chapter 15: Gone

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A day had passed, and not a world from the underworld, it was on complete shut down. Every frightening minute I spent without knowing her whereabouts  was killing me. I couldn't think straight, I thought of everything even the ludicrous once but nothing seemed to work.

And once again I am glad I took away most of her pain when she lost her family, I know once she opened those gorgeous grey eyes I wouldn't want to see them close in despair, i did it cause it was right, even if it meant I would feel the pain.

They all sat in the living room, Rose trying to open the gates as I paced round over and over for the hundredth time today.

"Please honey take some water" my mother walked up to me with a glass of water keeping it few feet away in case I would throw the glass away. I could see the uncertainty in her eyes.

'Maybe we should summon Angle Raphael and Leonardo, I have  tried all I can its too strong' Rose spoke after almost two days of complete silence. Her bloodshot eyes were dilating from her too much use of magic, it was draining her. Fast. But my selfish self would take it over and over again, even if it meant fainting Sam again in one day.

'Thank you' I whispered feeling more drained then she was. I feel obliged to thank her because I feel I should protect her, I should be the one being strangled for her, because she's mine, even if everybody loves her. But she's mine.

Are you sure you can take it' dad asked handing her the cup of water I rejected 'yes' she confirmed taking a sip, then sitting and closing her  eyes for the second time today.

With a wave of her fingers and light sparks, the Angels appeared before us, then a thud distracted us and Rose was down looking all pale

'Asshole, I knew she wouldn't be a  able to take it, but you forced her, Sam charged toward me but I couldn't care less, I didn't need her no more, I know it's fucked up, but that's it, I wouldn't lie to my self. Sam was tackled before he got to me.

'Don't worry she's alright just let her sleep it off, she's just drained' one of the fucking Angles said, didn't know which one, didn't care.

"They took her' I said faster than I intended too, but once again didn't care how desperate I looked cause I truly was. 'Calm down son of Gabriel' the one with the humor says. The only thing I could differentiate them with was the fact was one had a humorous side and the other had none, took me years to figure this out.
He walked up to me with his fingers on my shoulder, I want badly to smack it away, but his my only hope, I need him.

Then a sly grin appeared, I knew something was up. Its ironic how the   " Angels " are the "Demons"
We would take you to the underworld only if you bring us the other half of the pendant, and I was distracted by the shinny object he held. The other half of the pendant. How did you get this? I asked instinctively, do you want to go save your girl or you want to ask and answer questions' he snapped
I'll do it...I'll bring you the pendant. Again my heart spoke for my brain. But again I'll do it again if its Anna.

Anna's POV

The beautiful scent of pancakes invaded my nostrils as the sun rays flashed through my eyelids and my bladder alerted me, I jumped to the bathroom with hopes my brother hadn't licked my pancakes, since yesterday was his birthday, he would go scot free for it. Yeah we had that kinda thing with our mom.
I quickly rushed to the kitchen, I was glad to see that he too just walked in too, his sleepy eyes gave him away. Moms smile was contagious, it was like she could read my thoughts, slowly sweetheart, she laughed "morning, did you guys sleep well? She asked over flipping pancakes and table arrangements, 'morning mom" Jason greeted with a sour look on his face, 'I had nightmares mom' he took a sit right next to me.

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