chapter 17: Endless

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My fear had been very real. I dropped off the image of the beautiful future Ralph had sketched so easily. Forever was a promise easily made and easily broken. I couldn't take anymore broken promises. The once silver dusted dreams were no more.

Ralph's POV
I was brought back. But my conscience and my heart was left behind. How could I have lost her yet again, the mistakes of the past were raging against the walls I built around both of us, the walls I thought were unbreakable. I have failed to protect the once I loved once again as images of my history visited.

I ran. Ran as fast as my legs could take me, for every pace i took i felt my father was behind me, so i  followed the sun to the end of the world, hoping it would take me along. It was a cruel world to a 13 year old boy, with little believe of how hateful the world could be.

I found a place with people like me, all others tend to despise me, but they didn't, the smelled like me, and I could see the difference in theirs veins.

They were all pale and weak. They offered me a place to stay in exchange for my young strength, it was a great deal for me. My naivety took the best of me.

The deal was more than I bargained for, but I couldn't back out, so I stayed.

They used me as there hunting machine, I killed humans for their everyday meal, I cleaned up their messes, and watched them, they trained me, but left me to pick up the scraps, they used me for pleasure, for every kind of pleasure imaginable. I tried leaving, but realized they had tied bonds I myself couldn't break.

I lived my life a monster, until Silvia saved me, she risked her life into saving someone she barely knew, she gave me reasons to live, and a family I couldn't even dream of.

Where is she? Eve asked desperation clear, the image was clear, but the words were impossible to form, tears ran down my face.

One week later

My life had no meaning. The gaze her eyes held kept on playing over and over, she was a completely different person, a part I had never seen before, nothing made sense anymore. I couldn't help but think I was the cause to all this, if only I was plane with her all this while, we could have avoided all this, we could have escaped this fate she desperately tried to avoid.

I loved her, and I had to prove it. I couldn't listen to my mother any longer. I couldn't sit while she's out there hating me. I knew my mother cared about me, but I couldn't imagine my life without her. I had to go.

Sneaking out, I took one long last look at my home before running out

This would be the last chapter for this book part one 😌 pls watch out for part two.
Will be our as soon as possible. And please I am writing another book called Another dream pls go and check it out, like and follow💝

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