Christmas Time in N.YC.

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Stefani POV

 "Mama, Mama" I open my eyes to see Sofia wide awake looking at me. "Mornin Stef" I look to my right and see Bradley  waking up. 

I get up and go change Sofia s diaper. Then put her in the Christmas dress .

 "You look so cute! " I tell her

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 "You look so cute! " I tell her. Bradley kissed me . "Good mornin Stef" "Good morning" the baby in the dress squeals and hold her arms up to him.

He laughs and pulls her up in his arms. "Stefani, what's wrong ?" Noticing I've gone a little pale. I push past him and run into the bathroom. Again I throw up all the contents in my stomach. Bradley rubs back with one hand while holding Sofia in another. 

 "Stefani" he kneels down and looks he in the eye. "I want you to go get a few pregnancy tests today. The dream you had may have happened. I nod tears spilling out of my eyes.

He sits next to me and I sob into his shoulder." it's going to be ok " he whispers. I nod. "What if I am" "we 'll go through the options when we get there" "Will you leave me if I am" I say into his shoulder

There's a long pause.

 "No, I wouldn't leave you, I love you" . I give him a weak smile. "Did you put the cream on?" I nod and lift up my shirt revealing my stomach with white paste on it.  

I get back up and brush my teeth while Bradley entertains Sofia. Then we switch off.

 "Stefani Germanotta" there's a bang on the door.

I open it to see Natili also still in her pajamas looking wife awake.

 "Are you ready ?" " Yes, just let me get Sofia and Bradley" she stays outside the room while I go in and pick up Sofia and go into the bathroom. "Ready" he looks up "yeah, I'm right behind you" the three of us go and meet Natili and head downstairs. 

 "Ma, we're ready" my younger sister shouts. Then she noticed what Sofia is wearing. "You are soo cute!" She squeals and if mom was planning on doing this , both of them were all over her. 

I hand her to Natili while mom goes into the kitchen and comes out with dad and a coffee tray. 

"Mama, mama" and I look and see my nine month old crying and holding her arms out to me. I pick her up and go to the kitchen to make her a bottle.

Then I come back out with her and sit back down on the couch. 

The presents are sorted and Sofia has the biggest pile. She holds her arm out to on the top and I open it. It's the French bulldog stuffed animal , I got her.

 It's the French bulldog stuffed animal , I got her

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"Kogi!" She squeals and starts petting it. I laugh and take a picture with my phone and send it to Bradley. 

His phone dings and gives me a weird look . 


After I tell my family that Bradley and I have a.dinner for two tonight and I need to leave Sofia here because the distant family is coming tonight, they agree. 

I go upstairs and change into something casual yet dressy since we 're trying not to.cause attention to ourselves

cause attention to ourselves

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Bradley is ready and downstairs . He looks.up when I comes downstairs and give Sofia to mom. "Ready?" He nods . We get into.a car and get dropped off at times square. He grabs my hand and we weave through the crowds.

Then we stop in front of a pharmacy. "Can I stay out here and call lea?" I nod knowing what he miss most is his toddler.

I go in and wander around till I find the medical section . I walk down the aisle and see a whole wall filled with pregnancy  tests. 

After staring at them for some time I grab four with a couple tests in each and go to check out. 

I find Bradley hanging up. "Did you get them" I hold up the bag. "Ok". 

I take his hand and he leads me.into.a restaurant. "This one good? " "yea" then my phone goes off and I answer it. 

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------



What s wrong?

Sofia , she won't stop crying. We've tried everything. 


Yes! When will you be home?

In about three hours. natili? where's mom? I

With Sofia.

Give her the phone.


She says to text her what you needs to say

ok bye.


 "You ok?" I nod trying to blink the years away. "It's Sofia. I get so worried about her when  she's alone." He nods and we go inside to have dinner.

 "Stefani!" I look up . "Huh?" " I asked you what you're having so we can order. " "Sorry"

 "You're worried about her aren't you" " I'm fine " and turn my head away from him. "You're not. You never look at me when you lie." I sigh " ok, I am worried. I've never left her with them before. " 

"hey " he reaches across the table and grabs my hand. "It's going to be ok? We can go whenever you want." I nod. "We can go now and go out some other time and being Sofia" I nod tears welling up in my eyes.

"Can we?" He nods and stands up grabbing his coat and the shopping bag. I  follow him putting my coat on. We get into  the car and I curl up next to him. "Thank you." I whisper and in response he kisses the top of my head. 

As the car pulls up I get out and go inside. I hear crying and follow  it into the kitchen. Mom and Natili are trying to feed her a bottle. She's the first one  who sees me. "Mama" she sobs and holds her arms out. 

"Stefani, what are you doing here! We thought we still had two more hours." I smile as I pick up the sobbing baby. "I got worried about her and we came home. I think it's time for bed though". Mom nods and I go into the freezer and get a teething ring. "Good night" and I say and head upstairs .

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