Chapter 9:Dark Dragon Guild

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A/N:This chapter will be really,REALLY long!Play the video when it says,'~PLAY SONG~' and when it says '~END OF SONG~' means that it should be over by then.Dont just watch the video,you also have to read along with the music to make it effective! The pic is of the Drak Dragon Guilds mark.And I dedicate this chapter to @Nashi_Dragneel_! Thank you for making such go books!!
When we got to the train station,everything was in ruin."What happened here?"I asked a tall man."It was the Dark Dragon Guild!"He yelled."We're too late."I said.
The town was abandoned.The houses looked destroyed and a few looked like they were in a fire."There you guys are!" A man with black hair and brown eyes said."I'm Lexton Tipton,the one who requested help."Lexton said.
"So,we're is everyone?"I asked."Hiding.Some of them fled the city."Lexton said."Then we'll get right to work."Erza said.We all nodded and ran into the forest.
--------------Time Skip--------------------
"It's starting to get dark.We should set up camp."Erza said."Thank goodness! That was so boring!" Natsu said.I sweat dropped.After we settled everything up,I took the first watch.
After it was around midnight,Lucy came up to me."You should get some sleep."She said."Im fine."I said in a stern voice.'I don't want everyone to think I'm weak.' I thought,clenching my fist.
"You need to rest."Lucy said,putting a hand on my shoulder.I relaxed.I sighed in defeat."Okay,fine."I said.My eyes were blood shot.I laid down on the hard ground,fall asleep almost instantly.
-----------Time Skip:4:00 AM----------
"Mikriko!Wake up!"Natsu yelled. I opened my eyes.It was still dark out. "Wha?"I asked,rubbing my eyes.The trees around us were on fire,some of them had fallen down.
"We're under attack!"Natsu yelled. Sat up quickly.Gray and Juvia were tryin to contain the fire around us.Lucy had summoned Vergo to dig trench around the fire so it wouldn't get close to us.
Wendy used her Sky Dragon Slayer magic to take out trees that were about to fall or were too close."Who's attacking us?!"I asked."The Dark Dragon Guild!"Natsu replied.
Natsu tried eating as much fire as he could but there was too much of it."What a pathetic team."A man said behind me.
I turned around and saw Marcket (not market but Mar-Cet.) "Hello, Fairy Tail."Marcket said,grinning an evil grin. He had his huge sword hung over his shoulder.
"Yeah,I guess we could call them 'Fairy Tail' members.I don't even think that they should be apart of Fairy Tail since they're so weak!"A man on a tree branch laughed.
"Come down here and fight us!"Natsu yelled."Wait,why would their guild master only send two men?"Lucy asked."Maybe because we're ranked in 2nd assassin."He said.
I glared.The man in the leaves and that was hidden in the dark seemed familiar.
"Enough chit chat!I want to fight! Even if you are a 2nd ranked assassins, Fairy Tail will beat you!"Natsu yelled,making his right hand produce fire.
"For we are,Fairy Tail members!" Natsu yelled.Marcket smirked. "I'm gonna wipe that stupid smirk off your face!"Natsu yelled.
"Fire Dragons Iron Fist!"Natsu yelled,the fire magic print image surrounded Natsu when he punched the palm of his hand with his fist.
Wind started to pick up around Natsu."Dark Knights Dagger Swords!" Marcket screamed,using his huge sword to block the attack.Natsu flew backwards but landed on his feet.
"Help him!"I yelled to everyone. Then,more members of the Dark Dragon Guild ambushed Wendy,Carla, Happy,Erza,Gray,Juvia,and Lucy.
They were trapped."Let's dance,girly." The mystery man said.
I turned around found out that it was Dezar."Lava Dragons Lava Pool!" I yelled,the ground around Dezar turning to lava.Only a small platform were Dezar was standing wasn't in lava.
"Impressive."Dezar said,smirking. "But not impressive enough."Dezar said. " Electric Dragons Lightning Bolt!"Dezar yelled, a lightning bolt hurling towards me.
I barley blocked it.I made a x with my arms to block it.I skidded back a few feet,still standing."Mikriko!"Erza yelled,starting to run towards me.
But more Dark Dragon Guild members stood in Erza's way.Dezar jumped out of the small pit of the lava. "You are so weak."Dezar said.
(A/N:Okay,now here's the few paragraphs that I wrote for this chapter in the comments.)
I panted hard as Dezar smirked at me. "Your not strong enough,Mikriko." Dezar said.My eyes widened."Why did basically tell everyone you know me?" I whispered.
"Because I do know you." Dezar said.I scowled."Water Dragons Gracious Slash!"I yelled.Dezar dogged." Get ready because I'm coming at you!"Dezar yelled,engulfing his whole hand in purple and black magic.My eyes widened as he was almost on top of me.
'The Darzen magic,oh no.'I thought. Then,Natsu came and jumped in front of me,blocking the attack."Natsu no!!" I yelled.He screamed in pain as the Darzen magic touched him.
"What was that?!?!"He yelled. "Darzen magic,poison magic."I said in a serious voice.
"Poison?!?!"Natsu screeched.Natsu started to panic and he ran in circles. "Stop moving!"I shouted."If you keep moving,the poison will spread!"I yelled.
Natsu froze."Good.Now I can finish this fight once and for all."I said.
That's the end!I told you it was long! Every chapter with a music video will be long.That's all!
book_binder out!

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