chapter 2: the accident

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"We have to go darling" mom kept on yelling for Jason to leave the pool, while me the other hand  was getting really pissed off 'Jason' I screamed letting him know I wasn't joking 'if u don't step out of that pool am going to...'my mom stopped me right before I could  complete my sentence, argggh I walked out going straight for the car.
          I had to drive now, mom wasn't really good at driving late, and I was quite sure the sun will set on us, so I decided to take the wheel perhaps I could tell mom was already tired from chasing jase up and down.
               I finally heard the door swing open, Jason jumped in with my mom holding the door open, buckled him tight before finally getting him, I gave Jason the 'your in trouble look' before finally turning to start the engines. At almost half the journey it began to rain 'baby are u sure your good' my mom asked feeling quite uncomfortable with the rain,' yeah sure mom' assuring her that I was good, she trusted me and let me continue, perhaps I didn't want to stop, I was tired of seeing water everywhere, I was feeling home sick, I couldn't wait to be inside my bath tub, and then some nice hot cocoa before..........
A large branch drop right in front of  us, hitting the bonnet, it sent us high into the air, I could  tell we flipped at least five times before everything finally turned blank
           I woke up with a irritating sores round my body, I rubbed my head, I could tell I had been asleep for a very long time, cause the taste from my own mouth was like sore milk, I looked round, this wasn't home, it wasn't a hospital either, I was too good to be one, I looked around  I was in someone's bedroom, I could see the pictures the  wall, so I decided to take a better look,just as I threw the shits off I felt a sharp pain, that's when I realized  my right leg was in casts, I couldn't really understand what was going on, "where was i? Whose house is this? Were is mom and Jason? Just as I was lost in my thoughts the door gently swung open, a tall figure walked in, from his jet black hair which fell slightly over his face,his grey eyes shone brightly, his jawline perfectly symmetrical, and his body 'God, it was as if he was carved by God himself' he wore dull blue sweat pants with an ash tee-shirt that complimented his beautiful eyes, he stood there starring, with no emotion whatsoever, I couldn't really tell what he was thinking, he slowly walked forward , and dropped the food tray with our eyes still in contact he broke our stare before walking out, I took the tray, it had  Bacon, fried eggs, a cup of coffee, an apple, the some pills, then I thought of reasons why I should trust him, his a complete stranger, 'a stranger who has kept u alive' my inner voice said' whatever the fuck was, I was starving, I no longer care what happens next.
          Two days straight, and he hasn't said a word, all he does is bring me my meal and drugs,each time I wanted to ask,his icy grey eyes would send Shivers down my spine putting me back in my box. Today was different though, he walked in with a nutcracker, almost a feet and half tall, he handed it over to me, I starred at him then at the nutcracker again, before it finally hit me,my mom, Jason, the water park, the rain, then monstrous images of the accident flashed back as tears dropped from my eyes, I hugged the nutcracker tightly before gathering up courage and asked 'were are they' he wouldn't respond, he stood there emotionless as usual, " were are they" I asked with my voice harsh and coarse, but he still wouldn't answer, but from his emotional reaction I knew what it was, I rolled back into bed, I cried not caring if the guy I had mixed feelings towards was watching, I could feel his icy stare at me, he walked closer and sat on the bed, before pulling me into his arms into a very big hug, for someone who bearly showed any emotion he did know how to console someone.

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