chapter 5:

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        Am really sorry for publishing late guys, I am presently writing my exams, I am kinda hooked up, but I'll try to write with every free time I get
Happy independence to my country #NIGERIA

  The sun had arose, I dreaded it silently cause I did enjoy Ralph's company, I didn't want it to end, he stepped out and got me breakfast, it was as if it had sleeping pills in it, it completely lured me into sleep almost immediately,
       I slept like a baby, I could tell i slept for a really long time cause the sun was already setting by the time I was awake, I was hungry again, I peeped out my door and no one was in sight, so I quietly crept out my door, hoping to find something edible in the kitchen, I sighted freshly ordered pizza on the kitchen counter, it was steaming, the aroma made my stomach race, with no more hesitation, I pored a cup of orange juice, and ate my food wholeheartedly.
          I believed I was almost finished when I saw a reflection staring at me, I spun round realizing that  was Ralph, my embarrassed state led to joint giggle, I tried explaining myself, but I guess there was no use, cause he swooped to my sides and snatched the last piece I had, quickly stuffing it in his mouth, he smiled, his whole mouth forming an "O" shape, I couldn't help myself, I burst into laughter, he took my juice and drank almost half of it, before handing it back over, he placed both his hands on the counter then on his checks, I blushed, I loved this childish part of him, "were is everyone?" I asked, "they went to the library" he said that opening a cookie jar and stuffing a cookie in his mouth, I blushed with just the mere thinking of being left alone with him, as if I hadn't been for almost a month, and why did they have to all leave? Its actually a very big library, its almost a million years old, so you could imagine how large it could be, actually I couldn't, I couldn't imagine a library almost a million years old, am almost sure every page was eaten up by termites or was a home for spiders, but instead I let it slide
   It had gotten darker, and Ralph had emptied the large jar of cookies, I lifted the jar,it amused me how fast he got over with it, why the hell are you so hungry? He sat up straight, finishing the juice he let of before, the he stood up and retreated to the door before swooping over to face me, " we vampires eat food a lot to stop us from wanting the urge to suck human blood" he said those final words heading out the door, I stood still I had known about him being a vampire, but I couldn't imagine how I forgot that vampires take human blood, how could I have missed that very important detail, I was still wondering in my thoughts, thinking of how to react to my newly remembered information, then he stuck out his head from behind the doors, "don't be scared, your not human" I found my self sighing and holding my chest as if I was fully offended, I could hear his loud laughter as he headed to his room, just then he screamed after me "go get dressed Anna, we are going on a date.

I dressed in a simple black jean and top, I wasn't really bothered about what I was wearing cause I felt it would be late for anyone to notice what I was wearing, I took my jacket and swung it over my shoulders without zipping up,I wore gloves, then quickly rushed out the door, no one was back home, so I went straight to meet Ralph, he stood there, looking astonishing as always, his perfect....
I missed a step, and down I went tumbling down the stairs
I opened my eyes, but there I was floating, I stared at Ralph who was clearly amazed as I was,
With a thud, I was dropped, Ralph ran to help, I could tell he was as confused as I was as he led me to the car,

We drove out the driveway then into the streets, it wasn't as quite as I thought it would be, few cars still drove past us, making the wind gush harder on my skin, it did sting, but surprisedly it felt good.

I could tell he was still thinking about what he just saw, he kept on tapping his fingers on the starring wheel and rubbing his chin, I could tell he was bothered, but I couldn't tell what bothered him, I wanted to help, but didn't know how, so I asked.
"Is everything OK? He  turned, " sure..sur...sure, he said yes but it was obvious he lied, Ralph" I called his name, he sighed, finally turning to face me, "you have like a protective verge protecting you, its so strong that even if you tried to hurt yourself, you wouldn't be  able to,  that means the only way to stop the demon is if we help you to change your mind,
" oh , your scared, I didn't want him to hear that, but unfortunately he did.
He stopped the car, parked it at the side of the road, 'listen, Anna, am not scared of you, 'but am not human, I would soon turn into a retched monster that's going to shred you into pieces, and kill everyone you love, its my destiny, and you can do nothing about it, I said that without realizing that tears had dropped from my eyes until Ralph used the tips of his fingers to wipe them away, you are not a monster Anna, yes its your destiny, then write a new one, don't let someone else write it for you, cause its yours to own.
He starred me in the eyes, wiped my tears, then turned to the steering wheels.

He took a turn on dry land that eventually lead to to the ocean. The ocean, it was beautiful.
The stars and moon reflected off the sea.
it was magnificent.
It was as if he took me to a completely different ocean.
it was different.
cause he was there.

OK really sorry guys I couldn't find the perfect title for this part of the story.
This part is definitely not my best part either, but please just keep reading, I promise to make it up you
Please don't hesitate to show me my spelling errors, also please don't forget to like and also comment, every like and comment means a lot

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