chapter 11:

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I checked the timer on the car and it was just few minutes after 10, as we passed through town I couldn't help but remember my mom and brother, I had always tried to keep them off my mind, because anytime I did it always ended up in tears, but although my effort to push the thought away it never wasn't 100% accurate. I missed my mom, I always felt it would have been much easier with her around. I missed my brother Jason.
I pushed the thought away and decided to face the current situation, its not like its anything to be proud of'  my inner conscience reminded me and I felt like slapping her.
The ride was silent but I guess it was because I spent the entire time looking out the window, I hope he didn't find it offensive.

We stopped at ories eatery, it was almost too stacked, for after 10, but what can you say,it could be worse, the stares were directed towards us or should I say Ralph, he was used to it I guess, Ralph was really attractive, but the stares were pissing me off, especially from the blond waitress, without thinking, I walked closer to  Ralph and swayed him around, stepping on his toes and placing a light kiss on his lips, his smile broadened, even wider than I thought, he spun round before realising what was happened, he laughed gently before leading me to table.

He kept on laughing anytime his eyes met mine.
Would you stop already? The bravery that I had had completely been flushed down the drain, he raised his hand in defense, but that smile was still hard to decipher, the more I thought of it the more my checks  reddened.
Anna' a familiar voice called out to me, it was Harry.
He was my boyfriend..... Okay, very close friend, we had kissed once or twice, and he would have asked me to be his girlfriend if not for the accident. We were also planning senior prom together.

Harry, I was already on my feet, as he pulled me into a hug, Ralph was clearly not pleased.
We all thought you were dead, he was a bit loud and everyone spun round to see the almost dead girl, sorry he said waving his hand apologetically,  After the accident your body wasn't found, we searched everywhere, the cops already assumed you were dead cause a lot of your blood was spilled everywhere, so we just assumed you were.... His eyes were already going glossy. He is caring I thought

So how have you been? He asked pulling a chair and sitting next to me. Oh let me see, just that I found out that I am a demon who is about to cause world destruction  and yeah I am at least a thousand years old, and yes before I forget, I'm falling for angel Gabriel son, who I just found out was a prick from start, I flinch at my own choice of dirty words.

Fine, I answer with a faint smile that, that I hoped he bought, he took my hands in his

Ralph coughed, turning our attention to him, oh sorry harry said stretching to shake Ralph, he did hesitate, but not before I kicked him under the table, he shook him with the fakest smile ever, but gladly Harry's attention was back to me, its been  11 months ready since the incident Anna, you look better than I thought, hell I didn't even think your alive, he smiled.
So were do you stay now? College? Boyfriend? He asked that looking at Ralph before quickly turning away, I hadn't panned for the questions so I was completely caught off guard
I...I started, not sure what to say
She moved in with her grand parents in Seattle, she came to visit us here.. He hesitated, her cousin, I looked at him thanking him silently for bailing me out, am so happy your safe, he says again, prom wasn't the same without you.

He was interrupted when our waiter came to us, oh sorry he said, as he realized she was getting impatient, we agreed to meet after our dinner to exchange numbers, and I just realized I didn't have a phone. We met outside and gladly he didn't push it when I told him I didn't have a phone, he hoped to meet again and invited me to dinner at his place after giving me his number and begging to call him immediately I have my phone. We bade goodbye and a last hug before he finally left.

My mood had drastically changed by the time we got into the car, Ralph didn't start the car I guess he noticed my mood swing,

I can't believe a year had passed since I lost my family, I said that with less intention of him hearing it, I wiped my tears when I noticed the cold feeling on my checks, I didn't want Ralph to see me crying, he had seen me me cry enough, but my tears betrayed me and wouldn't stop pouring.
My friends, grandma and grandpa, my mom Jason, I listed, as their memories flooded my mind, he stretched his hands around mine covering mine and taking a bit of the pain.

I was a bit relived on our way back home that is until, our way was diverted, were are going? He only smiled, you'll see, I laughed.
You know you boyfriend back at the restaurant was really into you. I don't know if it's the fact that he called harry my boyfriend or the fact that it was Ralph who said it, but I felt a tight knot in my tummy, but then I remembered his reaction when Ralph hugged me.
I gasped as if I was really offended, 'well one- he is not my boyfriend, and  two even if he is you have no right to be jealous, I said pouting a bit and folding my hands with a sly grin on my face, jealous? He answered with a scoff, definitely not'  he kept trying to defend himself 'yes you were,  you were mean to him the moment you saw him hug me, I faced him this time with my smile stuck to my face, and waiting for his comeback.
He starred and tucked a stray brand of hair behind my ear.

His grey eyes reflected his emotions, that's what I loved most about him, I leaned and kissed him, a light kiss, but I wanted more, so I leaned in for another, then another until I couldn't afford to separate our touch, he stretched his hands towards me, placing his hands on my hip before pulling me unto him

At that moment it was just Ralph and I, Lucifer, Gabriel and every other mother fucker was out of mind, I loved every moment and tried my best to etch this moment into my mind.

Then a light knock followed by rays of a flash light sent my flying back to my seat, it was a cop. Damn it.
Ralph brought down the window, 'I deeply feel you lads should take this home, this really isn't the best place for this'

Umm, yeah sorry about that' Ralph said already starting up the engine, I looked over at him and saw that shy smile on his face as he tries to stop himself from laughing, and I started laughing filling the the car a synchronized tone that I feared wouldn't last.

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