Chapter 10: Angel Gabriel

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I couldn't sleep, Ralph crying kept on playing over and over again in my mind, I was worried but also curious, I didn't want to hurt him, but I also couldn't bring my self to ask him again, look what happened last time I tried.
It was as if he read my mind, he walked in, 'so tell me what I should do to stop you from worrying, I just smiled cause he knew damn well there was nothing he could do, he laughed a bit passing his hand through his hair, he did this often, when he was curious I guess.

Ralph's POV
She had brown hair, brown eyes, beautiful skin, the soul of an angel, she cared, no matter who you are, but she unfortunately fell for the wrong man. He was an angel but a demon inside, he would hurt her, but she never told a soul, she even tried to cover up for him anytime I caught them.
I was woken by the sound of plates shattering, walls shaking, and more plates shattering, I could hear screams, it was the first time I ever heard my mothers voice during a quarrel, I stepped out my room, I could hear them from below the stairs.
I told you never to speak of it' he took a sip of his coffee, but the mordacious tone in his voice exposed him, 'Gabriel,he deserves to know' she said trying to keep her ground, she was trembling but also bold, 'what do you want to tell him, his 10, his a smart kid he'll understand, 'understand what maria? He asked already on his feet the coffee was spilled, 'that he isn't my son, and that am the reason for it, please be reasonable maria' he was walking out on her, 'you know Gabriel, just because you can see somebody's future doesn't mean you are allowed to change it, your not always right, and if you don't tell the truth, I will not let it slide, cause I'll find his real parents, and get this settled.

What happened next? I asked dreading but still eager to know.
He took deep breathes but still he continued.

He killed her. He killed her right in front of my eyes, I ran to my room, as fast as I could, I packed my things the little I could, and left.

He asked for me to come back, but the cavalier tone in his voice never changed, he was a liar, he clearly lied to everyone that it was the death of my mother that made me traumatized, although he never knew the reason.

This happened almost hundred of years ago, but it still feels like it happened yesterday.

I hadn't realized I was crying until he wiped away my tear with his thumb.
Sorry, I say trying to stop myself from being too sentimental, its okay, he said those words, but I didn't believe him, he was a stoical person.

Silvia was listening all along, she walked in and gave him a hug, 'thank you Anna, I have known him for almost half his life and he wouldn't tell me, she laughed, we all did, at least it eased the mood.

I was alone once again, therefore drowning in my own thoughts, my mind would wonder to rough sights like going to meet Gabriel myself and ask for the pendant, no no noooo that doesn't make any sense, I walked about my room talking to my self, he will totally ask who I am and what am I going to tell him then, I just didn't want Ralph to go through this alone, and we can't let the father know that Ralph knows he killed the mother, he might hurt him, I reminded my self....urgghhh my mind was killing me.

We had to do something, anything.

Although I laid under the comfort of my king size bed, under my nicely think duvet, I couldn't stop worrying, just as I was about to get up, my door was pushed open, Ralph walked in from behind unable to open the door since he had a box in his hand, sorry" he said after he realizes he didn't knock.
Its okay, I replied seeing that he had already made himself at home. Not that I didn't like it, just that I felt a bit too naked, but I guess he didn't notice. That surprisedly makes me sad. I really am a different person around Ralph.

These were the only things I was able to take when I ran from home, I thought of burning them but I decided against it, but I haven't opened it since then.

I guess the spiders and cockroaches had found there way in before us, he unlocked the old wooden lock as carefully as he could, I believe he did that not to ruin the box, he knew well that he shouldn't underestimate his strength. We saw a puff of dust as he opened the box, I blocked my nose so I wouldn't have to inhale it. Ralph didn't even budge. The cockroaches scurried away trying to escape from the light, so did the spiders, Ralph used his fingers to push their webs away, he wasn't scared, while me I on the other hand was terrified of spiders, I detests them as I winced back a bit, he giggled a little. I missed that smile of his.

Everything looked old, and surprisedly neatly arranged, it was as of he kept it a secret safe or something.
He also had a stack of letters, there were really old, almost fading. I wrote these letters to my real mother anytime I felt sad, his smile was fake, I could tell that he was sad. He went through the box deeper, his clothes were funny, they were almost white in color, but I guess due to being so long in the box, they started loosing quality.
Cute' I said mocking him, he laughed, that was music to my ears, you should have seen me in these, I rocked in them, he said that with a very large grin I couldn't help bit grin also. But this dark haired boy looked very familiar, I took the photo from Ralph, his state was eerie, but he let it slide, Ralph' his name slipped out, could it be your the son of Lucifer, my lips betrayed me, I didn't want to make him worried. He stared at me, why would you ask that? A familiar voice asked from behind us, we were a bit startled.
The whipids, the boy, the boy that Lucifer gave the pendant, is the boy in photo, I stood up handing her the photo, she corked her head still not understanding what the problem is, what if Ralph is Lucifer's son, her eyebrows raised in astonishment after realisation. Am not sure, but why would the whipids show me this unless its this important, if Lucifer gave Ralph the pendant then where is it? I turned to Ralph hoping he had an answer, but he was unsure, I took the box and spun it round, pouring its content to the ground.

What the...

I heard his worry but decided to let it go until I was done, I checked every corner but to no avail, I dropped the box down, and something fell out, it was a pouch, I took out the pouch, and pulled out the pendant.

I screamed with ecstasy, I hugged rose, as we jumped up and down the room, I went straight for Ralph pulling him to his feet and into a hug, he hugged me back, but I could feel his muscle tense with the hug, Rose left immediately. I felt he was still confused on how the pendant was found with him.

You see, when we went hell, the whipids showed me little boy.....
I couldn't help but be distracted by the sly grin on his face


Nothing' he said nothing but I didn't buy it, I arked my brows letting him know I was joking.

What? he asked that half giggling, your giving me that smile again, I said trying not to sound too childish,

Okay, he laughed

I loved this part of Ralph so much, I'll do anything to keep it this way.

I got everything you told Rose, then why did you.... I tried asking but he cut me short, because I wanted to just spend more time with you. Ooh.
I guess I was already tomato red the time he said this.

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