chapter 13: Escape

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The sun was up, but my eyes wouldn't shut, my mind kept on playing all the things that could go wrong, making me even more tired in the process.

Finally, I got some sleep, it was more of a nap really, but I was glad it came cause by the time I opened my eyes again the sun was down, I thanked the universe for being on my side this time.

And Ralph walked in. I spent almost all night awake but my stupid ass didn't remember that Ralph always kept me company at night.
'Hey' he brought in my breakfast, lunch, dinner. Damn it my dumb brain can't even tell what am eating, well, whatever it is its still food, at least I got that part right.

He sat at his usual chair with a look on his, a look that I couldn't decipher, I couldn't afford him suspecting anything, but there's nothing I can do about it, common its Ralph am talking about, he knows me like an open book.

Have any plans for tonight' he breaks my thoughts, umn no' just the usual, 'so we could go out then?


Way to blow your cover idiot.

Umm, that's not what I mean, am just a bit tired you know, I don't feel so good' I lied trying to clean the mess I just created.

Oookaay" damn it, his suspicious.

I take deep breaths, I can't screw this up, its my last chance before Sam explodes in front of Ralph too.

I just have gift for you, I have been preparing it for a while now and I want to get it ready and give it to you tonight'. Am such a terrible liar. My subconscious mocks me. I had nothing else to say' I silently scream at her. Someday am ganna rip her right out of my chest.

Really, why'.

He bought it, he actually bought it. Thanks universe.
'I just feel you deserve something nice, and I want to be the one to give it to you'

'I still think you don't need to' he insisted, but I wouldn't allow it.

I know, but I want to' his last stare sent shivers down my spine, but his smile washed it down the drain. Then he stood up aiming for the door

'Ralph' I called, with every cell in my body already in tears.

'don't look for me'
'I will bring it to you when it's ready'
'Sure" he was heading out
'Ralph, I called out again
'Promise me. I could see he wasn't sure, but..
'Promise' he said finally

Ralph's POV
I walked in and she didn't notice, until my chair made a squeaky noise as I took my seat.

Have any plans for tonight? I asked trying to break the deafening awkwardness.

'Umm no just the usual', 'so we could go out then.

No!!' Ouch.

Umm that's not what I mean, am just a bit tired you know, I don't feel so good' she says. Am worried. But suspicious

Oookaay, you need anything?

She takes deep breaths then says she has a present for me. Wow not what I expected but okay.

I decide to leave the room.

Ralph' she calls, 'don't look for me'
'What why'? I asked clearly confused, 'if its ready I'll bring it'
I can do that
'Promise' she said

I don't see any reason too, but okay


Sorry this episode was short, I'll make it up to you in the next episode
Love you all please don't forget to like and follow

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