chapter 4: Truth

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I turned off the lights and moments later was driven east with my doors locked and the moonlight all bright. Fatigue seeped through me like anesthesia, not like I did anything stressful during the day, but I still felt dreary and numb.
  I couldn't fully understand why I was finding it hard to fall asleep, I was very tired, my bones felt weak and they ached, maybe i was falling sick".

I could see the trees dancing to the tune of the wind, my curtains joined, gradually luring my into sleep.

      *I stood outside the mansion, the beautiful scenery looking glorious as always, with beautiful flowers that surprisedly blended with the blue sky, the large trees arranged  perfectly in horizontal ways. I felt warm fingers as they wrapped around mine, I looked up, it was Ralph, he turned round, giving me a peck on my check before wearing a pendant round my neck, it was round and strange, I found myself really glad, I hugged him, but he gradually began to vanish, fire from underneath the earth rose, burning everything in their path, the trees, the flowers, even  the sky seemed to be consumed by the flames, I took to my heels, but I wasn't moving, the earth seemed to be faster*
         "Anna,Anna" I  heard my name, and it was all different, I was back on my bed sweating profusely with the black girl by my side and  a rag on my head, it was all a dream. I turned and saw the scariest thing I had ever laid eyes on, I could clearly see Ralph and the entire family on fight mode, they all took deep breaths as the demons were pulled back into the earth, I was confused, "what happened " I asked, everyone had their fixed gaze on me,except Ralph that is, his head was hung low,and his fingers in his hair, "we have to tell her" one of the brothers said, he sat on the chair next to my desk, "tell me what" I sat up, "don't.
Sam" Ralph cut him off, I looked at him, "we have to bro, she looks all innocent now but when she turns into a vampire hunter she won't be this innocent" he said those finally words before storming out, "his just scared" his mom said as caring as she could before running after him, as if that was to clear up all he just said, I stared at Ralph hoping for an explanation, but his gaze fell after meeting mine, "Rose", he called, that was the dark girls name, she stood up and placed her hand on my head, "her dreams open hells gate, I guess she's at her weakest point", I could only hope that she wasn't talking about me, but unfortunately she was, "wait, does that mean she won't be able to sleep" "yes,no, just at night, she has to be awake at night" Michael released a sigh, Michael was Ralph's dad, I just found out, Rose kept on starring at me as if trying to study me, "can you explain the dream" she finally spoke up, I tried to but the words just couldn't form, don't worry she said with a giggle, she placed her two fore fingers by the sides of my head "think of the dream, vision it.

...there it was the trees, the blue sky, Ralph and then the pendant but just as I tried keeping my attention, i opened my eyes after hearing a large thug on the wall, it was Rose, she was flung into the air, but the question was who did it, was it me, I got confused, tears gradually streamed down my eyes, I was scared, Ralph tried consoling me, he came forward trying to pull me in a hug, but he also stepped back with a screech, his skin burned, I burned him, I got scared, the room began to heat up, " calm down Anna" Ralph kept on saying as calmly as he could but the more he did, the more the fear, the fear of not being able to touch him, the fear of not been wanted here, calm down he yelled pulling my attention, "its gone, the burn is gone" he showed me his palms, "there all gone" he said again, the room temperature dropped rapidly, they all took deep breaths, Ralph came and pulled me into a hug, as if nothing had just happened, he wasn't scared of the monster i had become, his bravery brought tears to my eyes, but this didn't burn him, I guess it because this was tears of joy. I was glad he was here.
       Michael aided Rose up, she had gotten her strength back, somehow, "Ralph" she called his name with much authority I began to doubt she was a teenager, would you mind staying with Anna for the night?, I wanted to decline but he held me back, " I guess you can also use the opportunity to tell her everything" she smiled at me, before Michael aided her out.
     The silence was deafening, so I decided to break it, "you know, you didn't have to stay, you must be tired after all the drama i pulled here" "his silent giggle just got me scared, so I sat up straight ready for what he was about to say, "
      "Am not human Anna, we all aren't" that seemed like a joke to me, I laughed, yeah right, than what are you, a vampire, that was a joke to me but not to him, I could clearly see him as he arked his eye brows, "common you have to be serious" I said that with literally every doubt in my soul, so Mr vampire sir if I was to believe you, then what do you  want with me? I asked, he stared at me once again with those emotionless gaze of his, "you Anna are a lycon " I was confused, I guess my gaze showed it all, so he continued, "supernaturals beings are children from angels, when angels mate with humans you get a supernatural, "so right now your telling me that your the son of an angel? "Yep" he replied as though it was a normal thing, I laughed but he caught me of guard cause he too be gan to laugh, "but that's not the best part you my dear, are a demon", OK that was it, he had to form something real it was too much of a lie, *listen Anna, this is not a joke, he straightened then his eyes turned blood red, that was freaky, but he had to do more than that, he saw he still had to convince me he scuffed, then picked up the table knife, "what are you doing? As badly as I wanted him to prove himself I didn't want him to hurt himself, " stop" I tried , but was too late, he picked up the knife and gave himself a large cut, I was definitely not ready to see what I feared, so I closed my eyes, Anna, he called, Anna look up, I could feel the strain in his voice, so I forced my self, but to my greatest surprise he was OK, the cut was no longer there, you had to kidding me, you were spilling blood just a second ago, I said trying to figure out what just happened "Anna, he called his gaze fixed with mine, that was it, it was proven, vampires did exit, i couldn't just get it, but I guess not everything's supposed to make sense, " so what other supernatural do we have" "well" he said that as if having a lot on his mind, "werewolves, witches, whipids, and apparently.... you, he said the last part with  quite an  uncertainty that got me scared, you see Anna, Lucifer had a child, " Lucifer, you mean Lucifer from hell, you've got to be kidding me, he arked his brows assuring me he wasn't, so he continued, "a vampire, his son risked everything, he lost control, misused his powers, compelled humans, deceived them, he created new sets of vampires, and leaving them to go astray, this was a threat to humanity, so God simply took him, " took him? I asked after him, "yes, took him, I mean his not in hell nor heaven he just vanished, but Lucifer was not happy, so he decided to release a wrath on all supernaturals....and that wrath happens to be you..... you were created to kill, I was confused, how was I the bad guy, I could barely kill a bug, "listen, we had to do something, but nothing could be done, the only good we could and can do was to find you and show you that there was more to us", I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding, but how did you find out I was the lycon, I was right behind you when the accident happened, i came out of my car trying to help, but I was to late the whipids were already there for you, but I could see 3 dead bodies but only two whipids, " what are whipids? I asked , they are like  your ride to end life,I nodded not that I fully got it, just that I wanted him to continue, but you were clearly dead, you had no pulse, no heart beat, nothing but there was no whipids to take you, so I only hoped I was right when I took you, he said with a slight grin, "wow, I thought, could this really be true, a few months ago I was a normal graded girl, working at a night bar,now here I am in a house filled with life vampires,and listening to stories of me being a death sentence queen, it was a lot to take in, the shivers down my spine kept on retrieving anytime I thought of it. I dreaded my story, it was truly Scarry

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