chapter 8: Horizon

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Sorry guys for taking so long, I've had a lot to do, I still have my exams going on and all, so I had to just waste a little time.
Hope you enjoy this part, I hope its not much on the blah side.
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Morning came, but my eyes still couldn't shut, I was terrified, it felt the moment I close my eyes, Ralph would get hurt, I couldn't stop my self from thinking that I would be the one to hurt the family. I dreaded that feeling. Lucifer knows they found me, he now knows I have now realized my powers, he would definitely be getting ready to take me back.

I left for the kitchen to get something to eat, I could see everyone was as worried as I was. Rose was doing some incantations, somehow whatever she was doing was affecting me,she stopped once she realized I was hurting.


Audrey helped me up, 'are you okay? 'Yes' she assisted me to the couch,
Eve still had a grudge against me, so she stood up leaving the couch empty.

So what are you doing? I said against the rough feeling I had in my throat, we are......she trailed off as if not wanting me to know, 'we are trying to find something that can kill you before you kill us'

Sam'....what no

Every one looked at him with a stern look.

Its not like that Anna' Ralph said

We are just looking for anything that would be able to stop you, in case we fail, silvia spoke for the first time with a sad look on her face I held her arm letting her know its okay.

So what did you find? Just this, she said waving her hand as a cloud appeared with something like a screen, I could see something, something like a pendant, a familiar pendant, I knew I had seen that before, but were? I asked myself, I guess Silvia realized I was staring.

Have you seen this before? She asked moving a bit forward, yes, but were I did is were I can't......
Yes' my dream, I saw this in my dream, Ralph gave it to me, me? Ralph asked, he was clearly as confused as all of us, 'yes you, you gave it to me right before you disappeared.

Ralph have you seen this before? Rose asked, Ralph shrugged, I don't think so. What could this be? Rose was pacing up and down, she was smoothing the sides of her hair, I guess that was her own way of calming her self down, Jacob couldn't keep his eyes off her.

I think I've seen it before, Eve spoke up for the first time, everyone turned to look at her, 'where? Rose asked, it's the key to unlock the cave that holds moses staff' she said as if expecting every other person to know, Rose gave her an irritated look, 'and what took you so long to say that? with her hands in the air, she moved to the table creating another cloud, we could see the cave with a key hole shaped like the pendant, but couldn't go through, what's wrong? I asked, what ever is in there must hold something stronger than magic, then I guess Eve must be right, she said.

Rose eyed her.

I was joking, Rose said making everyone laugh.

She obviously didn't take it to be a joke , she stormed out, baby' Silvia called out.

So what's the plan? Jacob asked, well I guess we have to go look for the pendant, its our only hope, where is it Rose? Michael asked.

We called on to Angel Raphael and Angel Leonardo, luckily for us they knew well about Moses's staff.
Its called the golden pendant, its the key to where moses staff lays, but why? Why the staff? They both asked, its our only hope' Michel answered with his head hung down, well there's nothing wrong in trying, Leonardo said with a bit of sarcasm in a voice, I barely noticed it not only before Raphael giggled.

The pendant your looking for is around Lucifer's neck... Half of it that is, the other is with your father, he locked eyes with Ralph, his green eyes digging deep into his soul.

They were the first Arch angels, God gave it to them, Lucifer left heaven with his, and if I can remember, he wasn't putting it on the last time he showed up here' Raphael said this almost lost in thoughts, as images of Lucifer's last visit hunted me.

I was silently tormented.

But why didn't Lucifer go after the staff? Michael asked, stroking his chin, Lucifer doesn't know, Leonardo answered.

Ooh, so were going after Lucifer, in hell, to get a pendant, that God gave him? Sam asked rhetorically cause he knew damn too well that was the plan, he laughed maniacally, does any of you think that makes sense?

No one answered,

Listen Sam, Ralph spoke, we know your scared, everyone is, but we've gatta do something, even if it means to die trying, I felt lethargic at his last words. We can't just sit and do nothing, Rose said after.

He nodded.

That was new.

We had to find a way into hell something had to be done, but we were short of ideas, and we had no time, we had to think fast.

Let's take her with us" it was obvious she wasn't sure of what she was saying, she had a faux smile on her face, listen Eve" Jacob spoke up, we can't take her there, its just as stupid as presenting Lucifer with a gift, "and we also can't leave her here, taking her or leaving her both have 50_50 chances we just have to take one and a leap of faith, I feel it will be better if.... She hesitated, if she knows that we will fight for her till the end.
That was Eve right, I had to double check.

Ralph smiled, I guess he noticed it too, heck, everyone did, she walked out, keeping that Smurg of ignorance and pride on her face, I giggled, I still felt it wasn't her fault.

The sun was setting
Everyone was getting fitted, we had no idea what laid ahead, but we were ready, I wasn't allowed to open the portal, cause we had no idea who would be waiting at the door, so Rose did it, she lurched, I tried going back to help, but Ralph pushed me through, it's OK' its always like that for her.

It turned pitch black as I walked onto the portal, I could hear screams, scratches, chattering teeth, nails don't eh wall, it was mordacious, I kept my eyes shut and clung closer to Ralph, I was definitely not ready to see what was ahead. But what was their to do. Nothing.

It was silent, too silent if i may say, but we kept on walking, walking towards the dim light at the end of the tunnel, it got brighter the more we walked closer.

I felt buoyant, it was definitely not what I expected, it was in fact beautiful. Ralph smiled. Its amazing' there was a hint of accentuation in my voice, Ralph laughed this time.

The sun was nowhere in sight, but the sky had red blazing color with a mix of orange, laid in front of us was a castle, an abyss to be precise, it looked ancient, but still it was nothing I had seen, its magnificence was astonishing.

We had to take cover, we went to an underground base, it was easy to find cause Michael had been here before. Were is the fire? I asked , there gaze sort of made me mortified, I arched a brow at Ralph, well, he started, hell is for the dead, you only feel the burn when you've been put here that is, after your dead, and Lucifer isn't dead so he can't be there, but his still the king tho, '
ooh' I mouthed not full contended, but left the topic for another day.

Michael, Sam, Jacob and everyone else, was to go in the castle, while Silvia stayed with me, I wasn't allowed to go, since no one knew the attention I would create.

I stepped out the door, to bade them good luck, we stepped outside. We had visitors, whipids, it was as if they were waiting for us, we were surrounded, but still, we felt safe, they were creatures of peace, suddenly it all went wrong, the whipids changed, it was as if they were trying to tell us something, to tell me something, I was surrounded, images flashed my head as they got closer and closer, Anna, Anna, I could hear Ralph shouting for me, but somehow, somewhat I couldn't answer, a loud whisper escaped my mind, that was the best I could do, everything started blacking out, Ralph's grey eyes was the last thing I saw.

Phew😌... Glad this is over, hope you enjoy it. Sorry it took long to publish.
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