Chapter 8- The Party (Part 1)

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Jace's P.O.V.

Friday after school I make my way back to my room before closing the door and going to lay on my bed. Ever since Clary moved onto the campus, Izzy has been dressing her in clothes that make her look even hotter than she did when I first saw her which I didn't think was possible. I really like Clary but I've never had a real girlfriend before, like one that lasted longer than a couple of weeks, and I don't want to mess things up with Clary. Not that it matters because I'm pretty sure Clary hates me. She seemed pretty indifferent to me at first which was abnormal for me but after I accidentally implied she was lying yesterday she won't even talk to me or acknowledge when I'm talking. It's not like I can ask Alec what he thinks about it either because apparently, his new best friend is Magnus. Alec even pretends to like Clary because Magnus does which I can tell because he glares at her when he sees me looking at her but I still don't know what that's about. It doesn't matter though because Anthony Craftwater is having a back to school party at his house tonight and from what I can tell about Clary, partying isn't really her scene so I can go drink and forget about Clary and the rest of my problems. And if the alcohol doesn't work I'll just find some random girl to sleep with until I can forget about everything.

I decide to take a nap before the party and I don't wake up until about 8:30 so I take a shower, throw on jeans and a T-shirt and then text Alec to see if he is driving to the party. A few minutes later I get a text back saying yes and that he is also driving Magnus Izzy and CLARY? What the hell. I really didn't take her for the partying type. Whatever though It won't matter what I do because she already hates me so I text Alec back saying I'm gonna catch a ride with him. He agrees and says to meet by the front doors at 10:30. When the time came I meet up with everyone and head to Alec's Honda, which looks like a car and a van had a baby, before climbing into the back seat. Izzy ends up sitting next to me with Clary on her other side, unfortunate but probably for the best, and Magnus sits upfront with Alec.

Before we know it, we are pulling onto Tony's street. Despite his huge driveway, we have to park a few houses away because of all the people there. We all pile out and head towards the giant brownstone. When we get in the door someone calls Clary's name causing Izzy, Clary, and me to turn towards the sound. "Oh, hey Izzy I didn't see you. Clary look who I found. How's come you didn't tell me Sebastian went to your school?" Questions the kids with a bit of a drunken slur. Now that he's closer I can see that he has brown hair and glasses but with the glasses and dim lighting, I can't discern his eye color. I can, however, see that he is looking at Clary like she is the most beautiful girl on the planet even as Izzy looks him up and down with an interested eye. I also notice that Clary brightened up the moment she saw him and I begin to wonder if this dorky-looking kid is her boyfriend because he definitely didn't go to the academy.

"I didn't tell you because I didn't think it was important. Not that I don't think that you important Sebastian I just meant I didn't feel the need to mention it because we broke up." Clary replies. I see Sebastian wince a bit when she mentions they broke up but Clary obviously doesn't. I guess that's why they seemed so close on the first day because they already knew each other.

"Whatever let's dance Clary," suggests Simon making Clary and Izzy laugh before following him into the big crowd of people. I head in the opposite direction heading towards the kitchen where I knew the drinks would be. Sure enough, I found them along with a very pretty girl who was pouring tequila shots. When she asked if I wanted some I said yes and kept taking them until the redhead and her nerdy whoever he was were out of my mind completely.

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