New York

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Stefani POV

The whole plane was uneventful unless you count Sofia crying for her blanket and bunny.  I was dreading getting off the plane because I still had a ring on the finger to not get  questioned. I felt a slight bump. We are here.

I lift the sleeping child up and put a coat on her and me. As we walk out ,we feel the cold air hit us and Sofia snuggles into my side and neck. Like always the paparazzi are waiting for is . Pete stays right in front of me clearing a path. 

I get into the waiting car and while my suitcase is put in I buckled Sofia. The car drove through crowded streets of.people in a hurry to get somewhere. Finally we got their house. I get out and get Sofia. Grabbing the bags I find the key.and go open the door. I walk into the hall and it's empty. "Stefani" someone shouts and gives me a hug. "Hi Natali, where is mom and dad? " before. She can answer , I hear my mom "Nat, gives your sister some space" . Mom comes in a also gives me a hug. 

Sofia starts whimpering. "You brought Sofia!" Nat shrieks and Sofia smiles. Suddenly my daughter has all the attention, not that I mind. "Where else would she be?" " With Christian ". "Sofia 's never seeing Christian again." I say softly " What happen ? " "Lets go sit down"  Natali suggests. "Well what happen?" I sigh " I came home from the set and he's yelling at Sofia who is crying,  to shut up. I came in took Sofia from home kicked him out and gave him my ring " I don't know which one looks more shocked by the news. Mom or Natali. "Is that it?" I shake my head.

 "Yesterday, I had Sofia with me all day and when I came home, he was inside my house trying to find Sofia. Then I ended up calling security on him. 

Nat speaks first. "Your wearing you ring though." " It's one of mine". "Ma mmama " look down to a unhappy baby. "Kogi" mom and Nat look confused "She.learned say koji this morning" I quickly explain.

She yawns  "I think it's time we both be off to bed". They nod. My suitcase is already there with a portable crib next to the bed. I change her and put her  bunny,blanket in. I give her a binky . I rock her to sleep and out her in her crib. Then I close my eyes.........

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