Letters To Roger (Maylor)

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April 15th 1941

Dearest Roger,

I'm sorry for not writing to you earlier, things
have been stressing me out recently and I couldn't find any time to myself!

I'm living out in Devon now, in a village called East Portlemouth, with an elderly hag of a shopkeeper called Ms Harper. She runs a small grocery shop here, she'll whack you with a broomstick if you don't work to her standards.

I hope everything is okay over in London. My father is still recovering after returning from Dunkirk last year. Is your father better now? You told me he had to have his leg amputated.

Think of me whenever times get tough, hopefully we'll be reunited soon. I love you!



April 20th 1941


Things sound 'wonderful' for you over in Devon with Ms Harper. I've been trying to scrape together enough money to buy a train ticket, as I've told you before, mother doesn't want me to leave London.

The Germans have been bombing us every night. I haven't slept in my own bed for three weeks, we've been staying in the London Underground. My back hurts from sleeping on the tracks.

I miss you so much, I've only got one week left until I get paid. Hopefully it'll be enough for the ticket. Love you to the moon and back!



September 17th 1939

Brian's P.O.V

The candle flame flickered in the darkness, illuminating the paper of my school book. My clock read 1:30 am. I could hear the sound of my father snoring down the hall, the candle light slipping underneath my door into the hallway.

I sighed, a few black words at the top of my page. This was supposed to be a story but so far it looked like handwriting practice. I placed my head in my hands and pulled my chair out of the desk.

I flopped down onto my bed, staring up at the black ceiling. "Fuck" I whispered, quietly apologising to my grandmother who watched me up in heaven.

A knock at my window came and I felt my blood run cold, the blackout blind covering the glass. I shakily stood up and tiptoed over the window.

I pulled up the blind a bit and saw a familiar face outside. I quickly opened the window and my boyfriend climbed inside my room, I peered outside to see if anyone had spotted us before shutting the window and putting the blind back down.

"Roger" I murmured happily, wrapping him in a tight hug. He buried his face into my chest, exhaling shakily into my shirt. When we pulled away he smiled at me, his arms wrapped around my neck.

"Oh, I missed you Brian" he whispered, his legs wrapping around my waist as I kissed at his neck. My mind was racing, my parents could have heard the loud thud Roger made when he climbed into the room and could walk in at any second.

They'd find their only child, undressing his secret boyfriend. What would they think? It all added to the excitement of our secret weekly meetups.

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