Chapter 23- Not A Date( Part 1)

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Clary's P.O.V.

Today has to have been the craziest day ever. Let me give you some backstory. It's been about 2 weeks since I decided to try and be friends with Jace and oddly it's like he's a completely different person than he was 3 and a half months ago. He's always considerate of my feelings and talks about art even though he despises it. Izzy's still in her odd love triangle but I think she's nearing a decision, I just don't know what that decision is and I get the feeling Iz doesn't know either. But the biggest development has to be Alec and Magnus. After Josie arrived she got really close to both Magnus and Alec really fast and Izzy thought that would bring them together and it was until they had a fight last weekend. It was bad on Monday when we had to witness the aftermath. I could tell both Izzy and Jace were worried about Alec and I was worried about both of them but luckily Josette came to the rescue. Alec and Magnus were much better yesterday and today they walked into the lunchroom holding hands and sat down. Alec looked nervous before announcing that Magnus was officially his boyfriend. Afterwards, he looked at Jace like he was worried about his reaction which immediately made me worried. If he could drop Alec for being gay was he really a person worth being friends with? As it turns out I didn't need to be worried because Jace just broke out into one of his adorable grins before saying, "Well it's about time you guys made it official I was beginning to lose sleep worried you guys would hate each other forever and Alec would be miserable." This made Alec blush and I couldn't but notice Jo give Jace a smile of approval.

After lunch, I couldn't stop worrying that Jace might have a thing for Josette because he did start being nicer after she got here and when I saw them talking at the end of the day I got even more worried. Josette said something that made Jace laugh. She smiled before her face contorted in anger and she and Jace both turned to some freshman boy who I was sure was on the football team. I couldn't hear what they said at first but suddenly the boy was on the ground with Josie's high heel stabbing his throat. By the time I got within earshot all I heard was Jo saying, "So you better make sure nobody says anything about Alec or Magnus again or I'll assume it's your fault and find you and kill you. Take a good look at my face so you know I'm not bluffing. Got it?" When he nodded his head she lifted her heel. "Now scram freshie." The kid took off and Jace turned towards her.

"Wow, I have to say I'm impressed. You a pretty good fighter."

"That's a great compliment too bad I don't care what you think," Josette replies before sauntering off. Jace looks after her for a moment and I can swear that I see something almost like remorse on his face. I can't be sure if it was there or not but I know that I feel jealousy in the pit of my stomach and that paired with my renewed crush from his grin earlier are my only explanation for what happened next.

I walked up to him and before thinking twice I say, "Hey there's this new movie that came out today some action movie that I was going to see with my friend Simon but he wants to take Izzy so I was wondering if you wanted to see it with me tonight."

Jace looks at me shocked before breaking into a grin. "You want to go see a movie on a Wednesday night."

"Well, it just came out tonight. If you don't want to I can find someone else." I start to turn away but he grabs my arm.

"I was just messing with you red how about we make a night of it. I know this great restaurant not too far from the theater." I start to panic about going on a date with Jace and he must see it on my face. "Not like a date still like friends but I'll still pay for your meal because you know chivalry or whatever." This makes me laugh and before I can stop myself I agree to go. He says he'll meet at my room at 7 so we can see the 9:30 show and says he'll take care of the curfew problem.

I stand there after he leaves overjoyed until the panic sets in again. Holy shit I'm going on a not date with Jace Herondale. I rush upstairs to my room and tell Izzy everything suddenly glad we don't have cheer practice tonight. She squeals before rushing to the closet to look for an outfit. After about an hour of looking she comes out looking panicked saying there isn't an outfit for me to wear and we don't have time to go buy one. Suddenly her face lights up before she says, "We might not have an outfit but I know someone who does and she'll make you look great." Which is how I ended up sitting in Josie's desk chair at the desk that she definitely didn't have when she roomed with Izzy and me, looking at how homie her room looks while I get my makeup done.

Her room looks like one that would be in a catalog trying to get people to buy things and I have to admit I kind of wanted this room now. Izzy and Jo ask questions about the not date and I answer as best as I can telling them about the movie and saying I don't know where we are going to dinner. After my makeup is finished Izzy and I start to head back to our room just Josette stops me. "Do you like Jace like a lot?" She asks. I start to panic thinking she might like him but when I nod slowly she begins to bite her lip. "Be careful okay Clary. You're a really nice girl and I don't want you to get hurt because the world needs more girls like you." Suddenly she breaks into a grin almost as beautiful as Jace's. "Have a great time and don't do anything I wouldn't do." I turn and walk towards my room wondering why she felt the need to warn me about Jace and wondering what she knew about him that I didn't.

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