chapter 6:

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So today I am really proud of my self, I wrote two chapters in one day, I hope you enjoy this part, cause I've waited a long time to write it, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do
Once again....
Happy independence NIGERIA

None of them looked happy, they all sat with unexplainable looks on their faces, well, Sam on the other hand, I could tell he was feeling angry, I could tell he felt rage, his hot gaze followed me as we entered the living room.
He stood up and left.
I tried stopping him, but Rose held Me back, I had no idea what I did wrong, but I was sorry about it, "its not your fault, his scared that's why, Ralph led me to the side couch,
" what did you find?, Ralph asked starring at his dad, "nothing, I guess we should have suspected it, she was meant to be secret, so there is literally no reason why they should have something written about her in libraries.
We all sat in silence, I sat there but was thinking nothing in particular.
Hi" am Jacob, a hand was stretched across my face, it was one of Ralph's brothers, the one with jet black hair as Ralph, I shook him, confused, part of me wanted to laugh, cause this was definitely not the time for it, but I held it in, and I guess everybody thought so too.
"And that's James, and his girlfriend  Audrey, they both gave me a smile and Audrey replied 'nice to meet you' I smiled, I was happy, it felt she was the only person happy to see me, and that's Eve, well I didn't even expect much from her, she didn't even turn, nor say hi, it was mean, but I couldn't blame her, it wasn't her fault, " then Sam was the dick head that just left.
We laughed.
"Then I guess you already know Rose, Michael, and our lovely mom, Silvia, but you can address them as mom and dad', I smiled, you should know that we being a family is by heart not blood, no one here is actually related, Michael was the one that changed Silvia, she was pregnant with Eve and was badly sick, back then in the 80's there were no proper treatments, they were going to die, so immediately she gave birth Silvia, Michael changed her, before she could give up the ghost, Eve was changed by some evil guy that tried to kill Michael and Silvia , she was 19, it happened on her 20th birthday, I, on the hand was changed in 1862, I was 22 then, I and my friends planned to rob a bank, but unfortunately someone snitched on us, the police were already waiting for us, when we found out our plan had failed, we fled into the forest, but I guess the police were not ready to let us escape that day, so they shot there riffles at us, but I was attacked by something way worse, VAMPIRES, they attacked me, but before they could finish off were they started off they were chased off by the gun shots, I was caught but too injured to be taken to jail so I was taken to the hospital, they taught I was attacked by an animal, I woke up the next morning with all my injuries gone, with no blood flowing through my veins, I was cold as ice, i was no longer me.
I was able to escape from the hospital, they didn't have much security, so I ran, Michael and Silvia found me shortly after.
They also found Audrey 50 years after they found me, she changed James, they both made the decision, they felt it was the only way for them to stay together, then Sam,he said it with a sigh, he was the last one to be found, but was a vampire before any of us, he was used as a sex slave, he was made to create pleasure for demons, and other supernatural, Michael and Silvia saved him, but till this day he finds it hard to forget the past, so you can't blame him for giving you all this shity attitude,
He smiled, then last but not the list is Rose,
then he walked to her, with his gaze on her, she's the greatest witch to ever walk the earth, she's stronger than 5 vampires put together, she could slay demons with just a wave of her fingers, she's incredible, but she still thinks she's older than me to date me, 'urggh Jacob, I told you to forget about this, she said as she stood up and tried to make way through his large build, 'just give me a chance' he kept on saying that until there voice died down as they walked upstairs.
'Am sorry you had  to wait for Jacob to be properly introduce to the family, it was completely wrong of me, he said  so leaning to the wooden frame of my door, "its ok Ralph, there is really no problem.
He turned his back to leave, 'Ralph' his name came out of my lips with no particular request, 'umm, sorry it was a mistake, he turned  around and tinted his head, squinting his eyes, 'fine' I said with a giggle, do you mind staying for a while longer, at least till I fall asleep, 'sure' I quickly washed up, so I wouldn't keep him waiting.
I stepped out, but my nighty zipper won't zip up, I tried to  fix my eyes on the mirror to find what the problem was, but I couldn't, 'umm I'll just go change', 'no,let me see what I can do, I turned round slowly trying not to make it awkward.
He slowly pushed my hair,with the tip of his fingers, and with one little pull he got the zipper working, I turned round trying to thank him but unfortunately he didn't  move....or should I say fortunately...shivers ran down my spine as our noses made contact
He leaned closer, wrapping his hands slowly around my waist, his eyes glittered, there he was with that gaze that made me numb, that gaze that made me scared,
but something was different,
I felt his gaze
Heat radiated through my veins
As our lips touched, everything seemed cooler, the heat had subsided, his touch cooled every inch of every place they came in contact with.
He craved more, and so did I.
He stopped then slowly let go of me, my eyes were still shut, I could tell my body didn't just have enough of it, I opened my eyes to meet his, those beautiful grey eyes of his, they were still fixed on mine, he stepped a few inches back, 'goodnight Anna', he said before finally shutting the door behind him,
Goodnight Ralph

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