Chapter 31:Dragon Slayer Ball Part 3

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A/N:So sad!!! Only 3 chapters to go!!!😢 I dedicate this chapter to NatsuDragNeeL11_15 !!!This chapters gonna be long with the battle and all!!!
Natsu's POV
'It's not over yet.' was the words I watched Erza say as she blocked the sword attack.Narkok yelled something in anger but he was talking too fast for me to understand.'What am I going to do?'I thought.'Just lesson to me.' Nalek whispered in my mind.It kinda felt wearied that I could hear her but no one else.
'Mikriko is being controlled, if you can take out Narkok, the spell will break.' Nalek explained.'How do I do that?'I asked.'There's a girl named Civa hiding behind that curtain.She's strong, possibly even stronger than you.Take her out and then Narkok will be wide open.'Nalek told me.
'Thank you, for everything.'I thought.
There was a silence but I could tell that she was smiling."Lets do this."I said."Fire Dragons Roar!!!"I screamed, running towards the curtain.As I was about to strike, I saw the girl through a crack in the curtain look at me shocked."H-how did you find me?!"She yelled, pulling out a metal fan, blocking the attack.
The girl had long, green hair and green eyes.Mikriko had stopped playing her flute and I pulled out the cloth as fast as I could.I ran towards Lucy and everyone else, holding my ground from Civa.
"Master Narkok, may I leave the red head to you?"Civa asked.Narkok nodded his head while blocking Erza's sword with his own."Im not a red head!!!!Im a scarlet!!!!"Erza screamed, pushing Narkok's sword back and jumped up to strike down."Jeil.Dev.Erk.Ell.Xury.Cal.Ik.Nec.Sed.Vem.Til!!!"Civa yelled, fire shooting out of the ground in a pillar right underneath Erza, causing her to scream.
I quickly eat the fire and pulled back."You filthy vermin!!!!I teach you your place!!!"Civa yelled, striking the ground underneath her with her fist,carving circles around her.It spread all the way to Lucy,Gray,Gajeel,Wendy,Amaya, and I. Then, it turned into nothingness and we all fell through.
Wendy's POV
"Carla!!!"I screamed.I had taken out the cloth Natsu gave me since he took out his."Im coming!!!!"Carla yelled, diving into the whole and grabbing my wrist, trying to pull me out.Then, we were engulfed in a light blue light and we disappeared.
I landed hard on my butt on sold earth."Ouch."I said, rubbing my butt."That hurt."Carla said, sitting up."A ruff landing, I should say."I said."Were are we?"I asked standing up."I dunno."Carla replied.There was nothing but earth and darkness around us.And a tunnel that was black.
"Natsu!!!!Gajeel!!!!Lucy!!!Anyone?!!!"I shouted.There was no reply."Should we continue on?"I asked Carla.She shrugged and I walked into the black, empty tunnel.
Lucy's POV
I fell through the black whole, darkness surrounding me.I pulled out my Leo Celestial Key."Open gate to Leo the Lion!I summon thee!"I yelled as Loke appeared.He threw me in front of him as I fell basically on top of him.We landed with a big thump."Now .could you please get off of me?"Loke asked."Oh! Sorry!"I shouted.
I jumped off and dusted myself off."Hmmm.......Very odd.Try summoning another Celestial Spirt."Loke ordered. "Why?"I asked."Just do it."Loke said."R-right.Um.....Open gate to the Maid Vergo!I summon thee!"I shouted.Nothing happened."I summon thee!"I shouted again.Nothing."As I suspected, this place blocks all magic and Celestial Summons."Leo said."We should walk further through the tunnel, maybe we can find the rest of the team."Leo said.
Gajeels POV
"That stupid green haired,fan waving, spell speaking bastered!!!!Im gonna kill that girl!!!"I shouted, dusting myself off. 'She'll pay.'I thought bitterly as I walked through the tunnel.
