Get Out Now!

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Stefani POV

I come inside the door from a long day of action  and hear my 9 month old daughter, Sofia crying. I walk into the kitchen and see my fìance , Christian yelling at Sofia. "Don't you ever SHUT UP?"  " What the fuck are you doing ". He looks at me. " Your kid won't shut up". I take a step towards him "My kid? She's yours too!" I shout , which I instantly regret because Sofia starts crying even harder and louder. Then he smacks me  in the face .  I feel my cheek burn. 

I push past him and pull my baby girl out of her highchair. "I'm so Done" I scream at him and I push him towards the door. "I done. Get out of my house and here's your ring." I say I push him out the door pulling my engagement ring off. I threw it at him. Slammed and locked the door. I look at my baby still crying my arms. I walk over to the couch where my three French bulldogs ( asia, koji and Gustavo ) are. 

I slowly rock Sofia and she slowly stops sobbing. "No is every going to hurt you again my love" I say kissing her head. I rock her to sleep and then my dogs come over. "He didn't hurt you too? Did he?" They just stare at me. I get out my phone carefully and start to text Bradley Cooper about t tomorrow since he's the director. 


Bradley = bold   Stefani = normal

Hey Bradley?


Could I bring my daughter tomorrow?


Are you sure? It's okay if it's a no

Stef, you can bring her. It's no problem

Thanks see you tomorrow.


I look at the time and then my daughter. I carry her upstairs to her room and put her in her crib. I leave and get ready for bed. As soon as I lay down I cry. Not breaking up but for my daughter who got yelled at for I dont know how long. I promise myself to always look out for her no matter what and then fall asleep.

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