chapter one

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I woke up with a very heavy yawn exiting my mouth, I was still tired from my night shift at LA Rogue, a night bar I work at to get little more profit for my family and I. My little brother ran in with such a rush, banging the door hard it almost got me on my feet, "shit, Jason" throwing pillows at him but missing aimlessly he starred at me smiling which actually got me confused, then it hit  me, I released a breath I didn't even realise I was holding, my mother and I have saved long for this day, a day at the most expensive water park around but it was still  worth it Jason made us promise him this when he was 5 and kept on blabbing about it till this present day his 10th birthday, he wasn't even excited about the birthday just the water park. He ran out even before I could wish him happy birthday, he popped his head back just a little bit through the door, "get dressed  Anna, and please wear something nice' I held my chest playing hurt at what he just said as we both laughed, I could hear him jump up and down on my moms bed I could literally hear her growl at him,he never got tired of doing that.
        I took a quick shower cause I realized we were already late, we still had two hours to drive there. I put on my pink bikini before wearing my shorts on top so I won't have to change when we get there. I wore a large pink shirt to cover my tops
     I packed my hair into a single ponytail, "no need for make up" I told my self as I starred my self one last time in the mirror before packing the sun cream into a little bag I could easily hang over one shoulder.
     I got to the living room and realized my mom and brother were already ready, my mom smiled at me "morning sweetheart" "morning mom" returning the same beautiful smile she gave me, for a moment I starred at how beautiful she was as the sun shone brightly on her perfect skin, "Anna" I guess she could me twice before finally snapping Me out of my gaze "go help your brother will you, she ordered pointing to his room.
          After fully convinced we got everything, we headed for our little van, she gave us one last smile before starting our trip.

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