Rockefeller center pt 2

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Natili POV

I walk with Stefani who is carrying her daughter and pushing a stroller. "Stefani?" She looks at me. "You don't seem like yourself". "I'm fine, just a bit tired but fine." We walk the about five minutes in silence and the she breaks it. 

"I just want Sofia to have a great  life not have to think about her father. When she gets older I may never tell her about him."

As soon as we get to the center. Sofia starts babbling. "Lets go ice skating" I nod. I hear a squeal as soon as we get on the ice and of course , it is  the baby. We skate for some time until Stefani gets off the ice holding my niece in front of her.

Stefani POV 

I push the stroller with Sofia in it, while nat talks to me. "Have you done your shopping yet?" I shake my head. "No, I as thinking that I could get some shopping done while Sofia is asleep." 

We go into Macy's and into the toys section and starts picking out toys. I pick up a French bulldog plush and add it to our pile. Then we go and get cooking supplies for dad and mom. Since Nat has already done some of her Christmas shopping, she goes to look at the clothes. I go and look at sewing supplies for Natili. 

After we finish we go and sit down at a cafe. I order an salad and then I wake Sofia up. "Hi sleepy , you hungry?" She claps her hands together. I take a piece of an avocado and feed it to her. "Do you want to feed her Nat?" She nods as I pass the plates with the avocado on it to her. As she feeds her I check my phone. There's a text message. From Christian. 

I feel a hand on top of mine. "You ok stef, your kind of pale" I force myself to nod. I watch as Natili feeds Sofia. She would make a great mother. I not one. I let Sofia down before she even had her first Christmas. 

Before I can stop myself tears start to come down. "Can we have the check?" I her natili asking for the check and the food to go. Everything is happening so fast! 

 "Come on Stefani" I hear  and we leave the cafe. 

Then we're home. 

 "Stefani, Stefani, Stef?" I look up " where am I " Mom looks at me. "You're home. Natili brought you here. She said you kind of had a meltdown at lunch." I start sobbing. "I failed her" mom helps me sit up on the couch. "who?" " Sofia, she'll never get a  chance to.know what it's like to be in a real family. To have two parents. I ruined it all for her".

Mom hugs me. "You did nothing wrong, you didn't fail her. You kicked her father out for yelling at her. He's the one that failed her." "Mama !" I turn and see Natili holding her niece. I take her in my arms. "Come on Nat, Stefani needs to rest. I look at my baby. " Mama, loves you so much " 

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