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Arizona is playing basketball with her brother and Matt. She grabs the ball from Tyler and she dribbles it a bit.

"So, what's up with you and Forbes?" Tyler asks as Arizona shoots, and she scores, then he gets the ball.

"Nothings up," Matt replies.

"We saw you two in the hall today," Tyler says. "Don't even try and deny it, bro. You're tapping that."

"No, it's not like that," Matt claims.

"Never is," Tyler replies. "Until you become we people." Tyler shoots the ball, and he scored.

Matt gets the ball then. "We people?"

"Yeah," Arizona replies. We can't make it to the party, we will never miss a game, we don't like the color red."

"We hung out, like, twice," Matt claims. He shoots thd ball and he scores, Arizona catches the ball.

"Like I said," Tyler says, "we."

Richard Lockwood and his daughter walk around the career fair at the high school and they see Liz Forbes walk in. She sin her uniform. Richard kisses Arizona on the top of her head before he walks away.

Arizona sees Tyler at the art booth and she goes to the education / history department. She grabs a brochure and she stuffs it into her bad.

"I saw that," Alaric teases as he approaches her.

"I want to be a teacher," Arizona claims. "History."

"Ah, a good subject to teach," Alaric says with a smile. "Did you finish that assignment I gave you?"

"I did," Arizona replies. "You'll be impressed, Ric."

"I hope so," Alaric replies before he leaves her alone.

Arizona smiles as she walks by each booth and she just leaves, she will find something to do.

Arizona finds herself at the boarding house, helping Damon out of his shirt. Her eyes scan his body. He's on the phone with Stefan as he stands before Arizona, shirtless. Damon looks at her when he hangs up.

"We don't have long."

With those words, Arizona finds herself removing her shirt as Damon lifts her up. Once her shirts over her head, Damon's lips attach to Arizona's.

After Damon and Arizona finish doing their business, Arizona is officially no longer a Virgin. Damon watches as she quickly dresses because they gotta go after Logan Fell, who is officially a vampire now. Some one changed him. Once dresssd, Damon grabs Arizona and he speeds off.

They find Logan's car parked in the middle of the road.

"Stay here," Damon demands as he puts Arizona on her feet. "Okay?" She nods.

Stefan has gotten Logan out of the car, and he throws Logan to the pavement.

"Stay out of sight," Damon demands quietly to Arizona. "Logan's new. He won't hesitate to kill you."

She nods and he comes out of the woods with a weapon, he shoots some wooden butlers into Logan.

"Payback's a bitch, isn't it?" Damon taunts amd he looks at his brother, "bet her out of here."

Stefan grabs Caroline and he leaves with her. Damon heads Liz on the phone and he jogs to the car and grabs Logan's phone.

"Sheriff, yeah it's Damon," he says.

"Where is Caroline?" Liz asks in Sorry.

"She's okay," Damon replies. "I'm on elm street." He hands up and he sees Arizona show herself. "God woman, you're freaking stubborn!" He goes to Logan's trunk and he grabs a tire iron. "Gonna try this one more time." He swings the tire iron, showing that he will indeed hurt Logan. "Who turned you?"

"I told you I don't know," Logan replies.

Damon examines the tire iron, "this tire iron here could take your head clean off." He starts to hold the tire iron in a swinging position. "Is that your final answer?" 

"How can you side with them?" Logan asks, he hadn't seen Arizona because she's hidden in the shadows.

"I don't side with anyone," Damon replies. "You pissed me off. I want you dead. Who turned you?"

"I don't know!" Logan exclaims.

"Oh, well," Damon misss. "You're screwed." The vampire starts to swing the iron at Logan's head.

"Wait, wait!" Logan exclaims and Damon stops. "I do know."

"You're lying," Damon accuses.

"You think you're the only one who wants to get in that tomb underneath the old church?" Logan asks.

"If you're lying to me, I will end you," Damon says.

"I'm not lying," Logan claims, Arizona doesn't believe a word the vampire is saying. "There is another way to break the spell. We can help you. Meet me at the old church."

"Gorgeous, go away," Damon says and Arizona runs off.

Arizona goes to the warehouse to see how many bodies Logan had piled up and she sees Alaric stake a vampire. Logan.

"Arizona..." Alaric says when he sees her.

"Can you train me to find a vampire?" Arizona asks. "Yes," She says when she sees his shocked face, "I know about vampires."

"Alright," Alaric replies as he hands her a different stake. "It's all yours. Come by my apartment on weekends and we can set workout dates, I have a bench press. And after some working out, we can go to the woods and practice with your aim. That sound ok?"

She nods. "Yes, sir."

Alaric nods and he looks around. "I have to go."

"I do, too," Arizona says before heading home.

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