Amaya's POV
'Were is everyone?'I thought, looking around.'Its so dark!And cold!!I don't know we're I am!!!Maybe I should follow the tunnel.'I thought, standing up and walking through the dark.
Gray's POV
"My head hurts....."I said, rubbing the back of my head."Wait, were am I?"I asked."It looks like a maze......."The I gasped in surprise."It is a maze!!!That green haired Spell Caster is trying to separate us so we're weaker!!!!That wimp!!!!"I shouted into nothingness.
"I should find the others."I said, walking through a empty tunnel.
Juvia's POV
I landed hard, the force of gravity pushing me down."Gray?"I called."Juvia doesn't know what to do."I said, standing up.Maybe I should walk through one of the tunnels.
Natsu's POV
"We're are we?"I whispered, fire forming in my hand.Light broke through the darkness."This is all part of what I must do."Civa's voice echoed off of the walls."Why are you doing this?"I asked."I am merely a tool used to Narkok's will and I must do whatever he wants me to."Civa's voice rang.
I turned in a circle but didn't see her."Your not a tool!!!No one should be a tool or shield or weapon for anyone by force!!!!Like Mikriko was!!!"I screamed.I could tell that Civa was hesitating for a second."Im sorry but what Narkok wants, I must do."Civa said.
Then, a red light formed underneath me and the next thing I know I'm teleported to a nice room with a fireplace and a big chair."You're Natsu, aren't you?"Civa asked."How do you know me?"I asked."Mikriko's thoughts are so easy to be pulled out into the open."Civa said, picking up a mug and took a sip from it.
"Natsu Dragneel, Mikriko is nothing, be with me."Civa said, disappearing and reappearing before me."N-no."I said as she leaned in close."Heh, your the first boy to black that."Civa said, smirking and stepping back."You've passed my test, but now, it's just started."Civa said, snapping her fingers as we teleported again.
We showed up on a dirt battle field and everyone else on my team was teleported here."Now, the true battle begins."Civa said, smirking.
Erza's POV
"I will not let you win!!!"I screamed."Heavens Wheel Armor!!"I yelled as I re-equipped."Pathetic!!"Narkok yelled, blocking my sword attack.I slashed at his face, cutting his right cheek slightly."You'll pay!!!"Narkok yelled, lunging at me.
I dodged easily and cut pretty deep into his right side."I-I'm not giving up."Narkok said.I smirked."Thats what I expected."I said, as we clashed swords again.
Natsu's POV
"Now, if all of you want to leave my maze, you must defeat me in combat."Civa said, pulling out her metal fan."Hmf, too easy."Gray said, smirking."Ice Make Lace!!!!"Gray shouted as the attack came towards Civa.Gray smirked but then Civa jumped out of the way.
"It's not all about strength, it's about speed."Civa said."No, your wrong.Its about the strength you have with everyone else, about the strength you have with your friends."I said as Wendy smiled at me with a few tears streaming down her face.
"Oh, then tell me, why did my friend leave me when I was weak?!"CI a yelled, running towards me with her fan.She slashed me on the shoulder before I could block."Ive grown stronger without my friend, stronger than you guys."Civa said."No, we're stronger then you with our friendship which makes us stronger."I said.
"This is so unlike you, Natsu."Gray said."Maybe I've changed."I said, smiling a closed eyed smile and giving him a thumbs up."NO!!!!!! My best friend betrayed me and left me all alone!!!"Civa screamed, tears streaming down her face. "Narkok's the only person I need!!!"Civa yelled, jumping up for a strike.
Then, a sword came out of nowhere and was in my hands.Then it set itself on fire and it blazed bright.I blocked Civa's attack."I gave my life to that friend and she betrayed me!!!!"Civa screamed as more tears streamed down her face. "Time Dragons Claw!"Civa yelled as a metal claw came out of nowhere and nocked me down.
