chapter 16: it was all a lie

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The angels were ready to help, I could suspect something fishy,but who gave a fuck. She was in danger and that's the only thing my mind could decipher.

We can only give you a few minutes, you can grab her before we bring you back, it can only be done once" he said warning clear in his voice.

Anxiety crept through me, I couldn't help but fear I was too late, the last thing I wanted was for her to think I never cared about her, I want her to know I truly do love her.

I closed my eyes, expecting the worst when I open my eyes. The darkness was longer than I expected although it was just what I needed, the ecstasy increased but so did the terrifying veneration.

Rays of light hit my eyes, rays that I could tell were not coming from the sun that I knew of, I took deep breath's, thanking God the gates were left opened and no guards, apparently I hadn't gotten enough time for myself, I took more deep breath's not wanting to waste more time.

The walls grew more narrow as I raced my way through, fighting off the guards without getting caught, I ran to a stop, when the door besides me sung open.


Shivers ran down my spin at the unbelievable sight in front of me, she stood with Lucifer right besides her, although she tried to hide it I had seen it though, it was brief, but was still there, that excitement, that love she has for me, before she clouded them with emotions I couldn't decipher or even believe.


I called, making my self believe she didn't see me. Her eyes were cold as ice as I watched her fist clench,
Anna, what has he done to you? I asked assuring my self she was still in front of me, most things are best don't on impulse I told myself as I walked to her and  grabbed her by the arm.

Invincible flames consumed me as I felt the burn all over me, it was a pain i had experienced before, but never with this grave look in her eyes. Her teeth clenched as she tortured me more and a drop of tear brought her crumbling down, she swung her head aside but not fast enough for me to see the emotions she wanted deeply buried.

She let me go, wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

'Stay away from me Raphael' the tone at which she used hurt way more than the fire.

Anna listen" I begged "what ever he told you was a lie, please come with it and we'll settle all of it' tears had found there way to the surface, so did my nightmares, 'please we have to go now' I stepped forward hoping she would budge but she didn't.

" you lied to me" she wiped her eyes again, "you always wanted me dead"

Her words were unbelievable.

"What? Who you told you that? I would never want you dead, I love you and you know it.

Then why did you do it? Her tears were back, but with more pain and a silent deadly pace. Do what? The answer to this question terrified me even before she responded.

"You killed my family, you killed my family as part of your practical, to know if I'll die, you took everything from me'

Her screams were back.

What I dreaded the most stared me in the face, my worst fears all attacking, without mercy. I could say nothing. She wasn't completely wrong, but wasn't right either. How the fuck would I get her to believe me in just one minute.

I ran my fingers through my hair, a habitual manner.
Anna, please listen" I tried pleading "its not what you think" her tears tried up, and her eyes widened, "so you really did kill my family? It was more of a saying to herself than a question.

Anna's POV

His admission killed me, the ready numb part in me died, I couldn't take anymore, I watched him plead, but everything looked like a joke, he took my family, so whatever we had, was no longer existing.

Anna" he called, my heart ached from hearing him say my name for the hundredth time now.

He was fading away, "Anna please take my hand' his hand was stretched towards me, " his going to keep you captive here, I can help you, we can help you"

His mention of "we" triggered a deep void of hatred, so he still thinks am naive , "I rather stay in captivity with him, than leave in a bed of lies".

I turned and left. My harsh words surprised me as much as it did him, but he deserved it, he deserved worse, if could hurt him the way he did me, I would.

He ran towards me, a part of me wanted to turn and grab him, a part of me wanted to wipe his face dried even if mine was bleeding, but that was the naive part of me, the part which he advantage of took of. But it won't happen again. Without turning back, I walked until his voice disappeared into the deep.

Sorry for the short chapter guys, I solemnly promise to make it up to you.

So what do you think about Anna's change?
Do you think they will get back together?
And finally do you think Silvia was right?
Please don't forget to like and comment,💝

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