Chapter 5- Who Knew the Devil Wore Armani

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Clary's P.O.V.

Sebastian was true to his word and walked me to all of my classes and even helped me find my locker. Before lunch, he left me at my locker saying he would meet me there after lunch. I nodded before turning to open up my locker. "Hi, I'm Isabelle Lightwood but you can call me Izzy. You're Clary right?" I look up to see a gorgeous girl with black hair and dark brown eyes standing at the locker to the left of mine.

"Yeah that's me," I say wondering how she knew my name. Were people talking about me?

As if reading my mind she answers "We've had like all of our classes together and ever teacher has introduced you." That's how she knows me, thank the Angel I don't have to deal with gossip already. "I know that Sebastians been showing you around all day but I don't see him here so I was wondering if you wanted to come and sit with me at lunch?" 

"Wow, sure thanks, Izzy." 

"It's the least I could do after the way you showed up Mrs. Cartwright. Everybody hates her she practically gets off on making student's lives miserable and you showed her up which means our entire math class will be saved from her wrath at least for a while." Izzy starts walking towards the cafeteria and I follow putting the map of the school I was given away.

We get to the cafeteria and get our food. Izzy asks what classes I have for the rest of the day and it turns out we have all of our classes together. We sit down at a table and soon a boy comes and sits down. I turn to him and have to force my mouth not to drop because he is seriously the hottest guy I have ever seen. The only way I can describe him is as golden. His hair: gold, His eyes: gold, his skin: golden brown with a tan I wish I could get. He hasn't looked up from his phone yet so I quickly look away before he sees me staring and decides I'm weird. I turn to Izzy only to see that she is looking at the golden boy with a frown. "Jace, don't you know it's rude to sit on your phone and lunch and not say hello to your best friend when you get into the cafeteria?"

"Alec's not here yet I know because he said he would be late," He replies not even glancing up from his phone. 

Izzy looks at him with anger evident on her face though Jace wouldn't know as he has yet to look up from his phone. "I was talking about me." Suddenly she smirks. "Oh, I almost forgot. Jace this is my new best friend Clary. Clary this is my adoptive brother Jace." This finally causes Jace to look up so quickly I would've been worried he may have gotten whiplash has I not been looking at Izzy giggling.

"Iz, I think you're supposed to ask me to be your best friend not just declare it and we just met like 10 minutes ago." I laugh.

"Were very quick friends." She replies with a smile so big I laugh again before agreeing that we were, in fact, best friends. Lunch went quickly and I found out that Alec, Izzy and Jace's brother, was Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome, though I don't think we will be friends because he glared at me every time I said anything. I also learned that the boy who came out of the principal's office was named Magnus Bane. He seemed to like me even more than Isabelle did and I decided he would be my other best friend here. I didn't look at Jace again during lunch, or in French, or in Gym, or any of the rest of my classes, because it seems I shared all of my after-lunch classes with him. I was afraid of my reaction to him and the fact that I still felt attracted to him even after some blonde who Izzy said was named Amanda came and shoved her tongue down Jace's throat before saying the should "meet up last time" and then walking off. Jace was obviously a player and I didn't need to like a guy like that. I like nice guys like Sebastian who are only a player until they get a girlfriend because they aren't afraid of relationships that last more than two weeks.

After school, Jonathan picks me up and takes me home. When I walked into the kitchen my mom was getting off the phone with someone. "Yes, I understand and I agree." She tells me to sit at the table because she wants to speak with me and I want to eat so I obey. Mom walks back in with Luke and I begin to wonder if I am in trouble. "Clary that was your school principal on the phone. He called to say he was concerned that maybe you weren't adjusting too well because you are living off-campus and the reason most kids make friends there is that they live with them and I think he's right I think you should live on campus for the school year."

"WHAT!" Comes Jonathan from outside the kitchen. He storms into the room. "First you make her go to this stupid school so we don't see each other every day and now you want her to live on-campus so I'll only get to see my baby sister on holidays?"

"Besides I already made two friends today and it's only the first day of school I'll make more," I start to argue but my mom gives me a look.

"It's already decided Clary go pack your things and Jonathan you and Simon can visit Clary all the time as long as it's not during school hours." Jonathan starts arguing more but I just trudge to my room picturing the man that followed Magnus out of his office in his stupid expensive Armani suit wishing he would mind his own business.

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