"This is a claw that I control.Time Dragons Wing Slash!"Civa yelled as metal wings shimmered onto her back. She flew up and then started diving towards Wendy.She slashed through the side of Wendy's stomach."Wendy!!!"I screamed, running towards them."Wendy."I said, catching her before she fell."I guess she was right, she is stronger than us."Wendy said, smiling before passing out.
"Time Dragons Roar!!!"Civa yelled as metal and fire shot towards Gray and Amaya."Ice Make Shield!"Gray yelled. Gray's Ice Shield was destroyed instantly and Amaya and Gray flew backwards."Time Dragons Speeding Talon!!"Civa yelled as she ran at Gajeel and Juvia.
They tried blocking her attack but she was going too fast that I couldn't keep track were she was.Civa slashed thought them with her claw."Now then, it's just you and me."Civa said, her face now dry from tears."One on one." I said, smiling.
"Fire Dragons Roar!"I yelled.Civa tried blocking with her fan but some of the attack got her.I took the sword and slashed her in the shoulder while she was still recovering from my attack."Strong."Civa said."But not strong enough."She said and tripped me.
She pointed the fan to my throat."I was ignored! Always left out of everything! Never appreciated until Narkok gave me a life, happiness and love.Snd that's why I said that I would always be at his side, do whatever he wanted."Civa said.I slowly grabbed for the fire sword while she was distracted.
"I don't care what others think anymore of me!!!Im Narkok's tool and weapon!!!!He always uses me!!!! He thinks I'm useful!!"Civa said."Im sorry."I whispered as I stabbed her in the stomach."Y-you would kill me for a friend?"Civa whispered.
"I would do anything for a friend, a friend who cares for me."I said."Thank you."Civa whispered, tears streaming down her face."You have won, you are free."Civa said as the stone room formed in front of us.But it was odd, the Civa on top of me was gone.
"You have shown me what true friendship is like."Civa said, walking out behind the curtain."But how'd you?...."I asked."Its a unknown magic only few know of."Civa said.I looked over and saw Erza and Narkok still sword fighting."Your out numbered."I said, standing up.
"Maybe."Narakok said, running past Erza.'Were's he going?'I wondered.Then, I spotted Mikriko."No!!!!"I screamed, running as fast as I could towards them."To late!"Narkok said, stabbing her in the stomach.Erza ran up from behind and nocked out Narkok.
"Mikriko!!!"Wendy screamed, running towards Mikriko.Mikriko, surprisingly, didn't make a sound as she bleed out."Mikriko?"I asked, kneeling down besides her.Narkok smirked while laughing."She's gone, her soul is empty she belongs to me."Narkok said
No!"I shouted sternly."No one has the right to own someone."I said."Then why doesn't she make a sound? Why doesn't she say good bye? Why doesn't she call out for you?"Narkok asked."She's dying, what do we do?"Gray asked."We can't do anything."I replied.
"Wait, why are her eye's red?"I asked."Like I said, her soul's empty, I control her now.She is my pawn."Narkok said."Mikirko."Narkok said.She looked up at him."Yes, Master?"Mikriko asked.
"Kill your friends."Narkok said."As you wish."Mikriko said, standing up.She grabbed my sword from my grasp and started walking towards Gray, panting hard."Mikriko!!! No!!!"I screamed, grabbing her wrist.I pulled her into a hug before she could draw the sword and strike me.
"You aren't alown, you have us, we're your friends, we'll protect you."I whispered, hugging her tight."Natsu....."I heard Mikriko whispered."Thank you....."Mikriko said, passing out from blood loss."No!!!She broke through my control spell!!!"Narkok screamed."Its over."I said, picking up Mikriko.
"You have lost."I said.We all left the Ball when everyone was awake again."Let's go home and throw Narkok in prison."I said.And we did just that, leving Mikriko in the infirmary.
That's the last part in the Dragon Slayer Ball!!! It was a long chapter like I said.I hope you liked and I'll update either tomorrow or Tuesday!!! That's all!!
book_binder out!

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