chapter 12: Another truth

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I was happy. For once I felt we were in the lead, I know its not a complete solution but its a start a great one at that.

I was placing the dishes in the dish washer and I realized Sam  sitting alone on the porch, every single cell of mine  screamed at me for approaching him. My subconsciousness was clearly not ready for his harsh words
Hey" he starred up, clearly contemplating on the rude response to shoot back,
Hey" he surprises me, I took the liberty of offering my self a seat, i knew damn well he wouldn't.
Are you OK? He starred at me, but said nothing, he placed his head back facing the stars.

"How do you feel about Ralph being the son of Lucifer? He asked, breaking the silence?

I couldn't answer, clearly because I had nothing to say, I guess I just never really saw it that way, Ralph being the son of Lucifer has changed nothing about how I feel about him.

So is that's how it is to love?" I was confused.

What do you mean?

He knows how dangerous you are to him and him to you, but yet your still together, you both decide to hold on even when there is no guarantee for your future. You know that the only way we get closer to solving all of this, is if we take you to Lucifer or Ralph to Lucifer, but your so in love that you can't lose each other. So when you really think about it, is it love or is it selfishness? I mean mom knows it, dad knows it, Rose knows it, heck even Ralph knows it but there too worried to hurt your feelings.

How do you feel about it? He was already on his feet. When you have an answer you can decide how you want to save the world.

I spent the last 30 minutes silent, but now my mind is flooded with questions my mouth can't even say. Have I been so selfish to realise how dangerous I was towards this family

To Ralph.

I felt alone once again not because Sam left me, but because of that void in my heart has reopened, I tried using Ralph to fill it up, and i realise now that i am only killing him.

Ralph's POV
I have been watching her for the past hour and the half, I tried my best to let her be because I felt if she needed me she would call for me, but this was it, I couldn't sit here and watch her all bothered, before I could stop myself I was already standing in front of her handing her coffee.

Are you OK?,

Yeah, am fine" her smile clarified it. But I knew her enough to know that she was lying, she smiled at me again, ooh, she was definitely lying.

Your lying, stop it", my voice was stern, but she knew more than to lie to me, she knows I would find out, I can read her eyes like an open page of a book, and she knew I won't take.

I have to go " she was already on her feet before I could say anything else, Anna.... I called out
You know what? I change mind, let's go eat burgers, she was smiling, I am definitely confused, her eyes betrayed  me, they gave me no hint, wait here I'll get my jacket "

She ran out with two jackets, take this, I picked matching colours, she smiled at me, a sincere one.
Why do women have to be so damn confusing. Fuck it.
Before I know it I was sitting in my car starting my engine to only god knows where.

Anna's POV
His stopping. Why is he stopping. Why are you stopping. He parked the car at the side of the road, he starred me in eye, his grey eyes blending with the moonlight.
Anna your hiding something", it was more of saying than a question. He knew me too much.

What no" he was correct, I was hiding something, but I would definitely not let him find out that I'm going to meet Lucifer alone, he wouldn't let me. I have to do this alone, and I can't bear to bring him down with me. My eyes were about to betray me so I bent in and kissed him knowing he won't have to see me wipe my tears

I would never lie to you" not what I planned on saying, but I had to, I had to stop him from worrying, that's the last thing I want going on.

Great! all the burger shops were closed, I didn't even realise it was past two until some crazy lady screamed at us calling us homeless kids.
We were stuck and had to go to some really expensive restaurant where there lobsters cost 30$, where the fuck  does lobsters cost 30$, "Anna common you don't see me complaining, and I'm paying", "don't look at me like that"his smile was contagious. The mood has changed, I loved it.

I am so so so sorry for updating late😖 I had so many things going on. I promise it won't happen again.
Love you all
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