chapter 7:

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Two weeks had gone by, and as those two weeks went by, I became  stronger, I grew terrified
of who I was becoming,
Sometimes I would hurt any one that tried to help,
Ralph fell guilty of that all the time, he tried to help every time I was in pain, even if it caused him more pain, he was always there.
Never for once did he hesitate, neither did he regret, he held on tight no matter what, he never, ever let go.
I got closer to the family as time went farther, Rose and Audrey were also by my side, it was tough but they all made it a lot easier, well, I could tell Eve and Sam still hated me, they never wanted to have anything to do with me, I knew it wasn't there fault, so I didn't blame them, but one thing rest assured, I was going to prove them all wrong, I am going to make it, and I will write my own destiny.
Well this is what I tell my self, every time before going to bed in the morning, I wish I could also believe it, cause I also was scared of myself.
It was Midnight, I watched the stars as they moved, let the hours pass by,but also enjoying the moonlight, Ralph sat at the other edge of my room, he sat there staring at me, I always felt safe when he did that.
Anna, someone is here to see you' it was Audrey, I could tell she went for a run, she was all sweaty, OK' I replied reluctantly, I wasn't really expecting any one, I walked to the living room with Ralph right behind me, Rose had joined us as we headed to the living room,
Two people sat on the couch, theyboth had White hair flowing down there shoulders, they both had green eyes, they had perfect skin, in fact, I almost thought they glittered, but I guess that was imagination taking over,
Good evening'
Wow' they sounded unbelievable, not only did they look alike, they sounded exactly alike.
Anna, meet angel Raphael and angel Leonardo', I looked at Michael, did he mean.....but he gave me a certain look, I guess it was quite time I started believing in everything they told me, I composed, not wanting to  mess up in front of angels, I couldn't even tell what sex they were, but whatever sex they pick they would definitely be the bomb,
Anna' Ralph called me and brought back my attention, 'good evening' I replied back, I guess every body had realized I was staring.
'You are totally different from what we expected' it was so strange, it was like one of them stood in front of a mirror.
We need to be sure she's the one' one of them told the other.
with the swoosh of a blazing sword I saw him charged towards me.
then the next thing I saw, he was hit hard, what hit him, I don't  know, he did land on his feet but barely, he staggered, his second assisted him, 'wait, were you trying to hurt her', Ralph was already in fight mode.

'calm down son of  Gabriel' , that gave me goose bumps did he mean Gabriel the angel? I suspected it cause nothing could be unexpected by this time, he looked at me realizing that was one  of the things he didn't tell me.
'You both seem to have a connection', the angel said walking closer to Ralph, he raised the tips of fingers lifting Ralph with complete ease into the air, Ralph was gasping for air, 'please stop it,' I tried begging, I couldn't bear the sight of it, 'hmm, he stared Ralph closer in the eye, she definitely has your heart but the question is, do you have hers? He said those final words, looking at me as if trying to see through me.

'I said let him go'

It was a scream I didn't see coming, the room started heating up, I was up in the air defying gravity,the ground shook, portals opened, dark cloudy portals, the clouds outside were changing, thunders struck.

'Let him go' Michael screamed at him, but at that state I was almost gone, I didn't know what I was doing, I couldn't control it anymore.

He released Ralph, he was trying to fetch his breath, we began to hear scratches, screams, fast moving steps, through the portal we saw them coming, running. They were hideous, with long sharp teeth, razor blade fingers, they were made from fire and earth, the ground emitted a strong smell of evil.
Anna, Anna a faint voice repeated my name, it was Ralph, he was on his feet, tears rolled down my eyes, tears of joy, pain, anger, I didn't know, but a pinch of all were there.

Its OK Anna,  you have to trust me'
His hands were stretched across, everything was different, he was ok, I landed back on the floor, the clouds, the screams, the thunder they were all subsiding.

He smiled as I got closer to him, the tips of our fingers had touched.

I turned round, someone was calling me, something I had no idea about, the last portal, someone stared at me. He sat on a horse made with fire, but yet he looked so glorious,  his white robe and beautiful white hair that flowed down his shoulders.

He looked at me with a faint smile, it was a smile but I could tell it had something more to it, then finally he left.

The temperature dropped, everything was back to normal......ehhh, it was normal enough, at least there were no demons dancing around, the living room was a mess, the floors were broken, glass shattered, some couches were totally gone.

'He knows' one of the angels  said, I heard that but was too busy trying to gasp for air.


Lucifer, he knows you've found her.

How does he know? I saw him', I had never seen him before, but I knew he was the one.
I could see the concern in Ralph's eyes, he rubbed his forehead. 'Its OK Anna, he raised me and took me to my room

This was a very tough part, I tried my very best to help you picture how this played out in my head but also left for you to wonder in your own imagination.
So I hope you enjoyed it.
Any questions, contributions, would be wholeheartedly accepted.
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