Asmodeus' Servant (Deacury)

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WARNING!: Dubious Consent.



Hymns played quietly in the background of the church as the regular rehab group filed out of the church doors and into the crisp winter air outside.

"Thank you for coming today Lennie" John said softly as he shook the broad mans hand "God will guide you on your way to redemption and away from your sins"

"Thank you Deacon John, I feel like a new man under God's guidance" Lennie smiled and looked up admiringly at the art that covered the ancient ceiling "You and Father May are really wonderful"

John nodded his head in appreciation and smiled warmly as Lennie made his way out of the church into the dark outside. The Deacon closed the doors and made his way to the alter.

Father May appeared from the doorway of the chapel, a black and white scarf wrapped around his neck, the tip of his nose a blotchy red from him coming down with the flu.

"You don't mind locking up today do you Deacon John?" Father May asked, his hazel brown eyes widened at the sight of the young boy cleaning up the alter.

"Of course not Father May, you go home and rest" John smiled warmly at the older man before turning back to adjusting the candles.

"Thank you Deacon John, God Bless" Father May waved at the young boy before making his way out of the church where Lennie walked a few moments earlier.

The young Deacon began to clean up the alter, brushing bits of fallen ash and rubbish that people had left there from the day. Father May had turned off the Catholic hymns and the church had been plunged into a cold silence.

A presence made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, he felt as though someone was watching him as he swept up ash from the candles.

"Hello?" He called out into the silence, only the sound of his voice reverberating off the stone walls.

The church was thrown into a chilling darkness, a few candles lit themselves on the sides of the church, the flames dancing against the walls.

A cold laugh echoed around the room. John grabbed the cross around his neck and held it tightly in his sweaty palm.

"For our sake he was crucified, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day!" The Deacon chanted loudly, watching as a shadow briefly appeared on the wall at the end of the church, his body frozen with fear.

"I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified!"

"Shut up" A voice snapped, sounding like wind chimes forged from the depths of hell.

A figure appeared at the end of the church, its yellow devilish eyes landed on the Deacon as it slowly made its way towards the alter.

John squeaked in terror, fumbling around in his pockets for the bottle of holy water he carried around with him. He surrounded himself in a circle of holy water, staring open mouthed at the demon in front of him.

"I b-believe in one, holy, c-catholic and a-apostolic Church. I-I confess-"

"Shut up!" The demon growled as it stormed it's way over to the petrified Deacon, stepping through the ring of holy water like it was a puddle in a park.

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