a run to take my mind off of things (ending!)

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Back to Megan POV: 

I felt so flustered and embarrassed, he had just done that in front of everyone and he thought it was some big joke.

I hated feeling weak or the brunt of jokes, and I was never one with words so he had completely stumped me and made me vulnerable. It was a weakness I despised and hated and as I ran through the forest I tried to take my mind off of it but my thoughts kept finding themselves back to that darn prince!

But a crunch of leaves instantly took my mind out of its racing thoughts as I froze stiff and looked around wearily.

 I slowly trodded forward listening for the source of the sound as it was larger than a bird as I heard a twig snap my head turned to its direction to see an all too familiar deep grey wolf through the trees peaking its head out with curious green eyes. 

I glared and growled and darted away but his voice penetrated my mind 'you can't run from me forever you know..'  

'i can sure as hell try' 

I was too caught up to notice him gaining on me instantly tackling me to the ground and hovering over me 'what too flustered to stick around?' he prodded and I growled in vexation.

I spun and pinned him down looming over him I was significantly larger I noticed due to my heritage, and his shapeshifting abilities. I growled deeply

'i swear if you-'  

'you'll what? kill me?' he teased cutting me off mid-sentence, I glared at him but he quickly leaned his head up toward me and licked my nose. I stumbled back in surprise as he ran forward 'you will have to catch me first!'  his black-furred form darting off through the bloodline.

 I quickly picked up my pace and eventually catching him we both rolled as we tossed around on the mud-covered ground laughing through our mind connection as the light from the trees grazed over our forms. We both shifted back into our human forms laying down facing one another huffing and panting. 

My ears twitched at the small gust of wind "caught you" I huffed and he chuckled "that you did" we both stared into one another's eyes his emerald eyes filled with a new emotion affection, my tail twitched as we closed the distance between us. 

Both of our eyes closed as our lips met. 

His soft cold lips felt smooth and gentle as they grazed over mine until the kiss became more passionate. He pulled me up by my waist so I now straddled him and I leaned down to continue the kiss as his hands held my waist. 

We kissed on the forest floor both feeling more content than anything both of our hair were a mess, his raven locks darting from different angles as small hairs frayed from my braids.

We were both covered in leaves and mud but neither of us gave a care in the world about it. We breathed heavily as we parted for air 

"you have no idea how long I have been wanting to do that to you my puppy" his voice was hoarse and husky and made my tail fluff,

 I let out a laugh "I'm glad you finally plucked up the courage to do so" 

He scoffed "you don't scare me"

 "don't I?"

"no you are far too adorable to be petrifying, although when you first arrived here I can admit to being a smidge fearful" 

I giggled "good" and we continued our kiss.

 Before I knew it I had a weird feeling in my stomach and opened my eyes to see we were now situated on Lokis bed. He had teleported us there and he smirked at my reaction "you sure do use your magic a lot" I frowned and he grinned. 

We continued as his hands ran to the back of my armor undoing the straps as he caressed my arms. I began to undo his armor taking off the golden plates in sections tossing them aside as I placed both of my hands on either side of his neck while he gently removed my clothing. 

He placed lazy kisses down my neck and the rest of the afternoon went smoothly after that.


I held onto his torso my arms wrapped around his bare chest as I nuzzled into him "you make a great mate" I blurted out "do I now?"

He chuckled at my muffled hum as he scratched behind my ears

"I love you little wolf" he cooed and I looked up to him in shock 

"you do?"

He frowned at my questioning "how could I not?" 

"I love you too" 

Placing my chin on his bare chest looking into his eyes. He smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead his fingers running through the fur of my tail as both of our bodies were pressed together closely. 

 We were both quite tired but we both bathed together and he massaged my sore muscles from today. He placed a few kisses down my bareback on each scar. I tensed for a moment and he noticed.

"you should not be so ashamed of your scars" he murmured.

"I am not, I just did not think you could love someone who garners so many"

I felt his damp arms wrap around my wet waist as he pulled me toward him in the water "those scars do not scare me, you are ravishing with or without them" he purred in my ear causing a shiver to flow down my back. I turned as the water glided around my legs and kissed his nose.

He pulled me closer for a more meaningful kiss on the lips. We were both content in the warm water of the bath expressing our love for one another with words and affection.

I loved him and he loved me. The warm water flowed around us both as the scent of lavender filled the air creating a warm and gentle feeling. I had fallen for the Prince of Asgard, Loki as he had fallen for me. Maybe this whole marriage thing wasn't so bad after all. 

FINISHED! thank you guys so so much for reading this story I hope you guys enjoyed it, I was considering making a second book but I don't think I will I appreciate any votes or comments though thank you guys ahh!

Editors take: Phew! finished cleaning this puppy up! I'll likely be back in the future to re-fix errors as I develop more skills in writing!

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