Camp Buddies (Dealor)

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John's P.O.V
He was an absolute dickhead.

But I couldn't help but love him. Everything about him, his looks, his hair, his smile, his laugh, his teeth but one problem stood in the way.

He hated me.

I don't even know what I had done wrong, I just shared the same cabin as him and he already held a grudge against me. The camp councillors wouldn't let us switch partners or 'buddies' so we were stuck together.

The only time he was nice to me was when he got drunk and the councillors were looking for him. He begged me to not tell them that he was the drunkard stumbling around camp screaming "Fuck You!" or "My star sign is Wanker!"

I thought it was hilarious and it was kinda funny to see him actually begging me not to tell them, so I didn't.

I kinda wish I did.

Sometimes he went out on walks through the woods for hours. I don't know where he goes or what he does but it's strange.

People are scared of him, if he's sitting down at lunch people will choose to sit away from him because of his facial expression. He looks sad and angry all the time, no one knows what happened to him when he was younger.

We'd just finished dinner, my camp buddy hadn't attended as usual. He was out on one of his walks so that left me alone in the cabin for some time.

We had a curfew we had to meet for showering and brushing our teeth so we didn't wake everyone up. I managed to get mine done just before the curfew finished.

"John?" A councillor asked from outside, poking his head through the window and curtains. I looked up from my bed.

"Is Roger in there?" I looked over at his empty bed next to the wall. I played over the scenarios in my mind and I thought about what to say.

"Yeah he's in here, just tired is all" The councillor nodded and closed the window. I lay down, looking at the ceiling for a while, thinking about Roger.

His shoulder length blonde hair, his baby blue eyes that sparkled in the evening sun, his teeth that were so perfect even the gods would be jealous.

He was so well defined, I remember when I came back from dinner to him walking out the shower, he had a towel wrapped around his waist, water was dripping from his face and hair.

He would lift up his shirt and put it over his head so you could see his abs and muscles. I didn't know why the girls he got with didn't last.

I rolled over, trying to ignore my very obvious erection but it won me over everytime. I threw the duvet off and cursed quietly under my breath as I got out of my boxers and wrapped a hand around my prick.

I closed my eyes and tried to enjoy myself as my imagination took off, a little hint of guilt was there in the back of my mind, thinking about a straight man whilst I jerked off.

I don't know how long I had been laying there in the dark, desperately chasing my orgasm when the door swung open and the light was switched on.

"Johnny boy! I-" Roger's eyes were wide as he stared me in the face. He had caught me jerking off, my face went bright red. I just wanted to disappear.

"What in the actual fuck." I bit my tongue to try and stop the tears of embarrassment from flooding out my eyes. Roger's eyes never left me as he closed the door.

I grabbed the duvet and threw it over me as he walked towards his bed, a look of utter bemusement plastered across his face.

He sat down, facing me. His hands clasped in front of him as he leant his head on the top of his fingers. We sat there like that for a few minutes, in silence.

"Who were you thinking about Johnny boy?" He asked, his voice cold and deep. I swallowed the spit that was building up in my throat and opened my mouth to say something.

But nothing came out.

Roger stood up and moved so he was on the end of my bed. He grabbed the duvet and ripped it off my nimble body.

"I said, who were you thinking about John?" I closed my eyes tightly and quietly murmured.


I opened my eyes a little and saw the smuggest grin I've ever seen plastered across his face. He leaned forward and wrapped a hand around my leaking member.

"What were you thinking about?" He murmured quietly, his eyes never leaving me as he continued to stroke me.

"I uhm"

Roger nodded and began moving his hand up and down my shaft slower.

"I was thinking a-about you on your k-knees for me" I whispered softly. A satisfied "The night y-you came b-back drunk" I added.

"Is that so?" He asked smugly, letting go of my cock so he could undo his belt. I nodded, he kicked off his shoes and pants.

He lifted up his shirt and held the bottom of it in his teeth. I gazed at his almost naked body and then he took off his boxers.

He was bigger than I imagined, he grinned at me as I gazed at his erection. He pushed me down onto my bed, got onto his knees and positioned himself over my aching cock.

It felt like bliss as he sunk down onto my member, he was warm and tight and his skin was soft to touch. I craned my neck to look at him, his eyes were shut and his mouth was hung open.

He was facing the ceiling, his hands loosely gripping onto my thighs. He lifted himself up and then sunk back down again, his thighs slapping against mine as he rode me.

I let out quick breaths and placed my hands on his hips, gently guiding him up and down. I opened my eyes and we locked contact.

He grinned broadly at me, throwing his head back and letting out a little growl.

"You like seeing me like this Johnny?" He asked, staring at me with those gorgeous eyes of his. "Bouncing up and down on your cock?" I swallowed thickly and nodded.

He bent down and bit my earlobe "You wanna hear me moan for you?" He whispered, I felt my cheeks go pink and I shivered when I felt his tongue lick the shell of my ear.

"John. Oh f-fuck John" He murmured, his voice trembling. I absent mindedly took his hands in mine and rocked us back and forth.

"Oh John! P-Please!" He whimpered loudly, his whole body going rigid and tense. I bucked up into him and he gasped weakly, his hands gripping onto mine tightly.

I realised my power in the situation and grinned. "I'll do it again if you beg me" I said smugly, admiring his flushed face and sweaty stomach.

"Oh p-please John! I'll be a good b-boy!" I bucked up into him before relaxing on the bed again.

"Are you sure?"

"Y-Yes! Yes I a-am just please f-fuck me!" I gripped the collar of his shirt and pulled him down into a kiss, our hips moving together in sync.

I reached a hand in inbetween our bodies and began stroking his leaking shaft, his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he let out a muffled whimper as he coated my hand in sticky white liquid.

I followed shortly after him, shooting my load as deep as I could inside of him. I gently rolled him off me and pulled out.

After a few minutes of us catching our breath he rolled over so he could look at me.

"Sorry for being a dickhead" He murmured quietly, like a child that had been caught throwing something they shouldn't have into the shopping trolley.

"Its okay, are you okay though? You had no prep" I said quietly, pulling his body close to me. He laughed softly and placed his head on my chest.

"I used to do it for money" My eyes widened and I nodded slowly. I felt him go limp and fall asleep on my stomach.

And that's how we woke up.

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