chapter 14: meeting Lucifer

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I sat, waiting for the perfect time, watching the myraid  of stars, planets, and faint fuzzy patches of light as the night progresses.
Its time, I could never be mentally prepared for this, i rubbed my arm trying to ease  the tension that has risen, sending goosebumps all over me, but I have to take every chance I get. I picked my jacket, down the stairs, through the hallway, and through the front door as silently as I could, I escaped. I guess from that moment i realized that the battle -- or the end of it just began.

I walked, and walked, and walked, as far as I could, exhaustion was gradually seeping in, my thighs sorely agreed with me, so I looked round and spotted a wooden bench right under a tree with enough branches to help with the comfort.

I faced the sky, watching the stars appear and disappear, as new once popped into view from the east and disappear below the Western horizon.

OK universe work you magic, you've been on my side through out the day, so common, don't bail on me now. I hoped for the  universe to come to my aid once more, but nooo, the time I needed it the most it decided to ditch me, great. I think am going crazy, or the cold is messing with me, cause am also seeing things, it better be the cold.

I laid down at the most comfortable position I could, I tried not to pounder on all the things am doing wrong, it would only make matters worse, that's if I don't end up running back home. Thoughts of my mother come through reminding me of how she helped me fall to sleep whenever I had problems with it.

"Close your eyes, shut your mind, and let your body talk to you' she said, while rubbing my hair. I could feel my heart beat, blood flowing through my veins, I could feel the fast gush of wind on my skin, the grumbling and swaying of the earth from side to side, the stars  getting brighter, and it all went silent, my body must have put me on mute.

Rays of light penetrated through my eye lids, i slowly opened my eyes to see the source of the light. A blurred vision of smoke appeared in front of me, turning into a door way, with an endless dark hole, but without thinking twice I walked into it.

Ralph's POV
I sat at the other side of the counter, pretending to listen as Silvia spoke about all the cake recipes on earth. She was practically making my ears bleed, Anna should call for me already, before this woman whom I love turns me crazy.

The earth began to rumble, glass plates, cups, bowls fell from the shelf to the fall breaking and splattering everywhere, the gushing wind from outside loud enough for us to hear as it penetrated through our sound proof walls.

My heart leaped as I looked round and realised Anna wasn't by my side, I ran as fast as I could hoping nothing had  happened to her. I bust in her bedroom, 'Anna, Anna? She's not here, Rose ran in after me, 'where is she? She asked

'They took her' it was the only explanation my brain could come up with, 'maybe she feel asleep'

Why weren't you here? Rose asked, I could see the blame in her eyes, but I wouldn't blame her, she was right were was I. 'She told me she had something for me, a present, she asked me to leave'
Present, what present, for what?
I have no idea' I assured her
'Something's wrong, she wouldn't just fall asleep, she's smarter than that' Rose said clearly unsure of something.

'Yeah, whatever it is am going to get her' I informed her cause I wasn't up for any of her opinions, so I rushed out.

'Are you out of your mind? She asked running after me, 'you can't go to hell' her screams were pissing me off, but I wasn't in the mood to argue with her, 'so what do you want to do waltz right into hell and tell them to give Anna back to you, it ridiculous and you know that, they would practically have the place on lock down' she said screaming, running after me trying to convince me,
'Listen to me, I won't stay here and wait for them to turn Anna into a puppet, I would get her, even if.....

What's the noise about? A husky sleepy voice echoed through the living room and through our conflict. Sam.

Anna's gone' Rose calmly answered. Mum, dad and the others just joined, right in time for the commotion
"Hmm, finally' his reaction got me worried. His reaction hurt me, cause I felt he didn't care about Anna, I kinda knew it before, but it still hurts.
Sam stop it' mom yelled at him
Finally, I mimic him, is that all you have to say?, Anna is gone, they took her and your happy about it
'Or she ran away' he chipped in

how could he even say that
'What, what are talking about, why would she do that? He was definitely not sane, 'didn't you feel the earthquake? I said trying to pull him up with one last reason, 'it could have been a normal earthquake' he said still not getting me.
'You know what, am done talking to both of you, open the gates', I said as calmly as I could, I knew it won't last,
Open the gates!! I growled at her, my eyes already blood shot, every cell, every fiber, every muscle pushed to force her to open the portal, even if it means strangling her. I attacked. But was too late when Jacob distracted me, but he wasn't fast enough, I grabbed him by the neck, the little angelic side of me begging not to snap his neck, I flung him away before I'll do something I regret.

'Open the gates' my voice, almost a whisper, but the mordacious tone definitely put her on track, she stepped backwards, giving her self distance from us, with a look on her face telling me I'll regret my actions, but I couldn't care less about what is right.

What's happening? Open the damn gates' I yelled for the fifth time now, my patients was running really thing, I feared the worst, and it was about to come to pass.

The portals are closed'

What, no, no, it can't be, she's stuck there alone, we have to do something. Every word I say bites, stings at me, I was hurting deeply hurting. Cold wetness stained my cheek without even me noticing.

A hand stretched toward me rubbed my shoulder, trying to put me at ease, I smacked it away, without even knowing who it was, I don't deserve it, I failed her, I failed everyone.

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