chapter 9: finding Ian

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Flowers, wood, mixed with a hint of chocolate, it was a scent I was very familiar with, Ralph took the scent with him wherever he went, his room wasn't an exception. He was smooched at the side of my bed on a couch, he slept so peacefully, so vampires actually slept! I couldn't bring myself to wake him up so I watched him, his shoulders moving up and down as he inhaled in and out. 'Are you going to keep starring at me, he said that with a sly grin on his face, ' you slimy idiot, your awake, I threw pillows at him.

Rose walked in.

The moment I saw her I remembered yesterday grave incident, shit' I screwed everything, I felt extremely mortified, do you remember anything from yesterday?, yeah, kinda, I replied sitting up, trying my best to recall every inch of yesterday's massive problem. This has taking us back to level zero.

But as I sat there drowning in my own misery, I started having visit of yesterdays problem, I started seeing images of the whipids, then of Lucifer, I could see him with a boy, a young boy about 10-11 years old, he gave the boy the pendent.

I told Rose about it, 'what, you said the whipids told you that? Rose asked, no no I just saw it when they covered me, it was like a vision. Wow, the whipids really seem to be fond  you Anna, her smile made me feel as if she had it all planed and settled at least that's what I thought

I have bad news' Rose said to those sitting in the living room, I could hear her from the kitchen which I sat, 'the pendant were looking for is with our one and only asshole "Ian" who started all this shit', I could sense the disappointment she felt, what! that's impossible, that was Eve, I was quite shocked to hear her. Ian has been gone for almost a million years, he is the reason all this shit is happening, where the fuck are we going to find a fucking kid that doesn't even fucking exist.

She sounded mordacious, she stormed into the kitchen, straight to the fridge to get a cup of water, I could tell she was heating up, she took large gulps and was breathing heavily as if just ran a marathon. I could see tears drop from her eyes

She turned eye balling me as she  noticed I had been staring all along, I guess she was embarrassed so she left.

A week had gone by, and we  still had nothing to do, we were as confused as when I came, we were stuck once again.
I think we should go and get the other half of the pendant', Eve said, once again shocking me. The half that's with Angel Gabriel, I could tell Ralph was not pleased with the idea cause of the way he lurched, we can get the half, then find a way to complete the other half since Anna ,Rose and almost everyone here has seen it....we can use the images in our head to complete it, Michael said taking the words right out of her mouth, the both smiled at themselves, Ralph what..... He had already stormed out right before Michael could finish his statement.

I ran after him, he was a load more faster, he sat at the edge of the house, he sat under the large acacia tree, it was his favourite place in the whole house, Ralph', he slouched on hearing my voice,

Are you OK?

I knew clearly that he wasn't, I sat next to him as he starred at the star less sky, the moon was full, and the night was cold, but still I felt refilled and bold.

Do you want to talk about it? He started crying, he cried so hard that I started crying, he was hurting, he was really hurting and I couldn't do anything even to console him I couldn't cause I was equally crying, I was a disaster, he had done so much for me yet I couldn't stop him from crying, heck, I didn't even know what the problem was, but I couldn't help but feel I was at the middle of it all.

This chapter is a bit short, sorry about that.
-Why do you think Ralph doesn't want to see his father?
- do you think it has anything to do with Anna,
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