one big happy family, when we lose a member, we all come together," the mayor says as he takes their hands. "Matt."

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