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Arizona Lockwood

I walk into the Salvatore house, a house I've grown so used to going to over the last few months. I still cannot believe Damon Salvatore claimed my virginity and we aren't even a couple anymore.

"Elena, it's Stefan,"  I hear as I open Stefan's room door, hoping he's decent. "I know this picture must have confused you. But I can explain. I need to explain. So please, when you get this, call me." Stefan turns when he hangs, most likely smelling me. "Why aren't you at school?"

"Skipping," i reply. "Alaric will see me later for the lessons. What's going on? And what picture?"

Stefan sighs as he shows me a picture of a girl identical to Elena. "This is my ex girlfriend, mientras and Damon's. Katherine."

"That's Katherine?" I gasp, my mind gears running a hand miles a second right now. "You have some serious explaining to do."

"I do," Stefan replies to me. "I know I do, but I need to find her. Can you help me?"

i smile softly at him and nod. "I actually have something to do. But can you let me know if you find her?"

"Of course."

I leave the Salvatore boarding house and drive to Alaric's apartment building. He still wants to train me how to fight a vampire. I love Stefan and Damon but I'm sure there are more vampires out there. And I'm sure that the other vampires out there won't be as kind.

I walk up the stairs and knock on the propped door. Alaric opens the door, he's in a grey T-shirt. He smiles when he sees me and he steps aside. When I walk in, I see a bench press, but the only light that reveals the press is the computer light.

"Sorry about the dark," Alaric flips the light on.

"Don't worry about it," I state.

I actually enjoy the dark, myself. Alaric brushes by me and he gets the bench press ready for me, he puts it on the lowest weight at first and tells to lay on the bench.

"I'm gonna finish this, you do that," Alaric says. "If you need me, holler." 

I nod and I lay beneath the bar. A sigh escapes my throat as I begin.

Alaric ends up driving me to school, saying it's wrong to skip. Ugh,b this guy! Alaric smirks at me as he sees my pout. Right now, he's searching the seats for something, I have no idea what.

"Hey, mr Saltzman!" Jeremy Gilbert says as he walks over. "Hey, Ari."

"Hey, Jeremy," Alaric greets as he looks at him. "I, uh... I can't find my ring. I took it off for the gym and thought I out it... there it is!" He finds it and he grabs it. "Losing family heirlooms... bad." He stands and he puts the ring on. "How's your extra credit coming? You pick a topic Hey?"

"Mystic Falls, the civil war era," Jeremy replies.

"What's the angle?" Ric asks as I look around the parking lot.

"My family," Jeremy replies. "I found a journal of an ancestor who lived in the 1800s. And the Gilberts were one of the original founding families of Mystic Falls. So..."

"That sounds good," Alaric says and he looks at me. "I'll see you in class. Yeah?"

"Yes, me Saltzman," I say in a sultry voice, making Jeremy laugh. "You'll see me in class."

Alaric shakes his head in amusement at me before sending me on my way.

After school, Alaric brings me back to his apartment. He's more alert this tome, more awake. This is going to be fun! Can you sense my sarcasm. Alaric adds one more pound to the press and motions toward it, he has a smirk on his face.

"You asked me for training, remember that, Arizona," Alaric says. "So, suck it up and do as I say. After we get you some actual muscle on you, we will work in the woods, okay? Deal?"

I look up at him and I nod. "Deal."

"Good," Alaric replies. "Now, let's get started, shall we? We have a long time of training ahead of us, Arizona, and this is your first real day of the muscle building. You have to be strong to stab a vampire and for it to actually hurt them."

I go home after some working out, my muscles are stiff. I had texted Tyler and told him that I was gonna start working out, getting my strength up. My brother said he'd help me, too. He'd bring me to the gym where he works out for football and everything.

"You reek," Tyler teases when I enter the house. "How was working out?"

"It's a progress," I reply as we go upstairs. "I need a hot shower."

"Yeah, you do," Tyler jokes and he runs off before I can sleep him.

"Dick," I mutter to myself before going to my personal bathroom, and taking my shower.

It is like my body is thanking me a million times as I lay in my very song queen sized bed after a long day of school and weight lifting. Did some before school and after. Alaric really is serious about this wanting to train me. I'm so glad he accepted my offer to train me to fight a vampire. You never know what you're going to encounter out there anymore, especially when you know what's out there.

Tyler walks in and he plops down beside me. "We Can run together, if you want."

"Yeah, that would work," I reply, Alaric says I should work on my speed some. "Thanks, Ty."

Tyler pulls me into his arms and kisses my head. "Of course, Zona."

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