chapter 3: family

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Its been two weeks since I got the news, it was painful but at least it changed a few things, I now knew his name was Ralph, and when ever he came into the room with my meal, he always gave this smile that usually lit the whole room, he also stayed for a while sometimes, watching me with those emotionless eyes of his, but how ever that was I always felt safe when he was around, although I knew there was literally nothing to be scared of , perhaps we lived in a large mansion with no one around.
              I tried asking him some few question but anytime I did , I realized he didn't feel comfortable, it always made him leave, so i decided to quit it perhaps i did enjoy his company, although it was more of a watch than a company.
                 Early that morning, I heard a knock on the door, 'come in' I said quickly putting on my tee shirt, he came in with an unusual smile that made me giggle, he stuck his head out and pulled something from behind the door, I couldn't help but giggle more, he got me new pairs of crutches, he smiled widely, grinning from ear something he really was up to something.              
           Are u ready? He gave me that same smile that always melted me into oblivion I didn't hesitate as I stretched for my sweater, he aided me up,handing over my crutches, he led me out the door, it was amazing, I had spent almost 3 weeks but never have I stepped out, I couldn't stop myself from admiring the great artistry, it looked as though it was made from angels laughter, he laughed as he noticed my astonishment, 'I had been here for almost 3 weeks and I didn't know about this .....I used my crutches to signify the magnificent scenery ahead' wait, u think you've been here for three weeks? We stopped our motion down the stairs, I stopped with a stagger, and his support kept me, I replied with unsure nod, he change my position so I could stare him in the eye, ' two weeks, "what" I screamed with quite a yell 'a month? Why didn't you tell me? You never asked', I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, he held my sides again after noticing my decrease in emotion, 'you were asleep for almost a month, immediately i noticed you were alive I took you, the ambulance appeared minutes later to take .....I noticed he couldn't complete the sentence, so I gave him a faint smile assuring him it was OK, he smiled back then lead me down the remaining stairs,
          He led me to a wooden rod that had strides at the bottom, for proper support, with one hand on the rod and the on his shoulder we went to and fro trying to keep my feet straight, just then I noticed he had only a light shirt on, ain't you cold? I held his palm, rubbing them together causing friction that I hoped would help, 'its ok' 'what, your palms are freezing 'i know' he said that with a giggle that got me worried, but I let it slide since he was good with it
       After some legs turn up, and more practice, the sun had already settled above us so we headed inside. Well for a change he lead me to the dinning were he served me my breakfast which I was extremely grateful for cause for some reason I felt kinda shy for telling him my stomach condition, I rushed my bacon immediately it was laid in front of me, 'won't you have some? I gave him an apple from my tray, he did take it but replaced it with another, after our breakfast, we got chatting which actually made my day, apparently he had a family with two sisters and three brothers, he told me they were on a trip to get his new sister, I really didn't get that part but I decided not to intervene cause I knew this would never happen again so I had to pay close  attention and  enjoy the moment
      'Anna' he called my name with an emotionless gaze from his stare, I didn't know what to say than to look him in the eye and assure him I was attentive, he rubbed his hair before tangling his fingers on the table, my family would be here tomorrow.....I really didn't know what to say, he  seemed worried so I guess I should be too, "that's wonderful' I manage to say with a gulg in my throat, the emotionless pit I once saw was now complete fear,"there really nice people when you get to know them" "then am sure I would love them" that ended well" I thought cause ever since then all he did was smile at me.
     Without a known reason, I couldn't sleep, I kept on thinking about Ralph's family, what if they don't like me? I kept on asking myself over and over again, not that it really mattered, I just  really wanted them to. I woke up feeling little pains at my side, but decided not to let that ruin my day, I quickly took my bath, tied my hair in a rough bun before putting on light makeup, I put on the blue dress Ralph had sent to me last night, it was perfect, it was slightly above my knees, perhaps I felt it complimented my eyes, just as I opened the door he was standing right there, I suspected he was about to knock, he just smiled and led me out the door, just as we got outside, three black cars drove in 1-a black jeep, the second was a black Ferrari, I suspected his brothers owned that, then the last car, I couldn't actually tell what brand it was but I could tell it was equally expensive, the jeep first packed, two people dropped, I could tell those were his parent because of their elderly look, but I noticed something different, they were both blonds, neither did I see any resemblance between them and Ralph, 'mum' well that cleared my doubt, she was all over him giving him all the hugs and kisses he missed which made me giggle just then she noticed me, ' you must me be Anna' she asked already pulling me into a hug it was really comforting, she gave way for her husband who gave a fatherly hug before giving his son a hand shake, just as this was going on the boys came out of the car, I noticed cause the place was noisy, they were running up and down throwing and catching balls, they passed all giving me handshake, they all looked different, one had black hair, almost as black as Ralph but didn't look a bit like him, the other two had brown hair, the third car, it was if they were waiting for me to give them an invitation they stepped out one after the other, they were gorgeous, they were both blonds, but one of them in particular resembled Ralph's parents, she had these mean expression on her face, I hoped  she wasn't as mean, but she cleared my doubts when she passed without  greeting neither Ralph or I, the other one was still there, I could tell she was trying to get someone out, I could see someone still seated at the back seat and covering her face after a few pleads she agreed to come out, she was black, she couldn't be above 20, she had brown hair, it was rough and tangled, she was carefully handled and taken into the house, but just as she passed she gave me side smile that kinda assured me we won't be having problems.

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