Chapter 20:Mikriko's Blown Cover

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A/N:Hey!! I'm actually updating a little bit earlier than I expected.Well, this chapters gonna be long too, sorry.
Natsu's POV
"Wh-who?!"Lucy cried."The Unknown Master."Legna repeated.Then a typhoon of black appeared and Legna smiled devilishly.
Then he got down on one knee."I have gotten her as you asked."Legna said.Mikriko's eyes widened as if she knew who it was."I-it can't be."Mikriko choked out.
The blackness started to clear like dust and one man stood there with a black sword in hand.The sword had two black dragon heads curved into the side of the handles and the eyes were painted red.
"Release her."The mystery man said.He had a black hood on so I couldn't see his face.Legna looked up surprised. "But master-" "I said release her!"The man in the cloak shouted.
Legna looked down and closed his eyes."But I went to all this trouble to get her."Legna said."I didn't tell you to kill her, did I?"He asked."Fine.As you wish, master."Legna said as the black tentacles evaporated into nothing.
Mikriko fell down on her knees."You have failed me, Mikriko."The cloaked figure said.Everyone looked at Mikriko in shock and disbelief."I-I'm sorry."Mikriko whispered to no one."You better be.And I think you know what happens to those who disobey me or betray me."The figure said.
Mikriko looked up with horror and surprise."B-but Narkok-" Narkok gave her a sharp look."Now everyone knows who I am."Narkok said."Gomen."Mikriko whispered."Now, would your friends like to witness a powerful Mage?" Narkok asked, looking at us.
'Wait, Narkok? Isn't that the name Fedrick said? What's so strong about him?' I thought."No?Then, the can witness it first hand."Narkok sad, snapping his fingers with a smile.
Then, black shadow arms shot out of his robe, grabbing onto my wrist.I then slammed into the wall."Wh-What is this magic?!"I yelled, cringing my teeth.Erza struggle but even she couldn't break free.
"It's Dark Magic,baka."Narkok said, forcing a deadly stare."And I expected more of the Fairy tail guild.Even you, Erza Scarlet, S-Class member of Fairy Tail."Narkok said.
Erza looked up surprised."Thats right, I know everyone here.Like you, Natsu Dragneel, Fire Dragon Slayer."Everyone looked at me, and even I looked surprised.
"Wh-What do you want with Mikriko?"I asked."Im going to take her back to the guild and throw her in the dungeon for a few days without food or water.Sound good with you, Natsu?"Narkok said.I looked at him horrified as her grabbed Mikriko's chin.
"If you lay so much a a finger on Mikriko, I'll-" "You'll do what? Burn me? If you do, then she will too."Narkok said, creating a black wrist band and clasping it to Mikriko's right wrist.(I made it pacific cause it's important later on.)
"Now, if anything happens to me, the same pain happens to her." Narkok said."You bastered!!" I screamed."I'm called many things.Baka, evil, dark, but never, have I been called a bastered."Narkok said, flicking a finger, sending me flying into a brick wall.
I sat up, coughing up blood."No!!!!!!"Mikriko screamed."Please, please, I'll do anything, just, just don't kill them." Mikriko said.My vision blurred as I saw Mikriko run towards me.
"Do you want to know the truth, Fairy Tale?Mikriko has been working for me.In fact, she's in my guild, the Dark Dragon's and is a 1st class assassin and spy for me."Narkok said.I looked at Mikriko, her head hung."I-is it true?"I asked.She nodded faintly.
I pushed her away."No.No, get away from me.You, you're evil."I said.She looked at my purely petrified. "Nastu-" Mikriko said, grabbing my arm."No."I said, yanking my arm away.Mikriko's eyes started to water."Natsu.....Erza.....Lucy." Mikriko whispered.
We all looked away from her."Fine."Mikriko said, standing."If you won't accept me as I am, I'm leaving, going back to my old Guild."Mikriko said."A guild full of thievery, lies, killing, and murder.I'm sorry I waisted your time."Mikriko said, tears streaming down her face as she walked up to Narkok.
"I-I'm sorry, I should've never disobeyed you." Mikriko said, bowing."Its okay, I know how you feal right know."Narkok said, hugging Mikriko.I cluched my fist, grinding my teeth.
"Just hold on a minute, okay?"Narkok said.Mikriko nodded, tears staining her checks and shirt.Narkok kneed down next to me."Stay out of my way.Mikriko is my puppet and as long I 'care' about her, she's my puppet.Dont go around telling her lies and taking her from me, k?"He whispered.
I nodded in terroir."Good."He said."Now, Mikriko, lets go clean you up."Narkok said.Mikriko nodded and wiped away her tears."Since when did you become soft?"Fedrick said, walking out of the shadow besides me, making me flinch.
Narkok frowned."I'm simply, comforting her."Narkok said."Not you, Mikriko."Fedrick said.I heard Narkok slightly growl."I-I don't know what you mean....."Mikriko mumbled.
"You do to.When we were young, you use to be so happy, and even though I was older, I use to be the one crying and you use to be the one to comfort me.And when I got bullied and started crying, you stood up for me."Fedrick said.
"Let's go."Narkok growled, glaring at Fedrick."Mikriko, don't forget, as long as you have friends, you're strong." Fedrick said as Mikriko and Narkok vanished in black light, causing the black clasp on us to vanish.
"Well, that's my cue."Legna said, vanishing in purple light before I could tackle him."Bastered....."I muttered."Good luck."Fedrick said."And, please, save Mikriko by saving her from this darkness.Oh, and thank you for being friends with Mikriko even though I couldn't at the time."Fedrick said,vanishing in purple light too.
"What just happened?"Lucy asked in disbelief."I think that there was a really good spy in our guild."I said, clenching my fist and glaring at nothing.
Like I said, long chapter.Hope you like this chapter and that this chapter encouraged you to continue reading this book. That's all,
book_binder out!!

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